Saturday 30 April 2011

Completion of BEDA April 2011!

This is another iPhone post. Just FYI, the reason I'm doing so many iPhone posts over the past couple of days is because of my sister being home, so I'm spending all my time doing the family thing rather than being my normal Internet recluse self.

So this is my final post of April. I can't quite believe I have done it. I can't quite believe that I've done it this easily. Sure, I've had a couple of off days (we won't mention those 'can't blog; eating' posts) but mostly, I've been posting something different that at least I find interesting every day. I've discovered that I quite like sharing my thoughts on the stuff I'm watching or reading, even if my concern not to reveal spoilers frequently causes my brain much confusion and indecisiveness about how much I can and should share. So you'll probably get more of that in the future.

My sister, Jo, her boyfriend, Tim, and I went to see my gran today, and we told her how Tim is going to be best man at his friends wedding next year. A few hours later, Jo got a congratulations text from my aunt saying how my gran had told her that Jo ad tim were getting married next year.


We have NO IDEA how she got that from what we told her, but we are also far too aware that she will have shared her 'news' with at least my other grandmother if not the rest of the family before we can stop her. Sigh. Old people only ever hear what they want to hear.

I'm going to go back to my family stuff now. Well, watching tv with my parents while Jo and Tim house hunt online. I'd rather finish Nodame Cantabile or start Hana Kimi, but never mind. They'll all go to bed soon, anyway.

<3 x

Friday 29 April 2011

What else is this post likely to be about?

I warn you now, dear reader, this is an iPhone post, which means it probably will be more of a transcript of what comes out if my head rather than an at least partially thought out and edited post. So that's just lovely, isn't it?

I seem to be getting a bit lax at the end of BEDA, but I'm so proud that I'm actually still on track that I don't really care, to be honest.

As I am sure the whole world is aware, today was the royal wedding day. I got up at 9 and put on my prom dress from when I was 16, which still fit perfectly. Then my sister arrived and she put her dress on, and we joined my mother in her best dress and my old dressing up tiara to watch the live footage of the wedding.

... I feel I should clarify that my mother was wearing my old dressing up tiara, not that we joined my mother AND the tiara, separately watching the wedding, because the tiara is an inanimate object and can't watch anything, let alone the biggest national event since Charles and Di.

Half way through the wedding, I got changed into the dress I brought nearly 3 years ago for the Queen's Garden Party, and it did NOT still fit me perfectly. I'm so going to have to loose some weight.

Anyway, back to the actual wedding. It was a bit boring, to be fair. Sure, she looked lovely, and the abbey was simply stunning, but there was far too much religious blah blah blahing going on for my liking. And lets be honest, what were some people wearing? Princess Beatrice in particular looked somewhat ridiculous, earning her the fond nicknames of 'hat twat' and 'pretzel head' from this corner of the country.

I'd like to say I did something else, but this wedding has taken up my whole day. I'm about 5 chapters away from finishing Haou Airen, one episode and a couple of specials away from finishing Nodame Cantabile, so no doubt you'll get the lowdown on those soon enough.

Now that I think about it, there's only one day left of BEDA.

Blimey, that's gone fast.

<3 x

EDIT  Just finished Haou Airen, and now my heart hurts. It's not always a pleasant thing to read, being pretty much full of violence, rape and murder from start to finish, but by God, it breaks my heart.

Thursday 28 April 2011

Sneaky sneaky

I just realised the time and that I haven't blogged yet, so I'm saving this post while it's still today, and I'll finish it when I go to bed :-)

I feel like I should delete the evidence of my cheating on BEDA, if you can cheat, but on the other hand, it amuses me, so I am going to leave the proof of my deception of all to see.

It is, obviously, technically speaking not Thursday anymore, but rather half one on Friday morning. My Thursday consisted of spending a short amount of time clearing my work room in preparation for its return to a bedroom, then going to my Gran's and doing her cleaning, before returning home and cleaning our house some more. So basically, I cleaned a lot today. I also ate a lot of rubbish in preparation for my 'don't eat so much shit' diet, by consuming three bags of crisps, a bag of jelly babies, and almost an entire giant cupcake-shaped Easter egg.

I was telling my sister how I was feeling bleurgh lately, and she asked if I had tried Pilates, to which I answered 'No'. She then asked me what I had tried to make myself loose weight, and I replied 'Eating'. She seemed to find this amusing. I guess I'm just a very witty person, but I was only telling the truth. I decide to loose weight, and the first thing I do is binge. Awesome.

You know how I said I was going to read Hana Kimi next? Well, I decided to re-read Haou Airen instead, purely because the end made me cry a stupid amount. It's drawn by Mayu Shinjo, and I have to admit, I really don't like the style of the artwork, even if the plot is kind of addictive.

I'd also been having a bit of a break from Nodame Cantabile, not because I had gotten bored of it, but purely because I had been using all my spare time to read Haou Airen. I'm actually really enjoying this series. You'll remember I was a little unsure, as I didn't know any of the actors and the plot didn't really appeal to me, but it has surpassed all my expectations. I'll go into more detail when I have finished it; I'm on episode 11 now so it will be pretty soon.

In other news, my sister and her boyfriend will be heading up for the weekend  first thing in the morning, and apparently, we all have to watch the Royal Wedding together, dressed all fancy and eating cucumber and mint sandwiches. I don't know whether we will really have cucumber and mint sandwiches, but that's what we had a the Royal Garden Party at the Palace of Hollyrood House, so I only assume this is the sort of food I should be expecting at my mother's version.

Thinking of which, how do you think the Royal family gets from London to Edinburgh so often? I really cant imagine the Queen on the M6.

<3 x

P.S. - I just google direction'ed Buckingham Palace to Hollyrood to check the M6 was the right motorway. It was.

Then, I thought I would see how long it would take to walk it.

Nearly 3 days. Really? OK....

YOU HAVE TO WALK TO BELGIUM FIRST, and then wander around for about 16 MILES before getting a ferry to Scotland.
Stupid Google.


This, according to my dashboard, is my 100th post.

That's crazy.

That's like 85 posts of pure fangirling at least, and the rest made up of emotional vomit and just general crap.

Why are you still reading this??? Why am I still writing this?????

Because, dear reader, I like to, and I assume you do too. So I guess we will just keep going, OK?

Today, as I was applying my Avon Celluscupt to my lovely cellulite-y thighs, I decided I look like I am in the early stages of pregnancy. And not in a good way. (The good way meaning I am in the early stages of pregnancy with a BABY rather than the bad way of having a pregnancy sized belly consisting entirely of FOOD.) Therefore, I have decided I can no longer wait for my insatiable hunger to subside on its own, but that I am going to have to intervene more consciously.

This is easily broken down in to two steps:

STEP 1: Eat all negatively tempting things (aka shit) in the house.

