Saturday, 29 January 2011

Old Obsessions Die Hard

Just a quick post to share something that nobody but me really gives a crap about.

Remember when I said a few posts ago that I would try and turn craft into my new obsession seeing as my old one seems to be dying out? Well, dear blog reader, I must inform you that apparently I am not apparently ready to fully let go of my manga/anime obsession yet, apparently. Having finally got up to date with Shinobi Life, I've started on Barajou no Kisu, and now feel as sucked in as ever.


<3 x

Films: 34

Monday, 24 January 2011

Hello, My Name is Heather and I'm Addicted to Blogs

I have been spending a lot of time on the CB blog as of late, redesigning and whatnot, so thought I should give this one a bit of love. Obviously nothing at all to do with the fact that I have to go and pick up my Avon books and its looking a bit grim out there. Nothing at all. Ahem. So, have you been feeling all lonely and neglected, dear blog? Missing your regular dosage of emotional vomit or textual diarrhoea?

No, I thought not.

So, whats been going on in my world, my imagination hears you cry? Not a lot, really. I'm  really going to have to start doing new and interesting things, I think.

Things at home have been pretty stressed and shitty since Christmas, but its slowly starting to get better now, so fingers crossed. Its mostly been down to redecorating the bathroom and my fathers lacking work ethic, which has had a negative impact on my mother, putting her in a foul mood, which has impacted on the rest of the house. It been a bit of a vicious circle really, but last night, the bath finally got sealed and the shower re-fittted, so now we just have the sink taps to go in, and to buy and put up a new cabinet, and its pretty much all done and shiny!

I applied for what seems like an awesome job at Warwick Castle as the Costume, Uniform and Staging Coordinator, which will be ideal for me if I get it. I always knew that getting a job in Costume was going to be tough, and a permanent one almost impossible, but something like this, that's full time and permanent, mixes history with costume AND gets me into numerous attractions for free is a rare opportunity that I really don't want to miss out on. I'll keep you posted, but you can read the job description here if you so desire in the mean time. Perfect, huh??

I have also taken on four new roads to Avon. I applied for it weeks ago, but they have only just got back to me. I'm going to start canvasing them this week, so hopefully I'll get a few more sales and make a consistent amount of profit rather than loads one campaign and none the next. My mother reckons I should give it up, that its too much time, effort and money to be worth it, but at the end of the day, I like getting the books and ordering the products. I'm not so good with the motivation in going out and doing my drop offs, pick ups or deliveries, but once I get out there, I'm fine. I think I'm going to make up an offer too, something like spend over £20 and get a free gift, just to try and boost my sales. Oooh, I also set up an Avon blog (YES I HAVE A BLOGGING PROBLEM) in which I intend to review Avon products. The main reason behind this is there have been a few products that I have really adored and wanted to share with people, and a few products that I have been really disappointed with, and I decided what better way to share my opinions on the products I have to sell than through the Avon Community itself. I haven't posted anything yet, and I don't know whether I ever will, but just to let you know, and I'll keep you posted.

I might redesign this blog. I really liked doing the CB one, and it looks so cute now! I don't know what to do though, a theme isn't so easy to choose for this blog than in is for one about baking!

I had better go pick up all my Avon orders now .... I'm going to predict 3 orders ....

<3 x

Films: 31

Tuesday, 18 January 2011


I like new movies,
Like Tron: Legacy,
I never saw the first one,
But that's just me.

I can be mildly abusive,
I'm a date that is cheap,
I don't go out on weekends,
But that's just me.



Films: 25

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Like totally, Dude

I have been trying to find something worthwhile to blog about all week, and coming up completely blank, but this evening, I was watching a TV Documentary which really rang true to me, and I could identify myself within the subjects.

Disturbingly, this documentary was on the effects of drugs, and I found myself comparable to the people who were stoned.

People have always told me I see the world out of different eyes, which I have always discounted to some extent as I am sure everyone sees the world slightly differently. I have on occasion surprised people by being stone cold sober when they believed me to be drunk, having to explain that I'm just like this naturally as alcohol does very little to me except make me sick. I know I'm immature and a dork, and I am fully aware I am not like normal people my age, preferring sit at home, go exploring or bake cakes instead of getting drunk.

On the documentary, a group of stoned teenagers were wandering around a wood. My mother turned to me and said 'This is why you shouldn't go walking in woods!', and I realised that these kids were doing what my friends and I have done so many times before just for the sake of it, but the documentary was putting it down to them being high. They liked the sun rays through the trees because they were stoned. They went off the paths and through the bushes because of the drugs. They became paranoid that someone was following them because they were high.

In another study, a man was asked a series of questions, and the documentary put him getting the Prime Minister wrong down to the joint he had just smoked. I'd had to ask my parents just the other day who the PM was because I couldn't remember.

So, from this we can draw one of two conclusions:

1) Their argument is flawed; they were simply blaming the effect of drugs on completely normal things. Some people like walking in woods and noticing the sun rays, exploring off the beaten track. Some times strange men wearing anoraks following closely behind you when you don't realise deserve suspicion. Some people are either naturally stupid and/or pay little attention to politics, especially when the PM seems to change every year, so its only to be expected that it could cause confusion.


