Monday 30 April 2012

The Reason

Sorry for the lack of posts, I have been stuck in the middle of nowhere with no internet and very little signal, and thus, unable to carry out my usual online activities.

As such, I am currently two posts behind, but seeing as I am feeling both mentally and physically shattered, I don't think I can really catch those up right now. Maybe I'll do a couple of breakdown posts of the weekend over the next few days, I don't know, but right now, I need to go to bed.

In completely unrelated news, having an electric blanket is far superior to being without one.

<3 x

Friday 27 April 2012


The past couple of days have been good for kpop.

Yesterday, SHINee and Super Junior released their songs Sherlock and Opera in Japanese, and today, the MV's for U-Kiss's DoraDora and BAP's Power were finally released.

I think people were expecting some form of popularity battle between U-Kiss and BAP, but for me, even though I love them both, there is no competition. U-Kiss may be more established, but BAP just blow you away.

From TS Entertainment's Youtube

So they ditched their platinum blond hair of Warrior, which I'll admit to being somewhat disappointed by*, but the attitude is still as strong as ever for each and every member. It's hard to believe they are still such a rookie band, having only debuted a few months ago, but even though they are still young, in both age and experience, they give such a strong performance. They broke a stage once, and I wouldn't be surprised if they did it again.

As for the MV, the plot is a little unorthodox, to say the least. As I understand it, its about being boys being smelly.

 One day, our BAP boys are happily murdering gagged people and having a dance party after crashing their spaceship in the desert.
Not so Blond Asian Person notices that there's an unpleasant smell in the air.
 It spreads across the group, unavoidable and disgusting.
 Pretty soon, it is so strong it brings our boys to their knees.
 This guy knows where the smell is coming from. It's not surprising, though, they have been dancing a lot, and it looks hot and dusty out there.
 Forever a team, the other members gang up on the guy with severe BO ...
... and have a deodorant party.


I really hope this makes it on to eatyourkimchi's Kpop Music Mondays. Doradora is a good enough song with an interesting enough MV, but Simon and Martina would have a ball reviewing this video.

<3 x

* Even though BAP is supposed to stand for Best Absolute Perfect, I was much more a fan of Blond Asian People. Kinda rendered irrelevant now, though.

Thursday 26 April 2012

My Girlfriend is a Gumiho

I'll admit, I started watching this drama not exactly expecting much. I hadn't really heard of it before, and just through the plot summary explaining how a gumiho was a mythical beast, I thought it would probably be just alright, if a little childish. In no way did I expect it to be so awesome.

I laughed, I cried, I appreciated certain pretty cast members. Everything you could ask for in a drama, really.

Dae Woong, a university student with a dream of becoming an action movie star accidentally sets free a nine-tailed fox demon from her portrait prison after he gets stuck in a storm by the temple. Terrified, he runs away and severely injures himself, and Mi Ho gives him her healing fox bead. As he heals, Mi Ho follows him everywhere, and after realising that she is a supernatural being rather than just a crazy person, Dae Woong does whatever Mi Ho wants in fear. Even though Mi Ho loved Dae Woong from the moment she was set free, it is only when he can look past his preconceptions that he starts to feel something for her in return.

From Google. Mi Ho with her tails out in the moonlight. Dae Woong was probably in the process of shitting himself.
Initially, Dong Ju, a half demon/human demon hunter intends to send Mi Ho back to her portrait, but after learning she wants to become human to be with Dae Woong, he tricks her into drinking his blood which will slowly kill her, while her bead absorbs Dae Woong's human chi. What he doesn't tell her is that Dae Woong will die as soon as he gives the bead back. Either way, one of them has to die for the other to live.

It all sounds a bit tragic from the above, and it is really, especially at the end. I cried buckets in the last episode. However, this series was also very funny and light-hearted. I laughed pretty much throughout, especially when Mi Ho was learning about the modern world (or how Dae Woong misled her, like straighteners being chopsticks that grill meat as you eat it) and the sub plot between the movie director and Dae Woong's aunt. Although I don't think it was supposed to be funny, it did amuse me how at least 80% of Dong Ju's role was stating the obvious. There were so many random little shots of him in his dingy study being Captain Obvious.