STEP 2: Don't buy and eat new negatively tempting things (aka shit).

Simple, really.

<3 x

Tuesday 26 April 2011

Now I'm just chillin', feels like I'm healin'

I'm sat with three of my favourite people right now, just watching Mulan 2. Granted, I don't have a clue whats going on because I haven't really been paying attention, but it's just lovely to all be here together just chilling out, and I'm feeling all warm and fuzzy.

Well maybe not so much now, I think the main guy just plummeted to his assumed death and now it's raining and Mulan is crying.

Oh what a surprise, he's fine.

Anyway, I'm spending some quality time with my best friends right now, so excuse the rather sparse post. I may elaborate on it later, but for now, this is all you get.

<3 x

Monday 25 April 2011

All about Manga. Sorry.

I've just finished reading the manga of Zettai Kareshi. There are just as many tears rolling down my cheeks now as there were when I finished watching the drama.

I just looked at a screen cap from the drama, and now I'm crying even more.

Damn these tragic endings! Even though the manga and the drama were so different, I still knew they would have the same basic ending, and yet I was totally emotionally unprepared. Sigh.

Poor Night.

Poor Riiko.

Soushi hasn't got anything to complain about though, he still got the girl in the end in both manga and drama, even if she chose someone else over him first in both as well.

Anyway, now that I have managed to pull myself together a bit, I looked for my next manga. According to my plan, it should be Hana Kimi, so I looked it up and then realised it was 145 chapters long. That's a long manga, so I looked to the next on my list of dramas that I have watched, which was Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge AKA Wallflower/Perfect Girl Evolution. 104 chapters. Pffft, I don't think so, that's still too long. Next, Hana Yori Dango. 242!

I think I'm just going to have to suck it up. I don't think I have read a manga as long as these since Tsubasa, and I do believe that was the first manga I ever read. [Just went back to check, and that was at the beginning of LAST MAY.] Normally, 30-50 chapters seem to be enough to tell a story, even though the most popular mangas always seem to be above 400 chapters.

It just takes a long time to get through, but I like having a manga always open to read on my browser, just like how I always have the next episode open of whatever drama I'm currently on, and at the moment, the dance tutorial for Perfection so I don't forget it.

My ears just popped randomly and now I have a high pitched ringing in my right ear. I hate that. Its so annoying.

(half an hour later)

....It's gone now.

So I just went to start Hana Kimi, and there is a new chapter of KissxSis. That manga is so weird. It is by far the most extreme thing I have read, and it frequently freaks me out. I suspect the name is enough to at least hint at why.

<3 x

P.S. - I may have got distracted A LOT during the writing of this post. Mainly due to finiding out there is going to be a Taiwanese version of Zettai Kareshi, starring a guy who is also in the Taiwanese version of Hana Kimi .... who is rather you can see where this led me....

Happy Easter Egg Day

When I was little, I remember that I used to get loads of Easter Eggs. One from my Parents, one from my Gran, one from my Nan, one from my Auntie, and probably a few from various neighbours or family friends. I would always get a Cadbury's creme egg one from my Gran, just like how my sister always got a flake one, and I would always prefer that to any other egg, because I am a Cadbury's chocolate girl through and through.

After all, I'm from Birmingham, the home of Cadbury. Both my parents went to Bournville schools. Various family members have worked in the factory at some point in their lives. I can almost count Cadbury as being a quintessential part of my heritage, as well as the being the producers of some mighty fine chocolate.

This year, I got two eggs, and neither of them was Cadbury's.

One was Thornton's. I have never really judged Thornton's on its chocolate, as even though it is a chocolate shop, for me, its always been the place to buy toffee. As such, the egg I got from Thornton's was a chocolate toffee egg, and was OK, but nothing amazing.

The other was a Sainsburies own brand egg. I cant deny it looks SUPER COOL, being in the shape of a cupcake, although I wish I liked white chocolate more.

I missed my Cadbury eggs. I missed the little duck or rabbit on the side, depending on how big the egg was. I missed how easily you could split it in half so you could eat some, re wrap it and put it back in the box so no one would ever know you've already eaten half of it and that's why you feel sick.

Interestingly, this post has made me not desire chocolate of the Cadbury variety, but fresh white bread and butter.

I don't think my brain is connected to my stomach right.

&lt;3 x

Saturday 23 April 2011

Tubing and Arson

I am aiming to complete this post in half an hour, so I can watch Nurse Jackie. You are probably thinking that should be dead easy, but by the time I've written, edited and published my posts, I often find that a ridiculous amount of time has passed. Obviously, this has nothing to do with me getting distracted half way through by my mentioning something in passing that subsequently needs further research, such as the spelling of eastern Asian names, or finding a pretty picture to make my posts more visually appealing.

Anyway, I mentioned yesterday that I would tell you about the SnowDome in this post, so I shall. Not that I remember finishing that post ... I literally remember up to the point of typing Zettai Kareshi in bold, and the rest I strongly suspect to have been sleep blogging. However, it turned out reasonably well regardless, so I wont complain.

Ever since we finished planning for Rachey and Jon's weekend away, I started on the planning of Polson's birthday. I decided that the SnowDome in Tamworth would be a good idea as it's something we haven't ever done as a group before, and I'm all for doing new things lately, so eventually we all decided on adrenaline tubing.

I think we all had done tobogganing before apart from Rachey, myself most recently a few months ago on a date, and I'll be honest, I was in no rush to do it again. Tubing just seemed like the much better choice; you are wearing a helmet, you are unlikely to fall off and you don't have to do anything but hold on. With tobogganing, you don't have a helmet, you are likely to fall off and you have to break and steer not only to avoid walls and bends, but also the stupid employees that decided to stand in the middle of the slope dry humping the air as you go past them (apparently signifying you to break).

Firstly, as awesome as it was, I think the name and the safety warnings and the having to sign liability forms built it up to be a hell of a lot scarier than it actually turned out to be. Don't get me wrong, it was really good fun, and the end when you went up the padded slope bit to stop was quite scary if you ended up facing backwards, but the actual thing itself wasn't so much 'adrenaline' tubing as 'a-slight-and-short-lived-rush' tubing.
That being said, I still couldn't stop from screaming on occasion, and muttering to myself phrases varying from 'Crap' to 'Frog it', so that's always nice.

Today, I spent a good few hours making a 6 layer rainbow cake with my two brides (meaning I am their bridesmaid, not that I am marrying them), sandwiching it with chocolate buttercream and covering it with fondant icing, on which I then finger painted spots. Tomorrow, after doing the Easter Sunday family thing, we take it round to Polson's house and possibly set fire to both the cake and the house with the giant firework Rachey has brought to decorate the cake with.

This is how awesome my friends and I are, arsonists through and through.