2) I, and indeed my friends too, are constantly stoned. Whether we are being slipped weed unknowingly, or our brains are just broken remains to be seen.

To be honest, I'm going for the broken brain thing.

<3 x

Films: 15

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

A Letter from the Future

Look at me go, with all this daily blogging! And not one post of 'I cant be bothered to blog'. Aren't you proud of me?

The other day, when turning my sister's bedroom from a junk room back into my workroom, I found a piece of paper that is either from the past or the future. There are two dates stamped on it; 8th August 2005 and 30th August 2014. As the 2014 date is stamped twice, I feel this must be the correct date.

Now, I'm sure you can imagine how exciting this is. I have a NOTE from the FUTURE. Who knows what secrets from 2014 it will tell us. I'll transcribe it for you, dear reader, herewith, with spelling mistakes and all as is.

HOW IS UR DAY TODAY I AM INDEED VERY IMPRESSED WITH YOUR LOVELY CHICKEN! HERE is a very secret msg for only your eyes ... and ur nose if ur lucky :)
The chickens have escaped and are running wild over the moors, translated: Zoe and Linzi are going on holiday and being let loose on all the locals. Linzi is going to drain all the pubs of alcohol, and Zoe is going to drain them of J2O. Then they are going to go on a random photo spree and take pictures of all the sheep that exist in the area. After this, they will pick a few good specimins and kidnap them and bring them back to Solihull to live here in peace and harmony :) Some of them are to live with Zoe as she is better equped as she has a big garden and a lovely pool for them to frolic and drink out of. Mmmm chlorine! They will have a very full life as the pool is heated, however they will have to live in the greenhouse in the winter as they cover over the poll also known as the pool, any sheep left in after this point will need to be equipt with scoober diving equipment.

Je voudrais une poisson parce que il y a une carte avec mon carne. Il y a une cochane d'inde plein mon pere et ma soeur est une pomme de terre.

Enpower yourself its later than you think, enpower yourself whilst your still in the pink
Consider your elf at home consider your elf one of the family
shopping in shirley is great to do, expect your money to turn to poo.
currys always cutting prices
rach rach rach rach rach rach rach rach rach rach rach rach rach rach rach
hevier  hevier  hevier  hevier  hevier  hevier  hevier  hevier  hevier  hevier  hevier 
everybody was kung fu fighting wahhhhh these kids were fast as lightning wahhhhh in fact it was a little bit frightening wahhhh they fought with expert timing wahhhhh

Shirley, as a place to live. From a prospective of a heather
the shoes are interesting, there is a wide variety of hourses, there are many roads that lead to chicken coops, key indexs date the stamps of heathers roman ancestors to be able to acheive maximum deposition in her local farming culture
Little purple bugs, also known as rachels happily inhabit computer monitors in cappy estate agents offices.
In conclusion, in her time in shirley heather has found thAT THE soil to grow in is very fertile and moist.
It is however not that good for fertilizer, as the farmers such as 'Staples' are mean and make you pay for a stapler before they will grant you access to the prime fertilizer


:)    :(    :/    :*    :$    A face tells a 1000 words''


The future sounds FUN!

<3 x

Films: 8

Monday, 3 January 2011

41 Titles in 9 Months

In my last post, I mentioned how I felt that my Manga/Anime obsession was fading fast, so I thought I would look back over the past 9 months at what I have read/watched, and sum up my opinions.

Yes, I realise nobody gives a crap but me, but this is my blog so deal with it.

