Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Sleeping shhh

Today, in commemoration of the last day of beda, I was going to reflect on the mistakes over the past couple of weeks due to general tiredness that have been left intact on this blog for public amusement.

However, I am too tired to go through with the effort of reading through my past posts, however sparse they may be. My mum just had to drag me up to bed. Im impressed ice got this far without falling asleep; the other night I woke up with my glasses and make up still on holding my phone, having fallen asleep while setting my alarm.

Therefore, this is a half asleep posts about half asleep posts.

I'm going to go before I embarrass myself more.

<3 x

Saturday, 27 August 2011

Spare Part

As you know, I am currently working as costume trainee on a new drama. Part of my role as trainee is obviously to learn, as well as do all the menial tasks noone else wants to do and help anyone in the costume department wherever and whenever needed.

In the past, I have been confident on set because if it's just me, as it always is, I know exactly what I'm doing. What I'm finding most difficult on this shoot is knowing my place. For instance, on my first day on set I was told to stick by the daily, a costume assistant who comes in just for a day or two. So I did, but as she knew in her head how she wanted them to look, I couldn't really do anything but help when she wanted it. I couldn't take control of my own group and keep them in line. Today, I was put in charge of all the Extras, a task that was really exciting for me as I could finally know exactly what im supposed to be doing. However, as soon as I started doing my job, another one of the costume dept jumped in, kind of taking over and leaving me feeling somewhat redundant again.

It's just frustrating. I finally find my own place, finally get the opportunity to work on my own initiative, and it gets taken away from me. I don't think it's being done intentionally, they just want to make sure everything is perfect? Bit it just leaves me felling useelrs.

Sorry, moan over.

<3 x

Thursday, 25 August 2011

You know, I don't think I have anything to share this evening. My day consisted of being on the truck most of the day, doing the little menial tasks that noone else has time or wants to do. Like ironing. I hate ironing. I don't do it normally for myself, let alone anyone else. I think I've ironed more shirts in the past few days than I have in my entire life.

I also had to run into town multiple times on the hunt for strong toupee tape, which proved pretty much impossible.

I'm going to be soooo fit at the end of this shoot, the amount of times I run in and out of town.

Now it's half 11 at night, I've been home for half an hour, and I have to be back out the house at 6am. Therefore I'm going to bed. Before I start writing nonsense or sleep typing emoticons again.

<3 x

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Blogging before bed

I've got to stop writing my posts as I'm in bed about to go to sleep, because I only realise the next day that they make absolutely no sense. You can literally tell the exact point in which I got too tired and started typing with my eyes closed. But I'm going to leave it for comedic value.

I've hit that point already, so I hold no responsibility for what I write.


I'm also not going to delete anything that randomly appears.

<3 x

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Set Voice

I realised today I have a set voice.

By this I mean a voice or manner of speaking that I use exclusively on set. I don't think I have ever talked this way before, nor do I when I'm in a normal situation.

I call everyone lovely.

Now people will know that I use lovely a lot anyway.

'Want a cup of tea?'
'Thanks, that'd be LOVELY.'

'Here's that dead squirrel you wanted.'
'LOVELY, thanks.'

And so on.

But on set, I wLk past someone ...

'Alright, LOVELY?

... If I mess with their costume ...

'Is that comfortable, LOVELY?'

I just become some sort of maternal figure, but not quite right as I don't have the confidence yet to probably look after someone. Mostly I just try and stay out of the way until
I'm needed.

I guess it's not bad to have a professional
Manner, even if it's not exactly in the conventional snsd.

<3 x

Monday, 22 August 2011

Of Chronicles and Duty

My laptop is playing silly beggars again. It won't let me sign into blogger for some reason, which is super annoying. Yet, somehow, I can still sign in on my iPhone. How does that work?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. I didn't blog again yesterday. It was another really long day. That night, we were joined in our room by another actress and actor, meaning there were 5 of us in a tiny room, with me and two others on the floor. I woke up sooo achey, although at least I slept some that night. I was up again at 5am and on set by 7.30, after a brief detour in our car to a service station to get breakfast and do things you don't feel comfortable doing in a house full of people. We were then shooting until about 7, I left Leeds about 9, and eventually got home at 11.30. Then i had to try and get myself ready for my first day on the drama before collasping into bed. Long day.