<3 x


Sorry I haven't been the most successful blogger lately, but not to worry, everything should return to normal now.

Other than this post being late that is ... but lets not focus on that too much, shall we?

So, as you may have guessed from the topics of my two oh-too-sparse previous posts, food has been a pretty important part of my life these past few days. At the moment, I literally have no bounds. I ate an extraordinary amount of food this evening, and I didn't feel nearly as full as I should have done, nor as much as I made out I did. I wouldn't mind, but I can literally see myself getting fatter every day, and I don't need the scales to tell me that I'm putting on weight stupidly quickly. I just hope so much that in a few days it will pass and I can go back to eating normally, and all the fat and fat-feeling (which is worse than the fat itself, the feeling fat) will just vanish.

That cant be until after Easter anyway. I have to eat my Easter eggs and another batch of what Inki and I have fondly dubbed 'chocolate heart attack', which is basically all the amazing things we could find mixed together with butter, golden syrup and cocoa, and covered in melted chocolate, before I can even start to think about being healthy again. However, after Easter and all its associated chocolate and naughtiness is over, its back to slimfast and cereal, and this time, I mean business.

Nodame Cantabile is actually so much better than I had anticipated. I'm about half way through, and while its quite different from anything I've seen before, it still has the same feel to it; namely the mix of seriousness and comedy that seem to be a signature feature of J-dramas that only they are able to pull off. It helps that the guy playing Chiaki is ridiculously hot, and the girl is so lovable in her eccentricities.

I'm reading Zettaii Kareshi at the moment as well. Its soooo different from the drama, especially as the girl is a high school student in the manga and a young office worker in the drama. I'm not surprised though, I guess they decided that someone of high school age was too young for the plot, whereby basically a sexbot is delivered to her door and she is blackmailed into keeping him.

Right .... I am literally falling asleep as I write this, so I'll call it a night. I'll tell you about the snowdome tomorrow

<3 x

Thursday 21 April 2011

Wednesday 20 April 2011


I am neglecting to blog today in favour of making pancakes.

That is all.

<3 x

Tuesday 19 April 2011

This post contains (brackets)

I very nearly forgot about blogging today.

That's the first time its happened so far this month, which I think is pretty impressive. I was just on YouTube (fangirling, obviously, mostly on interviews of Kyuhyun and Ryeowook. I haven't watched any of my subscriptions for about 2 weeks) when it suddenly dawned on me.....

....and that's as far as I got with writing this post before I resumed fangirling (brought about by the need to check the spelling of Kyuhyun and Ryeowook's names). That was an hour ago. It's like an addiction.

It was soooo hot today. I can't get over the fact that its APRIL. This has always been my favourite time of year, and its just made so much more lovely with the warm sun rather than the not-warm-but-not-cold temperature and showering rain we normally have in the spring. All the new things come out in spring; blossom, bluebells, lambs, ducklings .... you know, the pretty and cute things.
Credit to whoever owns this photo, I just found it on google

This morning I woke up outrageously hungry for all the wrong things, which is always awesome. So after I had done my housework (my dad told me today that I was getting obsessive, SO WHY DOESN'T HE TIDY UP AFTER HIMSELF, THEN?), Inki and I went for a walk around the lakes again, and had a play on the swings.  I made friends with a little boy who was sometimes Edward, sometimes Ben 10, and the rest of the time, an alien. And his bear, who had a name that I didn't understand in the first place, so I definitely cant remember it now. He told me the secret of how Jesus came back to life, but I promised I would only tell my mum and dad, so I cant tell you that it was a miracle because he could talk to God. Oh, and he also ran to China and back super fast, which was impressive. Anyway, this (mostly one sided) discussion was followed by an ice cream (and a callipo/coke, and a pack of salt and vinegar french fries, and a twirl). We'd escaped from Edward/Ben 10/Alien by that point, I feel I should point out, who had gone back to his dad. We didn't take him with us to get ice cream (and consequent crap), as that would be ... well just weird. First thing you learn at school; don't steal children.

I do love kids though, they amuse me no end. I think I'm pretty good with them too, bearing in mind I'm the youngest of all my family and my experience of children tended to extend to only those in the years below me at school.

I really hope I get to have my own kids one day.

<3 x

Monday 18 April 2011

Too much dancing makes your legs hurt

You know how I said that Mondays are my best days for being good, whether its eating healthily, doing chores, drinking water or what have you?

This was not one of those Mondays.

I didn't do any of the things I promised myself I would do today.

I didn't put my clothes away.

I didn't do the vacuuming.

I didn't do the laundry.

I didn't do my final Avon delivery.

I didn't drink 1.5 litres of water.

I MOST DEFINITELY didn't eat healthily.

Therefore, today, in many ways, my productivity sucked.

In other ways, though, I was SUPER productive.

In the early hours of the morning, I not only completed part 6 of Perfection, but THE WHOLE DANCE.

Then, in the afternoon, I successfully made Rachey and Inki start learning it too (well, in all fairness, Rachey had started already by herself, but we were successful in that we attempted parts 1 and 2 together. In my head, the fangirl in me was exploding with fangirly happiness).

In the evening, we carried out an evil plan that had been in the back of our minds for months by going to a certain boys house and moving everything around to mind fuck with him.

So yeah, today wasn't a total loss, I guess (*^-^*).

<3 x

Super short post today... Gomen nesai.

Sunday 17 April 2011

12 hours without decent internet

So, about 2 hours ago I opened up blogger's editor to write today's post. Then I couldn't think of anything to say, so I did a bit of catching up on the CAKE BRIGADE BLOG, which was in desperate need of attention. However, my memory sucks and, as such, I couldn't remember much about the meetings I was supposed to be blogging about. Therefore, I am afraid that they all suck.

Not much has happened for me since my last post. I was at work yesterday morning, and then when I came home, neither my iPhone nor my laptop would connect to the wireless, which was odd. It was mostly annoying because literally everything I like to do these days involves speedy Internet access. So I went out to do my Avon delivery, and when I came home, my mum was in a blind panic having accidentally fallen prey to an anti-virus scam thing, and so the rest of my afternoon was spent trying to get rid of it.

Still without Internet, I was left with no option but a night in front of the TV with my mum, which lead me to watching BRITAIN'S GOT TALENT.

Those that know me should know my opinions on these sorts of reality shows. They hold no interest for me whatsoever.

After it had thankfully finished, and before Nurse Jackie, we watched the end of some shit where people were singing on a spinning table, and the longer they stayed upright, the more money they won.

 You gotta love what comes up when you google CRAP BRITISH TV. 
Credit to John Rois, I guess.

I escaped to see how my scans were going on the PC, and while they were finishing up, I utilised the unwireless (whats it called when your Internet is connected through cables?) connection to fangirl a little to get it out my system.