CARDCAPTOR SAKURA (Manga.Anime) The one that started it all. I still adore it.
TSUBASA RESERVOIR CHRONICLE (M.A) Hooked from the first scene. Got really confusing though. Team Shaoran!
xxxHOLIC (M*.A) I enjoyed the manga more than the anime for the Tsubasa references, but the soundtrack <3
CHOBITS (M.A) It was alright, the anime bored me though.
VAMPIRE KNIGHT (M*.A) Love it, love it, love it. Still get excited when new chapters come out, but I prefer the earlier stuff. I want Kaname and Zero.
BLOODY KISS (M) Short but sweet.
KARIN (M) Not hot enough after Vampire Knight, and I wasn't a fan of the art, but I still enjoyed.
HANA TO AKUMA (M) Awwwww. I loved this, but the end actually broke my heart.
SHINIGAMI LOVERS (M) Meh. Didn't like the girl.
DENGEKI DAISY (M*) This is awesome. Reading new chapters right now :D I want Kurosaki.
BLACK BIRD (M*) LOVE! Have read twice. I want Kyo.
LOVE MONSTER (M) Love! Have read twice. I want Kurou Tenma, but not as much as Kyo.
YOKUJO CLIMAX (M) Love! Have read twice. I like the girls character.
LOVE CELEB (M) I liked Gin as a character a lot. The girl annoyed me.
MOE KARE (M) Cute, but the characters looked too young to be doing what they were doing....
SENNEN NO YUKI (M) Lovely story, but was not impressed with the art.
HAPI MARI (M*) I liked this a lot, but its not released often enough.
REN-AI SHIJOU SHUGI (M) It amused me greatly. And made me want to learn karate.
SUKI-TTE LI NA YO (M*) Sweet, but I find it slow.
BEAST MASTER (M) I have nothing to say about this one, it was OK.
KYOUSOU HEAVEN (M) I enjoyed, and will probably re-read.
AKUMA NO EROS (M) I enjoyed, but wouldn't re-read.
REIMEI NO ARCARNA (M*) Predictable, but enjoyable. The setting reminded me of Tsubasa a bit.
HONEY X HONEY DROPS (M*.A) Manga was awesome, anime sucked.
HAOU AIREN (M) I cried like a baby at the end.
MITSUIRO DEVIL (M) Ummmm... I cant remember what this was about.
MIDNIGHT CHILDREN (M*) I don't remember much about this one either.
ASURA (M*) This had such promise, but disappeared after like 2 chapters
KAIKAN PHRASE (M) Good, but didn't hold me consistently.
KISS X SIS (M*.A) I'm too western for this. The twin sisters are in love with their step brother. Yeah.
FUTARI ECCHI (M) Bored me and didn't like the art.
KAICHOU WA MAID-SAMA (M*.A) Love this so much. I want Usui Takumi.
MOTTO OSHIETE (M) Didnt stand out. From a selection of shorts with the next few, I think.
SHOUNEN NO SUSUME (M) I haven't a clue what this was.
FASTER THAN A KISS (M*) Soooo cute ... if not a bit wrong. I mean, she's married to her teacher.
OURAN HIGH SCHOOL HOST CLUB (A) Easy watching but didn't really hook me.
WATASHI NI XX SHINASAI (M*) Ok, not a fan of the art though.
SHINOBI LIFE (M*) If I ever finish it, I'll let you know...

* = ongoing.

I guess what I have realised from writing this post is that the manga/animes that I have enjoyed the most are the ones where I fell in love a little bit with the main character. The Japanese just portray their male heroes to be so ... cool. I literally have no other way to describe it. I wish real guys were like that. Sigh.

<3 x

Films: 7

Sunday, 2 January 2011

Welcome to 2011

Happy New Year and all that jazz!

I'm not a huge believer in the whole 'New Year's Eve' thing; maybe because I've never been that much of a party-er, or that I don't like to conform to society's expectations, but most likely because I'm just plain lazy. None the less, I do believe strongly in New Year's Resolutions. I guess its something I'm a little obsessed with. I have to start new things at the beginning, whether its beginning of a week, month or year, and I convince myself that by doing so is the only way I will succeed.

Now, I'm sure that one of my first posts was a New Year's Resolution sort of thing, and there have been many other posts during the last year that were meant to serve as a kick up the bum to achieve my aims. Whether or not they worked (unlikely, regrettably) I do like documenting what is going through my head, so what follows are my Resolutions for 2011.

I'm so sick and tired of doing the same things all the time; always going to the same places, eating the same meals, baking the same things for the cake brigade, etc. I just want to shake things up a little, make life a little less monotonous. I'm going to say 'yes' more, and be a bit more adventurous.

This may seem a little ridiculous, as I can be quite girly as it is, but I just want to look after myself a little better. I'm going to drink more water to get rid of those bloody headaches and improve my complexion, use face masks and moisturisers to make my skin look better, and exercise little and often to improve my health and how I feel about myself. I'm going to wear more dresses and skirts rather than living in my jeans all the time, and do more make up than just mascara. I was about to write 'sleep more' but as its nearly 4am as I write this, I feel hypocritical.

I like to think I have a pretty solid plan now on how I am going to earn some money, starting with a website and maybe an etsy store to gather customers. I feel that my manga/anime obsession is fading fast, so I'm going to try and get obsessed with crafts before something else that is less beneficial to my finances can sneak in, like learning the didgeridoo, or model aeroplane building.

I do cook on regular occasion, and when I do clean, I make sure it is done well, but I don't do it enough. I'm going to cook more varied meals (see point 1), and try to keep the house in a better state. I feel the best way to do this would be to lock my father in the shed with the rowing machine, but while this would likely make everyone happier, its not really feasible, so I'll just have to tidy up after him. Men.

Yes, I am aware that I do this more than most I know already, what with twitter and the blogs, and dailybooth to a lesser extent, and tumblr and facebook even less, but I'm starting a diary too. Just for the mundane everyday things, like 'went to cinema' or 'tidied room', and what films I watched. I might keep a counter at the end of this blog actually. I liked having a counter at the end of my blogs. On a related note, I want to blog more, on both here for my emotional shit and general blah blah blahing, but also on tumblr for anything that I find that I want to share. Ive linked everything to feel free to stalk me if you aren't already. I figure if you are reading this, it cant really get any more personal.

I was just told by my mother to go to sleep or I wont be able to go to Hatton in the morning, and as I don't want to miss out on fudge, I'm going sign off here.

Wish me luck with all my resolutions, and good luck with yours!

<3 x