My first day on the drama was good but I couldn't help but notice how different it is from what I'm used to. I don't know whether it's because it's a professional shoot, the genre is the shoot being serious, or just because it's the first day, but it's so much more fun on a low budget crew. I think
People are more willing to relax
On a low budget crew, whereas on a abbot of this level, everyone is there to mKe money rather than for the experience. , and so people seem to stick in their own little departments more.

I think it's really sad. One of my favourite things about my job is how quickly you become close to the rest of the crew and cast, but there just doesn't seem to be any overlap.

Having said that, I did spend half my day reading the scripts in the park and the rest in the truck, so I didn't really het to experience what its like on set yet.

Anyway, I hav a 7am call tomorrow, so I should get to bedey byes. Especially s's I'm
Really struggling to keep my eyes open.

<3 x

Saturday, 20 August 2011

In which I am tired

Yeah, so I may have missed a post this month. But, in my defence, last night was so super busy. For a start, I didn't finish my costumes for the weekends shoot until about 5pm, and then I couldn't get in touch with who I was supposed to be staying with to get her address, so I had pretty much decided that I wasn't going anywhere that night... until I managed to speak to her, and she said I was needed for costume fittings ASAP. So I rushed over to Leeds, arriving at 10pm, went to bed (well floor) at about 1, to be up at 5.

I am tired.

Today's shoot went ok, in terms of costume, I think. Everyone looked pretty good, and everyone else seemed happy. Obviously there were things I woul LOVE to redo or change, because there always is, but never mind. Noone would notice the problems but me.

Now, I'm sat with all the cast and crew in a little bungalow with one bathroom, watching X factor. I hate X factor. And I'm tired. And I have to be up again at like 5am.

I'm tired.

<3 x

Friday, 19 August 2011

In which I ggggaaarghhfffaaarrrgghhh

Its close now. So close. Its like tomorrow. I go tomorrow. Everything has got to be ready and sorted for tomorrow.

Technically, it is tomorrow now. Everything is not ready and sorted.

I have a handful of things left to do, and none of it life threatening. Just details that will make it better for the people that know they are there, but no one else will notice. And a few things that are bothering me *cough*hero's corset*cough*. But I had to call it a night this evening even though I wanted to get everything done, because I could feel the panic setting in.

So right now, I'm in bed with my electric blanket on full blast. I don't care that its August, sometimes you just need a warm bed.

I think it must seem stupid to get so stressed over something so inconsequential. I mean, its not a big shoot, just 2 days, I've met nearly everyone before however briefly and its not like its on a professional level yet, so it should be nothing to get worked up over. But its been 2 years coming, and I have poured my heart and soul in to this project for the past few months. I'm just terrified that everything will fall apart, or ill forget something vital. Or even worse, that I won't get on well with everyone.

Went to see the trucks that I'll be working on from next week on the BBC thing today. It was really awesome to have a quick look around before I start, and having a truck is so exciting. My only problem is that I still cant imagine myself working there yet. It just feels too big and professional for someone like me.

<3 x

Thursday, 18 August 2011

In which I decide I like titling my posts beginning with 'in which ...'

I totally didn't realise what time it was. I was just working away, trying to sew this goshdarn elastic into my fake sleeves so they definitely don't fall down, when I decided I couldn't do it so quit for the night. I'm noticing a trend developing.

Can't do something? Bed time.

At least I sorted my skirt problem out. It's now in two sections, rather than all as one, and just plain crappy leather stuff rather than pleats and whatnot.

I didnt get to go to see where I'll be working on the BBC shoot today because they were too busy, but I'm popping in ever so briefly tomorrow morning. For half an hour it barely seems worth it, especially when you take in the 1&1/2 hour travelling time, but I think it's important for me to show my face before shooting starts. Also, it'll take the stress off if I already know where I'm heading.

I'm still terrified, but I haven't had too much time to freak out because I've been too buy freaking out over my current shoot.