I came to the conclusion that generally, Korean guys are hotter than Japanese guys. This was decided while watching Mirotic by TVXQ.

I hate our PC. It's ridiculously slow, the wireless keyboard and mouse don't work half the time, and you can't really get comfortable in front of it. It does, however, have a bigger screen than my laptop, which would have been so awesome to watch my MVs on if the effing thing didn't keep freezing.

Anyway, eventually the scans came back clear, and I could restart the home hub in the hope that it would make the wireless work again, which it did. So then, I could go and read the new chapter of Kaichou wa Maid-sama and fangirl a little more before bed.

It was weird not posting all day, though. Even though I seemed to have wittered on for ages about yesterday, at the time, it felt like I had nothing more to share.

Oh yeah, and I ate a whole pack of Caramel Snack a Jacks. I hate weekends, I always get so much hungrier than I do in the week.

Today I watched the first episode of Nodame Cantabile. It was OK, especially seeing as I didn't have very high expectations in the first place, but I'll let you know when I've seen more. seems to be down right now which is super annoying. I really hope the site works again soon; I'm not a huge fan of the other J-drama sites out there.

I also finished Toraware no Minoue, and started on a new manga called Koko ni Iru Yo. This is the last manga in my 'same mangaka' reading list, so I'm thinking I'll probably read next the mangas of all the dramas I have watched.

Tonight, I WILL LEARN PART 6 of Perfection if it kills me. New sections are soooo hard to learn.

<3 x

Saturday 16 April 2011

Another rant about HYD

Poor Rui.

He never gets a happy ending.

He didn't get the girl he wanted in series 1.  She moved to Paris and married someone else.

Makino choses Tsukasa over him in series 2, and we all know how I felt about that.

But then, to add insult to injury, in the movie, HE WAS THE ONE THAT CONDUCTED THEIR MARRIAGE.

How harsh is that??

Poor Rui.
I think they should make a third series of Hana Yori Dango. Makino and Tsukasa can be messing up with their babies, while Rui goes on holiday to ENGLAND and meets a rather lovely English girl, who he takes back to Japan and spoils rotten in his massive house with all his money, AND THEY LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER.
Oh, and then he becomes a cop, and runs around in the rain, and his hot partner  ... uh oh.

Rui is about to lose yet another girl. We'll just end it with the happily ever after.

Soooo, next on the list is Nodame Cantabille. I'm really not sure if I fancy this. The story doesn't particularly appeal to me, and I don't think I know ANY of the cast. But it has good reviews, so I thought why not?

This picture had no impact on my decision at all.

Dear God, I am like a 14 year old.

<3 x

PS - I wrote this at about half past 10 on Friday night. Its now half past midnight. I'm not sure whether this classes as a double post for Friday, or whether it's Saturday's post.

I'll just edit in anything I want to add, I guess?

Friday 15 April 2011

Tokyo Dogs

I have just finished watching Tokyo Dogs, and seeing as I said I would let you know what I thought of it when I had finished the series, I thought I would do so while it is still fresh in my mind. I mean SUPER FRESH, I literally finished watching it 30 seconds ago. I still have a massive smile on my face from the final scene.

I ADORED this series. It was exciting, not too sickly romantic and, to be frank, FUCKING HILARIOUS. I have never laughed so much at a J-drama than I did for the first episode.

It was all about a young cop, So (Oguri) whose life revolves around catching his fathers murderer, Jinno. Various events land him with a new partner, Marou (Mizushima), and the two of them are assigned to the protection of Yuki, an amnesiac who was found at the scene of Jinno's latest crime but cant remember how she ended up there.

So and Marou are constantly bickering at each other for the most stupid things at the most inappropriate times, and So would always get the most ridiculous calls from his mother right when the tension was at his highest. I think that was what made the series so funny. The suspense and tension would build, and you'd really be getting into the action side of the plot, with all the gun fights and chases etc, and then they would throw in something like that.

Obviously, Yuki falls for So, and Marou falls for Yuki, and So falls for Yuki but wont admit it to even himself. The final scene that still has me smiling is when So is leaving to go to New York, and Marou and Yuki are saying goodbye. So is his usual distant self, and says goodbye and walks away. Marou, knowing how Yuki feels for So, asks her if its really OK to let him go like that, so she runs after him, shouting his name. Slow mo, romantic music, close ups of Yuki running and So's retreating back. She reaches him and throws her arms around his neck. He flips her over his shoulder and throws her to the ground, in full-on self defence mode, and Marou has just jump in to stop him from stamping on her neck. Romantic mood - ruined. ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS.

The opening was so cool, as was the closing credits. I wish I could show you the ending with the song, but EXILE are super on the ball with copyright, so you'll just have to appreciate it for its cinematography alone. I don't think you'll complain. They are running around in the rain, I call that VERY GOOD cinematography.
Next on my list is the Hana Yori Dango movie. That's the problem with watching things as they are ranked in order of popularity, especially if they are a multiple season thing, such as HYD. I've watched 4 dramas since the first and second series, and I was lucky that they both were next to each other on the ratings (seeing as I had already watched the only J-drama between them, Nobuta wo Produce, before I started the making my way down the most popular list). Its going to be the same if I ever reach the rest of Gokusen, but I'm thinking that when I reach 30, I'll go back to 1 and fill in the gaps with the other Asian drama I was missing in favour of just watching the Japanese ones.

No, this has nothing to do with my knowledge that several of these other dramas feature the talents of various Korean boy bands.

*COUGH*Boys over Flowers*COUGH*SHINee*COUGH*

<3 x

Thursday 14 April 2011

We are awesome friends


I am so sorry for the last two posts. It is so tempting to edit them both to make them at least semi-acceptable, but for the sake of truth to the BEDA cause, I shall leave them as they were posted. If nothing else, it serves as a testament of how NOT to blog, so that's always useful.

On the upside, I am writing today with no distractions. Hopefully Inki or anyone else won't turn up within minutes and I am writing from my laptop, which is by far easier than on an iPhone. Especially when using blogger's editor.

So the past few days have been pretty hectic. Inki and I have spent a vast amount of our time preparing for Rachey and Jon's surprise weekend away, and consequently I think we are both pretty exhausted. We didn't just book them a B&B, we made them a full blown holiday pack, complete with directions, things to do on the journey, information on the B&B, details on where to go and what to see as well as arranging for their spending money. We got an amazing deal on a perfect, quaint little 4 star B&B in the middle of the countryside by a river.

I only hope it's as amazing for them as we have been imagining it to be.
All this planning distracted me enough that I hadn't watched a single episode of Tokyo Dogs in nearly 2 days, and my fangirling hourage had been significantly decreased. I hadn't spent any time progressing on part 5 of Perfection either, even though I already know half of it just from watching the music video so much.