All in all, I loved this drama. It was nice to have something a little different for a change, even if it did still follow all the Asian drama guidelines. It was very easy to watch, not too predictable, and I couldn't help but look forward to the next episode. The soundtrack was awesome, and I constantly found myself singing it, as well as trying to mimic the catchphrases as well as someone who can't speak Korean can. Mi Ho was pretty and seemed to get prettier, Dae Woong was cute and seemed to get cuter, and Dong Ju was just way too hot the whole way through.

Next up is Dream High. From what I gather, its Glee meets High School Musical meets Fame meets something else American. Not really my thing, but it has a lot of very famous Korean idols in it (*cough*superjunior*cough*), and people have been raving about it nonstop.

<3 x

Wednesday 25 April 2012


I found this just now when looking up what new kpop albums were out. I'm sure she's very good, but I don't think I'll be downloading it, just for the name alone. They should really check the pronunciation of things like this before they present it to an international audience.

Then again, all publicity is good publicity, right?*

In other, unrelated news, I really wish I wasn't such a pessimist.

<3 x

* Even if your name does sound like feminine parts said with a lisp.

Tuesday 24 April 2012


Sigh. Laptop has turned its self off in a huff again. It's getting a little bit ridiculous now. Normally I'd just wait for it to calm down and turn it back on again, but even though I'm halfway through the penultimate episode of Gumiho, I'm kinda tired. That weird pain when I hula hoop has come back. I hadn't done it all weekend because my diet wasn't too great, but I have no idea whether it should be something I worry about or is something simple like muscle ache from lack of use. My problem is that no matter how much it hurts, I keep doing it anyway. I said I'd alternate between the massage and the weighted ... Nah I still just use both. I was trying to think of something to make the title of this post relevant but I'm coming up blank. <3 x

Monday 23 April 2012

Tell Me Why

You know, I really like the idea of culottes and skorts. Something that looks like a skirt but is actually a pair of shorts is just such an amazing idea.

You get all the advantages of a skirt (well, almost all) with none of the disadvantages. If it's windy out, you dont have to worry about your skirt blowing up. If you have to bend over, you can rest assured that you won't inadvertedly flash the world. If you like to confuse people who think that you're wearing a skirt when actually you aren't, well, thats covered too.

The only disadvantage I can see if that they just aren't around. I got a pair of linen culottes in Tesco a few summers ago, and as soon as I am skinny enough, they'll be back in use, but since I brought those, I have yet to see any more. Not here, anyway. Asian fashion sites have them in abundance, but alas, my western body does not agree with Asian sizing. My legs are too long so they look indecently short and my waist and hips are too wide so I couldn't fit in them even if the length didnt bother me. It's very sad.

The more and more I think about it, the more I think I should just make my own clothes. I see so many pretty things that I know I have no chance of pulling off or that are just too expensive, and its very upsetting. But I am too lazy and just don't have the confidence to try.

In summary, I want some well fitting culottes or skorts that I don't have to send off for from Hong Kong.

<3 x

Sunday 22 April 2012

Baby I'm Sorry

We've been together a while now.

I can still remember when we first met, how the ginger man from Comet introduced us and we just knew that it was meant to be. There were others trying to get my attention, trying to show off their features and discounts, but I only had eyes for you. Even though we went home together that day, it took a while before we actually got to know each other and found out how the other works. Even now, we are still learning

We've had a lot of happy times, and a few that were not so happy, but none the less, we stuck together.

We gasped and cried together through four seasons of Lost. We watched Twilight until we fell asleep every night for months. Then we got bored of it and discovered anime, and then manga, and then dramas. We came across alternative music that we loved like we had never loved music before, from fan music to Korean pop. We looked at photos and videos of my life and felt nostalgic. We read books and watched films and listened to music.

Mostly we watched youtube videos, and on a few rare occasions, did actual work.

Yes, you got a few viruses, and for a long time, we struggled with your memory, but still, we got through it ... together.

You have been a constant in my life for 6 years. You became more important to me than Television. I can't imagine life without you.

But if you continue to turn yourself off in a huff, I will throw you out the window.



<3 x

Saturday 21 April 2012

What is Love

Ahhhh it's good to be able to blog on a laptop again. I adore my iPhone, but it really does not suit blogging.