Speaking of freak outs, my friends are awesome. Yesterday, I get a visit from Rachey with a congratulations on the job card, which was lovely. Then I got a visit from Inki today after I had spent like 24 hours complaining in various forms, from text to this very blog, and even though I only hinted at cherry coke cheering me up, she brought me a 2 litre bottle, two toffee apples and a pack of cookies. You're far too good to me. I don't deserve it. But I do love you with all my heart. Platonically.

Right that's it from me.

<3 x

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

In which I suck

I warn you now, I'm pissed off and in one of those 'I suck at everything' moods.



I've spent all evening trying to remake this goshdarn skirt, and got nowhere. I know exactly what I want to do, but it just was not working, no matter what I tried. The thing that made it worse was that I know that in any other fabric it would look exactly how I want it to, but it really needs to be this horrid faux leather stuff that's a complete bitch and just looks shit when you try and do anything with it. I only wanted to pleat it.

Anyway, I was pissed so I cut it up.

In retrospect, probably not the best idea.

The whole thing is just made worse by the face that I'm rapidly running out of time, especially when I learnt today most people are going up on Friday, even though the shoots not til Saturday, meaning that I have essentially lost a day's work time.

I'm so annoyed at my own inability I've given up for the night, and I'll just hope that it all looks better in the morning.

Now I need to cheer myself up. Ouran High School Host Club and Hana Kimi, me thinks.

<3 x

Oh, and I got my scripts for the first block of my BBC thing. I think I'm going to go in tomorrow for a little while and see whats what.

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

In which I have nothing to say so babble about Soojoo instead.

Once again, I have absolutely nothing of interest to blog about. I've spent the whole day trying to make decent progress on my work, and even though this morning was going well, things just went down hill from there. In the end, I just had to stop to calm down because I was fed up and getting nowhere, even though it was only like 11pm and still early. Last night, I had to force myself to stop by 12ish because my parents had gone to bed, even though I was doing well and was quite content to carry on.

I keep seeing my phone charger in the corner of my eye, and thinking it's a spider. It scares the crap out of me, and I mentally kick myself for being so stupid, but then two minutes later, I jump again.

Still watching SuJu's comeback performance of 'Superman' pretty much constantly. I don't care what the translations say, Ryeowook definitely says 'super horny'. They also say something along the lines of 'if you're bored and on the Internet, type in super and our results will come up', which is undoubtedly true ... eventually, although a shit load of less pretty stuff comes up first.

They're clever, you know. They know what their fans want. They know the amount of attention certain pairings get, and exploit that in the name of fanservice (Eunhae = Eunhyuk and Donghae, Kyumin = Kyuhyun and Sungmin, Yewook = Yesung and Ryeowook. See, portmanteau's are a worldwide awesomity*). I can tell them all apart now, so that's new. I used to only be able to pin point Kyu as the hot one and Shindong as the ... um ... not so skinny one, but now, I can finally tell Yesung and Sungmin apart, who were the two I always struggled with. God knows why, they look nothing alike. Well, other than being of the same ethnicity.

Consciously stopping myself there, because otherwise, you'll just have paragraphs on the subject of SuJu.

Although SuJu is fun to say. SuJu. Even in your head. Try it. SuJu. SuJu. SOOJOO.


I haven't watched Gokusen II for ages, but I'm on episode 3 of Hana Kimi remake. So far, its closer to the manga than the original, but I still wish the actors didn't try to be exactly like the originals.

Apparently, business hours don't exist in the television production industry. Or normal waking hours, for that matter. Not that I mind, its not like I abide by them either.

You know what really amuses me? When people mean to write definitely, but it auto corrects to defiantly.

...I have nothing else to share.

<3 x

* I make up words now. Making up words is cool.

Sunday, 14 August 2011

I'm boring.

Why is it that every time I go to blog, my laptop decides to mess up?

I don't have much to blog about today. My day has been pretty boring and not much has happened. So here follows a breakdown.

I decided I need to remake one of the skirts and redo the buckles on my heroes corset, thus creating more work for myself.

I watched Wild Wild West and was able to justify it as research.

I ripped one of the vacuum bags under my bed, and now there are my old costumes everywhere.