I'm so looking forward to making this video. I think it will be really good fun, and to be honest, I'm just loving having other people to share this with. I know it sounds pathetic, but I have really missed having someone to fan girl with, and I love sharing what I love with the people I care about and them loving it too.

We have an offer of a camera person and an editor to shoot and edit the video for us, which is exciting, but also sort of disappointing. I know exactly how I want this video to be, and I don't know if other people will understand. Also, I LIKE making videos, both shooting and editing them. After all, this is why I want to do this. If I just wanted to learn the dance with my friends, we would just learn it, not film it and post it online. I just don't know how feasible it is going to be for me to shoot a video when I also need to be in it.

None the less, I have all 130 individual shots of the original music video and I'm going to make detailed notes on what each shot needs, from camera positions and locations to costumes and movements.

I am nothing if not thorough.

That's all for today folks. I'm going to count up my calories for the day, then go get something to eat, followed by learning part 5.

<3 x

Wednesday 13 April 2011


Hello! It's Wednesday (properly this time) and I'm taking this opportunity to write this speedy post before Inki gets here, as I know if I don't do it now, the same thing as yesterday will happen, and no one wants that, now, do they.
I still haven't dared read my last post. I have a feeling it wasn't particularly entertaining, amusing or, lets face it, well thought out. Hell, if we are being honest, thought out period. What happened yesterday was literally me writing down whatever came into my head. I bet that's what the majority of my posts seem like to you, just random drivel, but I normally have something I want to write about, and I go over my posts a fair few times to catch any spelling mistakes etc, and more likely than not, remove mass sections where I have either emotionally vomited too much even than normal, or got distracted and in fact written 14 paragraphs just on the topic of Asian hairstyles.

I feel I should clarify THAT WAS AN EXAMPLE. As much as I have a very deep respect for Asian hair, I have never actually got that distracted to write about it. Although I am a huge fan of most of the Asian hair going on in Super Junior's Bonanama video, and Taemin's hair in SHINee's Lucifer video is soo cute. Taemin in general is just cute. I should go back to perving over SuJu, at least they aren't PRACTICALLY CHILDREN. I can happily perve over TVXQ though, they were born well before the '90's so that's just fine!

And this, children, is how a post by Heather turns out after getting distracted if I don't edit it.

At least I was too tired to fangirl last night.

<3 x

It is still Tuesday, ok?

So, this is a bit of a new experience for me. It's half 2 in the morning, I've just got home, and as you can imagine, I can't really be bothered to blog right now. But I am dedicated to BEDA this time around, so I will post something before I go to sleep no matter what. However, I can't be bothered turning on my laptop, as I know I will be too tempted to watch some Tokyo Dogs, or read some Toraware no Minou or whatever the manga I'm reading right now is called, so I'm posting this from my iPhone.

Its weird. I'm not even going to go back and edit this post, I just hope auto correct catches my mess ups and doesn't embarrass me too much with any mess ups of it's own. Anyone with an iPhone has had at least one auto correct fail, right?

What interesting news have I got to share? Not much, really. I still feel stuffed from the curry me and Inki made this evening, and we got a good start on planning Rachey's and Jon's weekend away. My only issue is I want to keep the costs down as much as possible, because even though I want them to have the experience and enjoy themselves, I dont have unlimited funds, and I'm a little concerned about how much it's all going to cost.

I hate having to worry about money. But the only way I can solve this issue is to give up on my dreams of working in film and get any job that I can. I just want so much to try and make this career work while I still have the freedom to be able to gove it a go, when pretty much the only person I have to answer to is myself. On the other hand, though, my interest free over draft is running out very soon, which sucks. I didn't realise how much I relied on it being interest free until I realised it wouldn't be for much longer!

I have now reached the point where I have no idea what I have written, and I can't be bothered to go back and find out because this editor is bloody difficult on an iPhone. So I'm going to bed now.

It's still Tuesday until I have been asleep, ok? So BEDA is still going strong.

<3 x

Monday 11 April 2011

Ding Dong

You know, I have been selling Avon now for 9 months. That's crazy.

My advice to anyone else out there thinking of becoming an Avon Representative? Don't.

The amount of time and effort it takes to get the books out, collect them all back in does not come close to equating the amount you earn from it.

For example, I have just placed this campaigns order. Out of the 20 or so books I handed out, I have received 12 orders. One of those orders is me. Another is my mother. Yet another is my father. And this was an unusually good turn out. And yet, I think I made a total of about £22 in profit. Yeah, Its nothing to complain about; its still money after all, but the amount of work that goes in to other campaigns where I don't make as much, if anything, can be extremely frustrating.

Every other campaign I hand out a total of probably 70 books, covering 50 or so 'new' houses as well as my already established area. Out of these 50 new houses, I have only had two extra orders the past 3 campaigns I have covered the area.

Even after you've dropped the books off and picked them up, there is still work to do. You have to chase up the stray books that the customers have neglected to put out for you to collect, go through the orders to make sure that the forms have been filled out correctly and honestly, deal with any returns, place the order itself, wake up at stupid o'clock to receive the order, package it all up, drop off the orders, go back out and drop off the orders to the people who weren't in the first time, repeat until all orders are distributed, and then start it all over again.

One day, I'll have to work out the total amount of time I have spent doing Avon related business and how much I have earned. I bet it won't be worth it.

However, even though I complain, I still wont give it up. I do like receiving the products, and the clearance section definitely comes in handy. More than that, though, I feel I have an obligation now to my established customers. I have a couple that only order occasionally, a few that order regularly, and two or three that order every single campaign. If I were to stop being their Avon Representative, I cant help but feel that I would be letting them down.

Damn my sense of decency.

<3 x

Sunday 10 April 2011

Complexes (Is that even a word?)

Sometimes, it's better to blog later, because then you don't spend the rest of the day thinking about what you should have mentioned in the days post. Such as yesterday, I blogged about how it was a nice day but I was inside, but then I got distracted and fangirled.

The rest of my day was spent downloading almost the entirety of the Super Junior and Super Junior M discography, except half of Bonanama. Don't ask me how I only managed to get half an album, but I did, and I cant find the other half anywhere other than iTunes, which will be my final option.

I then realised that I had an 'asian' play list consisting of only one band, so I downloaded the album 'Lucifer' by SHINee because I cant get the title song out my head. I didn't even like it that much when I first heard it, but the dance was so mesmerising and now I cant stop playing it.

The guy with the long hair and top that makes your eyes hurt, Taemin, is so cute in the Dance Version when he keeps smiling randomly. Both videos are from SMent's YouTube.

See? Just because I started writing about it, I have had to start playing it.

I think I have a problem.

Just so you know, its not only Asian music and TV shows that I am obsessed with at the moment. I have a serious problem at the moment in that I literally spend hours a day making sure that the kitchen is always tidy. I try to do the same with the living room, but with my father spending the majority of his time in there, its virtually impossible to keep on top of.

