Friday, 29 January 2010


Here is a rant.

You know how I said that the last few days of my job had been good because I was doing what I was good at, talking to the customers etc? Well let me explain more.

I basically had to stop people to ask them as they came into the shop whether they wanted to sign up for this deal to get money off when you shop online. Ill be honest, I was good at it. Most people got 4 or 5 people signing up a day, and on my last 2 days, I found a system that worked well for me. I got over half the target in a 4 hour shift, so you can imagine how they seemed sorry to let me go.

Our incentive to get these signatures was that for every 5 we got, we would get a £5 gift card. Then they said a Lucky Dip. None the less, even though I had worked out that they should give me a £60 gift card, I didn't really expect more than £25.

Today I got said card through the post. For £10. With a note saying 'Wel Done'.

Lets just say I'm even more glad I left now, especially as they cant even spell.

Rant over.

<3 x

Monday, 25 January 2010

Job ...ful?

New design. You like?

About six months or so ago, I heard about a new fledgling idea for a TV show due to my YouTube obsession, and was mildly interested, thinking how awesome it would be to get involved. I immediately dismissed the idea as I decided it just would never happen, even if I had finished Uni by the time it got underway. None the less, I followed the progress of said TV show with interest.

However, when I had handed in my notice last week, I decided 'what the hell' and sent my CV to the email address I found on their Facebook page. A few days later, I got an email back telling me my CV was impressive (that's just name dropping BEING HUMAN, but hey, I'm not complaining) and to get in contact with the costume designer. This I did, and he basically told me I am just what he needs!

THIS IS VERY EXCITING! I'm hoping its going to be like a springboard, so hopefully more work will come from it etc.

I was dancing around the room for like an hour, only just resisting the urge to call Inki to scream as I was afraid of her phone going off half way through the funeral, and I don't think that would have been good.

In other news, I was at Elle's house and we were looking through all these old books, and in one of them was this old napkin thing. It was like a dedication to people who died in a mining accident in Hamstead in 1908, and something about it rang a bell that i was connected somehow. I told Elle as much, and as I was saying it, I looked down at the lists of names and saw my surname! It was very weird, and a bit of a mind freak.

The next day, which was yesterday, I asked my dad, but he knew nothing about it. My mum then told me that someone in her family had died in a mining accident around the turn of the century (from going back to check why a charge hadn't gone off, I mean, come on, what do you expect? My mum's side is supposed to be the intelligent ones as well) so clearly that's why it seemed familiar, but no real connection.

I guess I just have a common surname, but it would have been cool. I'm going to ask around the rest of the family anyway, just in case. The story was tragic, especially as the accident happened on my Dad's birthday, but the man with my surname's body wasn't found until a week later, which is my sister's birthday.

Weird, huh?

Okay, another epic long post. That's enough now.

I'm going to watch the Gilmore Girls.

<3 x

Saturday, 23 January 2010


Yesterday was my last day at work. It was awesome. Well, at least leaving and knowing I will never have to go back was. So I decided to start being productive straight away, and wrote a good ole TO DO list. Hit the ground running on the dream job front and take full advantage of my new found free time and so on.

Today, I completed none of these aims.

I suck at being productive! The most productive I can be is writing lists of what I have to do, and then not doing them, but writing another list of what I have to do instead.

I have a notepad that I keep by the side of my bed. The front is full of my NANOWRIMO 09 book notes. The back is pretty much solid full of lists. And a recipe for toffee apples.

Its like what I do. You know, my thing. Which is ironic really, especially as my sister's thing is drawing maps and diagrams to illustrate literally anything, when I am the one with the Arts degree.

Therefore, my aims for today have now rolled over to tomorrow, but gained a few things I should do on the way. FUN TIMES.

On the plus side, I watched the new Vampire Diaries. Love that show. I know I shouldn't, but I do.

I don't know what the point of this blog post is. Other than demonstrate my lack of productiveness.

Probably just for something to do. This is called PROCRASTINATION, which I am also good at.

Hi Inki. Seeing as I strongly suspect you are the only one reading this, you know what to do!

<3 x

Wednesday, 20 January 2010


Okay, so I go to the cinema a fair amount. Part of the reason for this is that I like seeing films. No, scratch that, I LOVE seeing films. The other part of the reason is that my local cinema is a Cineworld, and I have a Cineworld Unlimited card, which seriously saves me so much money.

So last night I went to see Daybreakers. The trailer looked amazing, the plot looked intriguing, the music sounded awesome, and it generally just sold itself. The film however, was alright. Just alright, it wasn't anything amazing. Maybe I had built it up in my head so that if it wasn't absolutely spectacular, I would be disappointed, which is probably true.

Don't get me wrong, it was still good, and far from the worst film I have ever seen. some of the effects were good, and the plot was an interesting twist to the 'vampires here, vampires there, vampires every-effing-where' fashion that seems to be circulating at the moment. There was gore, there were jumps (which I do not enjoy, I hide when I know one is coming, and still jump anyway, but if I was watching the screen I know full well I would probably scream) there was action, there was a small hinted-at romantic sub plot, and there were men in uniform.

But Vampires having golden eyes? Isn't that a bit twilight-y? And don't even get me started on the positioning of the bite marks. IT MAKES NO SENSE.

To be honest, the whole thing came out far more amusing that was probably intended as my friend, Linzi, was sitting beside me practically wetting herself with laughter for the majority of it. But that isn't so much a reflection on the film as on Linzi.

None the less, I'm glad I saw it, and I will probably get it on DVD, but I wont hurry back to see it at the cinema.

Hmm, mini review there. Interesting. Maybe more to come ... who knows ...

<3 x

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

I Like People

Am I the only person in retail who LIKES the customers?? Hmmm, I think I probably am.

You hear all these horror stories of the customers from hell, who scream and shout and are super rude and whatnot, but I have worked in one shop or another for the majority of my working life and NEVER HAD A BAD CUSTOMER.

OK sure, you get the weird ones, and the ones who aren't very polite, or a bit too polite, but that's just society in general I guess.

The reason I say all this, I hear you ask (well, at least I do in my head ...) is that today, at work, it was ... well alright. Which is a first. I mean, I'm leaving to get away from the place as soon as possible, and today has been the first day of 3 months or whatever where I haven't absolutely despised it.

Today I was just talking to the customers, I barely had to talk to anyone else that worked there (which is a very good thing), and as a result, I did my job well. Which is a very good feeling as I normally just fluff my way through work in this place, and I like being good at what I'm doing.

People are nice when you are nice to them, and I like being nice.

The point then of this post is that I like people. Here is to betting next post will be about a bad customer and how much I hate people.

<3 x

Saturday, 16 January 2010


Hello! Welcome to my first blog!

I have been a long time reader of blogs, but never had my own until I thought, 'Hey, why not?' so here we are.

A little background to me, I'm 21, just graduated with a degree in Costume (yeah I know, its a bit ... umm ... different) and am currently searching oh-so-desperately for my dream job in TV and Film.

So, I guess I'll let you know how that goes.

Oh yeah, and I also very recently did something quite stupid, but something none the less I cannot regret.

I quit my job yesterday.

Yeah. My only source of income, even if it was something completely unrelated to my career and had no benefits to my life whatsoever other than a small dollop of money into my account.

BUT with every door that closes a window opens, as yesterday I also got a small part time job that will at least keep my head above the water of having no rent, so its all good! Now at least I can fully concentrate on getting my DREAM JOB :)

I'll update this blog with any news I have, and also anything random or what have you that I feel the need to share. While I realise very few people will actually ever read this, and that its probably not very interesting, I hope anyone that does enjoys it. So thanks for reading :)

<3 x