Elle and Eddy have pretty much being trying to lie down all day. I don't care how in love they are, I'm NOT having cardboard babies in my room.

That's pretty much it.

<3 x

In which I babble for ages, before touching briefly on serious business.

The dates of this months BEDA are so messed up. Obviously it has nothing to do with the fact that I keep posting late, and that I'm one post behind anyway.

So today was a little weird.

Firstly, I did my last Saturday at the office until mid November. Harry, my boss, was super thrilled for me about getting the BBC job, but it was weird thinking I wouldn't be going in to earn my rent money once a week for a few months. I'm so lucky with that job. Nowhere else would an employer so support me in another career, and be so generous as to give me as much time off as I want.

Then, after lunch - hungry week destroys my diet - I went wedding dress shopping with Robinson and her mother. From the start, she has been quite adamant that she doesn't like lace, doesn't like organza or net, doesn't like too much detail or decoration, and doesn't want straps or a train. Which is fine, until we made her try on an organza dress with lace decoration, and she liked it. Its just proof that you need to try on everything before you can really know what you like. After all, its the most expensive dress you are ever likely to buy, so you have to get it right. She did look stunning though. I really hope she chooses that one over the other one she liked when we last went dress shopping.

Also, while we were there and the attendant was busy, I managed to take some sneaky pictures of the inspiration for Rachey's wedding dress.

Then I came home, and started work. Not long after I had started, it was time for dinner, and then the production designer of my current project rang to check how I was doing/have a moan. By the time I could get back to work, it was already like 10 pm, and I thought screw it, I'll finish this and then give up for the night.

So that's what I did. The reason why you get this post so late is because my computer decided to play silly beggars, but all is well now.

What else can I tell you? I've been watching the Super Junior Comeback stuff pretty much constantly, and have got pretty hooked on 'Superman'. I'm pretty sure Ryeowook says 'super horny' at one point.

.... I looked it up. It's 'super holic'. Can't say I'm not a little disappointed.

Having seen the translation for the first time, I'm actually pretty moved. I just thought it was a song about Superman, and an excuse for them all to look serious and sexy. But its actually a song about how much they want to be there for their fans. That's lovely.

Speaking of Super Junior - come on, you know by now that I'm a hopeless fangirl and get carried away - in one of their new songs, 'Feels Good', I'm pretty sure it goes 'Feels good, feels good ... for a girl.' I laugh every time. It's like they are saying boys feel better ... but this is SuJu we are talking about. They aren't exactly known for being afraid of showing how close they all are.

Awww, I love them.

<3 x

Oh wait. I was going to blog about the riots today. They've all calmed down now, but having stayed away from the news footage of it - if the media hadn't fuelled the fire of the London Riots, they wouldn't have spread - I only today really found out much about it. Three young men were killed by rioters here trying to protect their community, which is in itself heartbreaking, but what really moved me were the Sikhs and Muslims protecting each other. A group of Sikh's stood guard outside a mosque during Ramadan's night time services while the riots were going on just metres away.  Muslims reciprocated by watching over a Sikh temple during their prayers. They even worked to deter any looters or vandals from damaging nearby churches and other places of worship. If this isn't proof of humanity overcoming a common evil; that people can put aside their differences in a time of need, then I don't know what is.

Saturday, 13 August 2011

Hana Kimi

So you guys know about Hana Kimi by now. You know I've watched the original Japanese drama, and have been reading the manga forever. You may also remember that there is also a Taiwanese version (I believe I posted a picture of a hot guy in it). And, if you're super attentive, you may even remember that SM Entertainment, the label of many of my favourite Korean pop groups, have announced that they will be making a version at some point in the future (it's highly likely they'll cast within their own company, with means Super Junior!).

So, basically, there are lots of versions of Hana Kimi out there.

Last night, after I had finished my work for the evening and had got into bed to chill out before I went to sleep, I decided to watch the latest episode of Ouran High School Host Club. I have been watching this series every week as it airs, and so far, I am finding it quite enjoyable. Ridiculously over the top, and not quite as good as the anime, but enjoyable none the less. Also, I think it's filmed in the same place as Mei-chan no Shitsugi.