We haven't made much progress on my work room since the first day of clearing last weekend. The next thing to do is get rid of the bureau one way or another, which my father has been asked to sort, so of course nothing has been done. I just want a space of my own where I can start making my bags and belts and skirts and start selling them.

In other news, on my latest free listing session on eBay, I have sold 5 items!  I've only ever sold a maximum of 2 at one time before, so now to wait for my £22 total payment to come in! Score!


Saturday 9 April 2011


It's another beautiful day. The sun is shining and it's warm enough to go outside not just without a coat, but also in just a vest top (trousers or a skirt is also advisable). These sorts of days are rare here in the UK, and its unlikely that this little spell of sun and warmth will last before the April showers kick in, and its cold and wet again.

As such, we English take full advantage of the opportunity absorb as much vitamin D as we possibly can.

Inki is at the beach.

Robinson is having a family BBQ.

Polson is getting her pool ready for the summer.

I am sat in my room with my bare legs in the small patch of sun light coming in through my window. Awesome.

Its not that I don't appreciate the pleasant weather we are having. I love being able to go outside without a million layers on. I love feeling the sun's warmth on my skin, but never getting too hot like you do on holiday. I love wearing skirts and dresses without feeling over dressed. I love seeing tiny wisps of clouds in a startling blue sky rather than the usual mass of grey.

But, you know, my laptop cable doesn't reach outside, and even if it did, or I was to go on battery power, I wouldn't be able to see the screen properly.

I am really enjoying Tokyo Dogs so far, the first episode was absolutely hilarious. But I'll tell you more about what I thought of it when I have finished the series. It just makes me so sad that Mizushima gave up acting. He is so hot talented.

I worry that I am a little too old to be as much of a fangirl as I am. I mean, just because I mentioned Mizushima, I googled him and watched two videos of him speaking English. I fangirl over any new Japanese actors I come across, reading their wikipedia pages and google imaging them.  I fangirl excessively over SuJu (I even call them SuJu). Last Night I spent about three hours on YouTube watching video after video, and it isn't the first time I have done it.

One video was an English lesson, and it was so cute. They don't know every day phrases as well as they know things such as 'I love you' etc that they would use with fans. So the teacher asked them to role play meeting someone for the first time, and the first thing that was said was 'You are gorgeous', and then the teacher told them not to say that because it would be weird, and had to teach them about personal space. I laughed a lot. Here is the video if you are so inclined to watch. Its funniest from about 3 mins onwards. 'English Tip: when meeting a foreigner for the first time, dont touch their body.' HAHAHAHAHA I wouldnt mind.

I got carried away. I find it hard to restrain myself. Sorry.

I think its because I never did this sort of thing when most people go through their fangirl stage during their teens. I never had posters on my walls that weren't film posters or kittens. I was never particularly bothered about music, especially the boy bands everyone else fawned over. I never had a crush on a celebrity.

I'm just making up for it now.

With interest.

<3 x

Friday 8 April 2011

Thinking up different titles every day is hard

I thought I would write today's post earlier than the last few posts, so I don't have to publish them half written and then go back and edit rush to get them finished before midnight. Therefore, right now, its mid afternoon on an absolutely gorgeous day and I have the day to do as I please with. So I'm sat in my room with the curtains half closed writing my blog, like a proper Internet geek. Awesome.

I didn't end up watching the Gokusen special last night. I tried everything to make my computer run quicker, but nothing seemed to be working, so I gave up. So I watched it this morning instead, and had to keep moving the mouse pad thing on my laptop the whole time to stop the picture from freezing. The episode was 2 hours long. I think I have a repetitive strain injury on my index finger.

Then, I decided TURNING MY LAPTOP OFF PROPERLY FOR THE FIRST TIME THIS YEAR might help, so I did that, and it seems to be back to normal now. It's still slow, and it still needs to have a clean up numerous times a day to keep me just above recommended 200mb of free disk space or whatever, but I can watch YouTube again without it freezing, which is super useful when you are trying to teach yourself how to dance.

So, anyway, next on my drama list is Tokyo Dogs. It stars Shun Oguri (nice, hot Rui from Hana Yori Dango, not hot Uchi from Gokusen, main guy Sano from Hana Kimi) and Hiro Mizushima (hot Rihito from Mei-chan, hot Soshi from Zettai Kareshi, hot Minami from Hana Kimi, and apparently he is in Gokusen season 2 - I bet he's hot in it). I thought I should start using their names rather than 'the guy from this' to avoid confusion.

Awww Oguri looks soooo grown up! I can see more of Rui in him in this picture, even though he looks totally different.  He looks totally different in all the  roles I have seen so far. Kind of like Johnny Depp. He is the one on the right. Oguri, I mean, not Depp. Mizushima is the one looking a bit odd on the left.

Anyway, I'll let you know how I get on. I'm looking forward to it; as much as I enjoy the high school series, its nice to splatter in some more grown up dramas, especially when you are so used to seeing the actors in children's roles.

I talk about drama too much.

I moan about how I talk about drama too much.

I still dont care.

Still reading Toware no Minoue. I'm about half way through, and I do like it, but its not gripping me. It was the same with Shinobi Life, I really liked the characters, the plot and the art, but I just wasn't hooked. Sometimes I can see Vampire Knight in the art, especially the eyes, but for the most part it seems to be drawn by a completely different mangaka. Its the first time Ive come across something like this, usually the art styles are so individual to the mangaka, but the two are almost unrecognisable as having the same author.

I have nothing else to share. I'm going to try and master part 3 of perfection now. I fear I need the exercise after the fridge cake/rocky road thing Linzi and I made last night. Its a really hard section, but I think I have the arms sorted now, which was my main problem. I just wish I looked as cool as I do in my head.

<3 x

Dude, I never titled this post. OOPS.

Ever since I posted that I hadn't had to rush my posts for BEDA this time around, I have been writing my posts with mere minutes to spare before midnight.

This is proof that saying something makes the opposite happen.

I don't know if this has a name, but I suspect it may be a clause of Sod's law. A sub law maybe? I don't know the legal jargon.

Today was a bit weird, I have felt really drained all day. I don't know why. Linzi suspects it was all the fresh air yesterday. I suspect its because I ate a lot of sugar, and then slept through the sugar high, resulting in a major sugar low upon waking.

So, I did nothing all day, but a bit of laundry, and watching Gokusen. I've finished the first series now, with just the special to watch before I move on to the next Japanese title in the list.

I've really enjoyed this series. It had a lot of really subtle nuances that really make me laugh. Its just the little things, but its really hard to describe what it is exactly that makes it so entertaining. I think its a something that is so different about Asian drama, but I couldn't say if it would work in western media. We take ourselves to seriously, concerned too much about ratings and popularity that we are unable to poke fun at ourselves.
It's funny, though. Remember how I said that the guy who played nice, hot Rui from Hana Yori Dango was in this too? So not hot in this. He is the blonde one in the middle. And Tsukasa from HYD and the pet Momo in Kimi wa Petto who is also in this? So not as cute without his long curly hair and acting like a puppy.

Oh, and to further prove that Japanese actors seem to be in everything, I think the guy from Nobuta wo Produce and Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge is in series 2.
You didnt get a picture in yesterday's post, so you can have two today. This is Yankumi from the titles. She looks so pretty! I really want a kimono! And a parasol!

They do like to leave you hanging though. The series ended with four characters discussing how they would all be going after Yankumi (the main girl), and yet as I understand it, one if not three of them aren't in the next season.

I just re-read that last paragraph, and I feel I should clarify that by 'going after' meant in a 'I want to date and marry you' way, not in a 'I want to kill you with my bare hands' way. Although I feel confident that if it was the latter, she would be more than capable of protecting herself, much to the dismay of her attacker.

I talk about the objects of my Japanese obsession too much, I know. I'm sorry. But its the only thing that really changes for me on a daily basis.

I am an incredibly boring person.

In other news, my laptop has been ridiculously slow today. I dread to think how long it will take me to load and watch the Gokusen special.

<3 x

Wednesday 6 April 2011

I have no will power...

I like it when people comment on my posts. I don't expect it, probably because I don't ever really expect anyone to read this blog, which makes it a really pleasant surprise when I look down and there one is.

I have just found out that Linzi is on her way over, so this post will have to be continued when I get back from our afternoon walk.

God, we sound like we are old ladies.

Healthy old ladies, mind.

I have just sat down to finish this post with 3 minutes to spare until midnight. I hadn't really expected to be out as late as we were, and I definitely (from what I had written earlier) expected to eat as much as I have done.

Healthy old ladies, HA!

We ended up going for a healthy walk that ended in the purchase and consumption of an ice cream and an ice lolly, and the purchase of a chocolate bar. When then went home to make and eat dinner, which was followed by a visit  another friend that resulted in the purchase and consumption of packs of chocolate cornflake bites and mini gingerbread men.

Its not that we were even hungry. We just cant say no, especially to each other.

On the way home, I said to Inki 'I'm not going to add this into my food diary. If I don't add it, it didn't happen.' However, curious as to the damage, I have done so anyway. But then I keep adding stuff in as exercise until I get the result I want.

For example, WALKING. We did a big walk around the lakes. We also walked to the park. We walked around Sainsburies. This all adds up.

Food Preparation and cooking also burns calories. As does the cleaning of all the surfaces I did when I got home.

So, even though I have consumed nearly 2,200 calories today, by the time I learn part 3 of Perfection tonight, I'll be back on track with 1,500 calories.


<3 x

Tuesday 5 April 2011

'C' is a Magic Letter

I hate trying to be healthy. Its like there is a switch on my mind that as soon as I decided to be good, starts telling me I want stuff that I wouldn't normally think of wanting. Like right now, I really want toast with marmalade. I know this is hardly an unhealthy thing to want to eat, and there is no real reason why I should be stopping myself from having it, but I just know that if i allow myself this one weakness, I will lose all will power and next thing I know, I'll have devoured all the crisps, cake and chocolate within a 5 mile radius and begun eating butter by the spoon.

Why do all tasty snack foods start with a 'C'?


I'm also now craving, simultaneously with the toast and marmalade, all of the above things. Mixed together. Well, not the crisps mixed in. They can be separate. I'll add in cornflakes instead, which also begins with 'C'. I'd probably also have the coke in a glass, not mixed in.

Oh my god. I so want cake/cookie/chocolate/cornflake/cherry concoction (basically fridge cake) now, with a side of crisps and an ice cold coke.

This post was supposed to put away my urges, not increase them.


<3 x

Monday 4 April 2011

Still Going Strong

I think I must be better at the whole blogging thing now than I was when I have attempted BEDA before. When I first did it in August, the first three days were rushed posts written with mere minutes to spare before midnight, and then my fourth and fifth posts was me writing about how I have nothing to say, followed by a week off. In October, when I did BEDO, I only blogged 8 times in the whole month, and some of those posts were done on the same days. However, this time, I'm not really finding myself at a loss of what to say or lacking the motivation to blog, which is nice.

Yes, I realise its only day 4 and I have plenty of time to lose motivation or exhaust my topics of discussion ... with myself.

Today I wrote a to do list. I do this every Monday, as Mondays are my most productive days, as well as my healthiest. I did all my tasks on my list. I think being able to tick things that you needed to do off a list after having done them is really satisfying. I look down at my note book and there are lines through everything that I had to do, which means for the rest of the time I can play how I like. Namely by watching Gokusen (which I am really enjoying, more so than I thought I would, and the girl is so pretty in the opening), reading Toraware no Minoue (drawn by the same person who drew VK, but the art is almost unrecognisable) and being a total loser by learning part 1 of SJM's Perfection. I'm going to try to learn one part a day (hopefully).  I just don't want to know what I look like doing it, as I think its going well, but I bet I just look like a flailing baboon.

Ooooooh! I just realised I can add that as exercise on My Fitness Pal. 236 cals for 45 mins?! Score!

I have been trying to include a picture with each post to brighten them up a bit, but I don't know what picture to include for this post; it hasn't really been about anything.

So I fangirled instead by google imaging Super Junior M.  Whoever decided to put them all in furry hats and poncy clothes for the Perfection album cover .... why on earth ... I cant ... I mean, BOWS ... just WHY??

Not that they don't pull it off quite well all things considered. My mum says they all look like girls. I still think they are hot, although I will admit they are VERY pretty for boys.

Kyuhyun (in the middle) looks like a doll.

<3 x

Sunday 3 April 2011

Just a lot of crap about drama and manga. And pets.

I finished watching Kimi wa Petto today. As you will know if you have been reading my blog, its a Japanese Drama about a woman that takes in a boy and looks after him as if he were a dog.

It was a really sweet drama, but these things scare me when you can relate to them. The main woman's therapist (she thinks a HUMAN is her PET DOG, of course she is in therapy) basically sums up at one point in the series that some people find it hard to love other people, placing armour around their hearts to avoid getting too close to someone who will eventually hurt them. These sorts of people tend to form a strong emotional attachment instead to a pet, loving an animal who will always need you, who will never judge you, and who you never have to be anything but your true self around. In turn, the love you have for anyone else will never be able to compete with the sheer devotion you feel towards a pet that will always accept you unconditionally.