Anyway, I digress. As I was watching Ouran, I glanced to the side bar at the 'currently airing series' section. There, I saw a name I didn't expect to see. Hana Kimi Remake. Instantly, I thought that SM entertainment had finally filmed and released the Korean version, but I realised too soon that this was not the case. This remake was Japanese.

I don't get it. Why do you need two series of the same name and same plot made in the same country within 3 years of each other? Especially when the first was so well loved? I watched the first episode and to me, it seened like almost a carbon copy of the original. I could understand if they were to follow the manga more, or go in a completely new direction, but as it is now, the characters are just too similiar to the originals that you can't help but compare them all the time. Especially when the original cast are all major actors now.

I mean, come on. The first is the original, and the second is the remake. They're not even trying to make them different.

I feel I should point out, this post is merely a rant about why we need another Hana Kimi. Not once did I say I wouldn't watch it.

<3 x

Thursday, 11 August 2011


It's been 3 years and 6 days since he died.

The time has flown by, and yet it feels so long ago that I had a cat on my feet at night. I miss that so much, the gentle weight on your feet; the way how he wouldn't get off no matter how much you kicked him.

I miss him. Each and every day. My heart breaks again every single time I think of him.

Now, he sits on the window sill of my work room. I hate not knowing where he is, and it used to be his favourite room, so I like to think he'd be happy there.

<3 x

What DID happen

I just read yesterday's post - can you tell I was literally falling asleep as I typed at the end?

So today, I did have my interview. To start off I was like 20 minutes early, and the whole interview was finished by my original interview time. It went well I thought, the two ladies were very nice, although a little scary. Not because they themselves were scary, but how they kept reitterating how difficult a job this was. None the less, I told them about my experience etc., tried to be as relaxed and lovely as possible, and left the interview feeling confident that even if I didn't get the job, I had still made a good enough impression that they might think of me next time. Then I went home, and literally forgot all about it.

We went Bridal Dress shopping! It was the first time we'd been with Rachey to scout out ideas rather than just seeing ones she'd already seen and tried on, so it was really nice to be able to see ones that didn't look good as well as the ones that did. That doesn't sound nice, but as the person who is making the dress, it was good to be able to see exactly what she did and didn't like, and gauge her first impressions of different styles. It's so annoying that these shops don't let you take photos, because if you have tried on more than two dresses in a day, they very easily start to blur together and it's so easy to get confused. But I think we found the one that Rachey wants, so at some point I'm going to have to do some research into it so I can start making it soon! I'm really looking forward to it, but it's not going to be easy, making one Wedding Dress and four Bridesmaid's dresses.

Especially seeing as I am going to be super busy over the next 3 months, what with working for the BBC and all.

<3 x

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

An account of what didn't happen (formally known as Girl Stuff)

I'm going to stop telling you when it's an iPhone post, because it happens so often now that it is no longer a note worthy occurrence.

So, dear blog readers, I had promised to tell you how today went. Well, first off, I was super productive with my actual work. I started at 10, and worked to 6, with only a neighbours and tea break. I managed to tick off a load of my 'to do' list, which always feels awesome. When I first wrote it out, it scared the crap out of me by the sheer volume of what I had to do, but after how much I was able to do today, I feel much happier about my chances of finishing it. But anyway, I digress. I was supposed to be telling you how my interview went. Truth be told, it didn't. A friend of mine works in the city centre, and when she was tweeting about how quiet it was in town, I asked her if they were likely to close the city centre later. She replied eventually with news that the city centre was likely to be shut off from 3pm, and seeing as my interview was at 5.20 and a 15 minute walk through the city centre, I rang them to confirm the interview was still going ahead. Even though they hadn't heard about it, they took my word and rescheduled all their interviews for tomorrow morning instead.

Is this a good thing or not?! Do I come across as on the ball and responsible, or easily scared and weak? Hopefully the former.

I should probably go to bed now seeing as I have to be up in lik 5 hours. I'm sp shit at early mornings. Damn my nocturnal body (although the sugar and red bull probably didn't help).

<3 x

When I started writing this post, it was going to be about Bubzbeauty's 'Girl Talk' video - I'm so easily distracted.

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Late Again

I'm going to try really hard not to make this a habit. Honest.

So today was a Monday, and naturally, I decided to restart my diet.

I failed.

First, I went out for lunch with the family, and ate a whole pizza, right after a load of bread with oil and balsamic vinegar (huge fan of the balsamic, not so much the oil - it's too ...oily), and followed by a banoffe sundae. I was then good, and refrained from cake (because I was the one to decorate it, and covered it in cream, and I don't like cream) until I got to Rachey and Jon's , where I had Ben and Jerry's with fresh strawberries and topped with crumbled shortbread, haribo, and various mini chocolate bars or lollies.

Diet starts FOR REAL tomorrow.

Talking of tomorrow, I have my BBC interview. I'm kinda scared. Not of the interview itself, but of getting the job. I'm scared of being involved in something so professional. I'm scared of being at the bottom of a team rather than the top or on my own. I'm scared of getting things wrong, and people being angry, or worse, disappointed. I'm scared of  hating it, of realising that I don't want to do this job anymore and that the last 2 if not 5 years of my life were a waste.

To be honest, I'm scared of losing my current life. I like working from home with the odd shoot here and there. I like mostly being free to do what I want, when I want. Sure, it's tough not having much money and always worrying when the next job is coming, but there is a sense of freedom in that too. I'm so scared of getting a long shoot which leads to another long shoot, and living to work rather than working to live. I don't want my life to be my job, and yet it is hard to see how it can be any other way with such a demanding and time consuming job.

Obviously, I am basing all of this on my previous experience, where a shoot rarely finishes on time or the schedules get moved around so much no one knows whats what anymore. I don't think something as professional as a BBC production will be like this - hopefully it will be a lot smoother. But that also makes it more daunting. People are far more likely to see this than anything else I have worked on before.

Anyway, I shall let you know how I get on tomorrow. I'm a little freaked out now, so I'm going to catch up on the new updates of Hapi Mari and maybe watch some Gokusen to calm down.

<3 x

Drama: Gokusen II 6
Manga: Hana Kimi 51 / Darling wa Namamono ni Tsuki 25 / Kimi no Sei 2

Monday, 8 August 2011

This post arrives precisely when it means to

Yes, I know. I'm late.

I think it was fair to assume I wasn't going to be able to do BEDA as successfully as I did in April by the way that I forgot on the first day. Therefore, I have no idea why you should be surprised at a late post. It is a post none the less. And also my first post this month off my laptop; the rest having been from my iPhone or the PC at work.

I did the grandmother rounds today. I had to get up stupidly early for a Sunday to go see my Nan, whom I hadn't seen in the same amount of time as my sister, even though she lives 2 and a half hours away compared to my 15 minutes. We then headed to my Gran's for lunch, as it is her 91st birthday tomorrow, and even though the rest of the family are going out for lunch tomorrow, Jo obviously has to work, so we had a mini celebration today ... which was ruined by the fact that my Gran and Aunt had both already eaten. So we had more than enough food for 5 between 3 people.

Mini tartlet things.
Bread Rolls.
Potato Salad.
Orange Juice.

... Diet starts tomorrow.

<3 x

Drama: Gokusen II 6
Manga: Hana Kimi 51(!) / Darling wa Namamono ni Tsuki 25 / Kimi no Sei 2

Saturday, 6 August 2011

Of bbq's, networking and flirting

I warn you now, this is an iPhone post.

My sister is home for the weekend. I found out literally half an hour before she was due to arrive, when I had already made plans to go to a barbecue for the evening. Typical. Normally, because I only get to see Jo every couple of months, I try to make a special effort not to go out while she is here. But seeing as I had a prior engagement, I had to stick by it.

Lucky I did, because it ended with me getting the email address of the line producer of a popular BBC's soap opera. So if I don't get the drama job, I have something else to try! It really is about who you know in the media industry, but once you get your name out there, it can only lead to more work, which is awesome.

However, on the other hand, apparently I'm a shameless flirt. I disagree. Just because I like to mess around doesn't mean that I'm flirting. If I was drawing on girls with biro, they wouldn't think I was coming on to them, so why should guys get that impression? I don't even know how to flirt!! The whole idea is ridiculous.