I think this is true for me. I'm fairly sure that I never been in love. The fact that I am unsure about it I think proves that I haven't. Sure, I have liked boys, but proper love? Nah. I never let myself get close enough for that, nor have I ever allowed myself to care enough to get my heart broken. The only time I have ever felt my heart break was the last time I saw my cat. I loved that cat more than I have ever loved anything in my whole life, and I probably still do, even though he died over two and a half years ago.

Obviously I realise the relationship you have with a person is completely different from the relationship one has with a pet. If the two were the same, it would either be a very boring relationship with a person, or a sick and perverted relationship with your pet. What I am referring to is simply that it seems to me to be so much easier to let down your defences, whether subconscious or not, around an animal to let them into your heart than it is to do the same with a person.

J Dramas are funny things. The kisses tend to be pretty lame by western standards, and normally always two characters will accidentally end up kissing by falling over on to each others lips. But Kimi wa Petto was different. Other than the first time, they were proper kissing!! Still not great, but from what I have seen so far of Drama kissing, it was like mild porn. AND THERE WAS NO 'Oops, I fell on to your lips, how awkward'.

I was trying to find a good 'accidental kiss' picture, but this long awaited kiss from 
Zettai Kareshi is just too amusing not to put up. 
Don't look directly at it, the pure unbridled passion will burn your eyes! 
(Thinking what happens after this hurts my heart.)

The same actors always show up too. Remember my rant a few posts ago about Makino choosing Tsukasa over Rui in Hana Yori Dango? Well Tsukasa in that was Momo the human dog in Kimi wa Petto, and also is in the new Drama I've started, Gokusen. The guy who played Rui is also in it, and he was also in Hana Kimi. The girl from Hana Kimi was also in Atashichi no Danshi (that's the one with the sauna) with another one of the guys from Hana Kimi, and in Nobuta wo Produce with the guy from Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge. Two of the guys from Hana Kimi were also in Mei-chan no Shitsugi, and one of them was also in Zettai Kareshi. So basically, everything I have watched so far already has a familiar face in it, which is nice in some ways, but off putting until you can stop thinking of them as the previous character.

Oh, and I've finished Vampire Knight again now too. The characters all change so much after a certain incident, and it makes me so sad. I much prefer the first 30 or so chapters, although I just don't know where the plot is heading right now, so I'm as sucked in as ever.

I'm trying to decide whether to start on the manga's of the dramas Ive seen so far, or carry on with my old plan of reading the other works of the mangakas I have already read something of. I think I got to V in the alphabet anyway, so I may as well finish that first. I used to struggle finding new manga to read, but now I think I have a good list to be getting on with, as well as a plan of reading the four suggestions that come up on for every manga I have already read.

In case you were wondering, for the dramas, I am making my way down the top 20 Asian dramas on, watching only the Japanese ones. Maybe I'll do the other ones eventually too, such as Korean Dramas etc, but I don't want to confuse myself when I am just starting to pick up Japanese.

I know you don't care, and I don't really know why I decided that I should tell you all this, but hey, you guys already know I'm a loser, so never mind.

Oh, and I finished my skirt that used to be a pair of jeans today. Its pretty cool. Maybe I'll post a picture some day.

This is a long post, and one that doesn't say anything new.

To sum up:
1) I am single and likely to stay that way
2) I like manga, anime and drama

<3 x

Saturday 2 April 2011

Nurse Jackie & Cereal Intermission

You know, I still can't get over the fact that its APRIL already. APRIL. We are like a quarter of the way through 2011 already. Christmas and new years and snow and all that seem ages ago, but the weeks just rush by and I have no idea where they are going. I find it very scary.

Today was pretty boring, I went to work, brought my mum a plant thing for Mother's Day tomorrow, ran into my old driving instructor (not literally) and had a natter, went home, started sorting out my sewing room, moved what had basically amounted to my entire wardrobe from the floor to hangers, ate dinner, tidied the kitchen, and sat down to write this post. Now my mum is calling me for Nurse Jackie.

I might get some cereal too.

Back in a bit ....

Right, I'm back. I have just read what I had already written, and I feel I must apologise for how utterly boring it is. Kind of rushed too. I'll try to think of something more interesting to write about for the rest of this post.

Ummm.... Oh, I know! BOYS.

My dear Mamma decided today after a little gossip that I should have a boyfriend, and now every time she opens her mouth, it is to ask me what my 'man plan' is, or to make suggestions for my 'boy ploy'. I don't know why I need a 'man plan' or a 'boy ploy'. I like being single.
No, that isn't really true. I tend to freak out when it comes to boys and relationships. That is new and scary, whereas being on my own is familiar and safe. Yet I cant help but want to be wanted.

Gah I have got to stop moaning on this blog.

I'm going to make my mum a Mother's Day card now. Something like this.

Because its Super Junior cute.

<3 x

Friday 1 April 2011

This Month begins with an 'A'

Happy April!

Along with seemingly the rest of the online community, I fully intend to do BEDA this month. Blog Every Day in April, in case you live under a rock and don't understand what BEDA stands for. My life isn't really varied or interesting enough to do this, but hey, its a challenge I have done a few times now, and I enjoy it, so suck it. Not that you complained, I am apparently just comfortable enough now on this blog to insult you, so that's peachy, isn't it?

My day has been fairly uneventful. I woke up after sleep replying to two texts sent before 9 am, watched an episode or two of Kimi wa Petto (so cute, I really want a teenage boy with curly hair as a pet. Not in a perverted way, more like a dog that talk), had a lunch of chocolate cornflake cakes made last night that somehow all disappeared, then my aunt came round. Ever since last summer I have been making very slow progress on a project she asked me to do for her, and today was the first time I remembered to get her to try it on so I could move on with it. I really need a mannequin for size 14 and up, because its pretty impossible to make anything for larger sizes from a pattern book written for size 12 and a size 10 mannequin. Then we talked about my business ideas, and for once she seemed intrigued by them, rather than sceptical, which was nice.

I really have to get a start on this whole business thing. I need a website. Or two. I need a name. For the non-professional side of my business, I mean, such as making accessories etc. as my own name is my professional name for any film or TV work. I have been tempted by MBGthree, as the name means something to me as well being my established online presence, but I am not sure if I want to mix my personal life, such as what I write about in this blog or tweet about, with my professional life. If I am making new products and want to advertise them, I would rather do that independently from what I would otherwise share with the world.

My mother and I are planning to clear my sewing room this weekend so I can set it up properly as my work shop. I have a pattern cutting table and a desk, and I'm going to get a rail rather than the wardrobe, and some drawers etc so things are more organised.

I just wish I had the confidence in myself to give me the motivation to get started.

On a completely unrelated note, are my posts too boring?? Should I start using fancy colours, or adding pictures? Like this, to illustrate how attractive the idea of having a curly haired teenage boy as a pet is?

Kawaiiiii, no?

<3 x