I'm now feeling rather paranoid that every guy I have ever spoken to think that I'm flirting with them.

Anyway, Harry Potter is and the Goblet of Fire is on, so I'm going to watch that.

<3 x

Friday, 5 August 2011

I am the opposite of green fingered. I am red fingered.

There is a reason why my sister is the green-fingered one of the family, and not me. I don't do that stuff. I can't do that stuff. Its not that I don't like plants, I do. I even know the Latin name of one. Fatsia Japonica. It's the Caster Oil plant.

(I feel I should point out I knew that before my obsession with Japan. IT'S FATE.)

When we were kids, and my sister started to gain an interest in gardening, she took over a little section of the back garden as hers. Obviously, doting sister that I was, I had to have one too. Jo's section looked immaculate, with trailing wall flowers and little shrubs and she even grew a lettuce or something. Mine got cleared of weeds, and then forgotten about.

I had a Gerbera once. It died.

Then, I got a Calla Lily. It died. Although my mother resurrected it. And then it died again. Then it came back. (it's a Jesus lily apparently)

Then, I moved to uni and my parents got me a Flaming Katy that SURVIVED! Until Polson knocked it off the window sill days before I moved out and destroyed it.

Having learnt from my lesson that Flaming Katy's are virtually indestructible, I got another one for my room, and it lives to this day. Polson also replaced my original one, so now I have two fully alive plants in my room. I had learnt that they need little care except the occasional dead heading and to water them when the succulent leaves are droopy (that doesn't mean the leaves are tasty, but they are all thick and stuff).

Which brings us to the point of this post. I looked at the office plant, and realised it's succulent leaves (I can't write that with a straight face) were droopy and sad looking. From my relatively new found expertise, I realised this plant needed water, and stat! So I watered it.

I came back from putting the watering can back to find a waterfall running down from the plant pot, over the filing cabinet and into each drawer, before pooling in the carpet.

I'm just going to stick to my Flaming Katy's from now on.

<3 x

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Of Work and Potter

The thing about BEDA is that so often I start writing with no direction. Like, normally, in months beginning with other letters, I'll post for a reason; either because I have something important to share, need to get something off my chest or because I am a 14 year old fangirl stuck in a 23 year old's body. But during BEDA, I post because it's the month where I post every day.

The point of that was to illustrate that I don't know what I want to write about today.

I'm nearly finished with my two week holiday cover at the office. I was a little apprehensive to start with as I have never done this job before without someone coming in to keep me company for at least some, if not the majority, of the time. Therefore, I was concerned about my sanity in a job where I am on my own, where no one calls and where no one comes in. Surprisingly though, these past two weeks have flown by. I suppose I have been keeping myself busy as I have had so much costume making to do, which obviously helped pass the time, but also, I think I am just so much more used to my own company now. I like being on my own. Although it does turn me a bit funny when I get home. If I have spent all my day on my own, I either want to stay on my own, or get such a bad case of verbal diarrhoea that people will most likely want me to be alone.

Potter was good last night. I don't know what I was expecting, but I cried quite a lot and that relieved me so much. I love films that make me cry, and I remember the book making me cry, so I would have been heartbroken if the film didn't have the same effect. It was closer to the book than I expected, I just wish they had made a bigger deal of some parts. I understand why they had to do it, but I couldn't help but think those who had not read the book must have missed out on so much of what was just hinted at. Fred for one, right after Percy had come back, was something that had always stuck out to me in the book, and we never saw this connection in the film. Tonks and Lupin broke my heart in the book, but it was the memory of that heartbreak that made me cry in the film. Hagrid only seemed to make an appearance to be able to say that he was in it, whereas his part was much bigger, although admittedly not huge, in the book. I'm so glad they kept in some key lines (NOT MY DAUGHTER, YOU BITCH!), and the flash forward to their happily ever after worked better in film than it did on paper, although I was surprised the last thing we saw was the words 'the end' rather than the book's 'and all was well'. I didn't think much of Snape's eyeshadow though, and when Voldemort poofed, all I could think was 'Voldemort smoke, don't breathe this' in old school Will It Blend fashion.

Because I am a dork.

<3 x

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Mostly about SuJu (Although not intentionally)

It's so hot. I'm like melting, I swear. We need a big storm to clear away the stuffiness. The fact that I'm stuck in a glass office probably isn't helping matters much. Then again, neither does being British. We complain when its cold and wet, and we complain when its hot and dry. Its my heritage and cultural right.

So Super Junior didn't post their new music video yesterday. Hence why you didn't get another post last night. I now hear through the grapevine that it will be released tomorrow. I have spent the majority of my day listening to the album though. It's so dancy. Especially the first half. It was only when the girly SuJu ballads came up that I was certain I was definitely listening to Super Junior. Not that its a bad thing, it's just a bit different. Then I guess I'm just so used to their other stuff, having discovered them so recently, that anything new would be slightly weird to me.

There was another press release on the SMtown Facebook page. Dear God, these amuse me so much. First off, the photo ...

'Right, now pretend you've just put your hand in some gunk...'

I love Heechul, he's the one at the end on the left. He's like 'Yeah whatever, just take the photo'. Whenever they are doing their 'We are Super Junior, oyo!' thing, and everyone else holds out their hands, he is always the only one to do something different**. Siwon, in the middle, is just too cool and manly to look as much of a prat as the others. And Kyuhyun, third from the right, is soooo going to wipe his imaginary gunk on Eunhyuk.

Its either imaginary gunk, or imaginary eternity rings between the 10 of them (which may be more likely).

Obviously I love them all dearly, and if anyone can pull off these sorts of stupid poses, my boys can, but still, it makes me giggle a ridiculous amount, which isnt helped by the actual wording. SM Entertainment, 'ubersexual'? Really? Uber-anything just sounds wrong, but put sexual after it, and you had me for one in hysterics.

EDIT: I just had to add in some more after the write up of the press conference today. They are describing 'Mr. Simple' as SJ Funky, following on from 'Sorry Sorry' and 'Bonamana'.

Super Junior Funky? Really?

And that's not all, these are a couple of the captions from the photos:

'Siwon's glaring eyes are so attractive.'
'The big star of the universe ... HEECHUL.'

I love it. It cheers me up no end.

Right, this post was going to about more than just SuJu, but I've run out of time. I'm going to see Potter (at last) and go to Wagamamas with Rachey and Jon, who I have seen more over the past week than I have seen of my parents. Ooops, oh well.

<3 x

*every time I write out that link I giggle because I cant help but say it in my mind like they do: 'www dot facebook dot com slashy smtown'.

Basically, I spend a lot of my time giggling.

** EDIT: like this ... prime example. Oh, Heechul <3

Tuesday, 2 August 2011


Great start, Heather. It's the 2nd August, and you have only just remembered you are supposed to be blogging every day this month.

In my defence, I have been pretty busy. At work have been doing my costumes, and then I pretty much go straight to Rachey's new house to do whatever I can to help, which means I don't normally get home til midnight, by which point it feels too late to put on my laptop, so I piss about on my iPhone until I get sleepy. I haven't fangirled properly in about a week, let alone read or watched anything.

Having said that, I have watched the Super Junior teasers a fair few times. They amuse me. The real video should be up some time today. I'm very intrigued ... the poster was very colourful and a bit ... ummm ... weird, whereas the teasers all seem very overly dramatic, while the press release describes it as 'an intense and energetic performance...[with]...humorous and metaphorical words'. So I didn't really have a clue what to expect.

I got a very exciting phone call today. The supervisor of a new BBC drama has invited me to an interview for the role of costume trainee! I was shaking so much, and so happy, but as always, I didn't have anyone near to be excited to, so now I'm kinda over it again. Don't get me wrong, I'm still excited and happy and hopeful but the initial 'ARRRRGGGGGHHHHH' feeling goes so quickly and no one is ever around to share it with me. Sad face.

Right, I may try to post again this evening to make up for yesterday's forgetfulness. Then again, I might not as my life isn't that exciting for me to have anything more to share. If I do, it'll just be a fangirl post about SuJu.

<3 x