So I spent pretty much the whole day making banners, and felt unbelievably guilty for having the day off from the dresses to do so. I can't really do anything anyway until my thread comes, and I have worked hard this week, but still. Not that it wasn't worth it; waiting at the airport for a soon to be embarrassed couple with banners and balloons and party poppers was great fun, even if we did decide to deploy the party poppers in the car park for fear of being shot by airport security.

However, I have a super mean headache, and am now going to sleep in the hope that it will stop feeling like someone is shooting barbed arrows straight through my head.

<3 x

Friday 20 April 2012


Another iPhone post. This time, my laptop decided to turn itself off, and I can't turn it back on until it's completely cooled down. Sigh. I was trying to finish the episode I was attempting to watch last night as well. I've ran out of thread again, so now I am at a bit of a standstill until the thread I ordered comes in. Lucky the weekend is nearly here. I just can't get over how I've used nearly 2km in 3 days. I'm still feeling so totally drained, and I'm not sure why. Lucky the weekend is nearly here. In other news, I got a new perfume today. It's Yves Saint Laurent 'Elle'. I was torn between it and Givenchy's 'very Irresistable' but the more citrusy scent won out. That makes my second YSL fragrance ... Guess I'm a YSL girl. <3 x

Thursday 19 April 2012

I don't know

Homehub is playing up again, so iPhone post. I hate iPhone posts on the new blogger, it doesn't seperate the paragraphs and half the editor disappears into the side bar so you can't see what your writing. So this morning I went a brought out all of the thread stock of my local John Lewis. By 5pm I only had one reel left. This evening I brought out all of John Lewis thread stock, nationwide. Actually, to clarify, all the stock of the one colour, so all the stock of thread. That would be ridiculous. My point was more that I'n getting through purple thread by the kilometre ... in a day. After I ran out of thread today, I just lost all energy. I feel so totally drained. It's literally hard to do anything. I can't even watch my Korean drama. Sigh. Earlier, I was watching a programme about how a man had a stroke and then woke up gay. My dad had a stroke. Just saying. <3 x

Wednesday 18 April 2012


Here is a post of snippets.

I just passed 6000 page views. 6000 people have taken the time to read the transcript of my internal monologue. My apologies to each and every one of you.

I ran out of thread today. I had thought that over 1000 metres of cotton would be enough to make 4 bridesmaids dresses. I was wrong ... very wrong. Going to buy another 10 reels in the morning and hope that it'll be enough ... might buy 15.

I really like the music of My Girlfriend is a Gumiho, especially the one that goes 'doobee doobee doo oh pa! Doobee doobee doo oh pa! Doobee doobee doo doobee doobee doo doobee doobee doo oh pa!'

Pretty much every kpop album I have has a song that amuses me so much that I can't help but burst into laughter every time I hear it. Exo's is Two Moons. The Korean version just isn't as funny as the Chinese. They sound so totally stoned. I can't help but picture Crush the Turtle from Finding Nemo. Also, I'm pretty sure they say 'camel toe' at the end of the first line.

I have a draft post saved from 28th May 2010, entitled 'Dreams'. It reads
"Last night I had a dream that Kristina Horner, Luke Conard, Jason Munday and I were all" and that's it.
I do not recall said dream.

My title game basically consists of me shuffling my music and using the title of the song that comes up as the title of the post. I only shuffle again if the title isn't in English. Its hard coming up with titles every day. So far, it has worked extraordinarily well. I add the artist in the tags so you can look it up if you wish. Understandably, so far I have tagged predominately TVXQ and SHINee, although Super Junior surprisingly infrequently, seeing as a third of my music is dominated by them*.

I can't think of anything else I want to share.

<3 x

*Edit - Sod's law, as soon as I said it, we get SuJu.
So, ladies, I know you all feel me. Them boys are always be bluffing, trying to feel like they're the man, trying to be in control, thinking they're always right. But, they just don't get it.

Tuesday 17 April 2012


So after becoming mildly concerned hula hooping was going to give me a hernia yesterday, and especially after reading about ruptured cysts (I have PCOS, my ovaries are covered in tiny cysts), today the pain wasn't so bad, so I think I may be alright. I know its supposed to work muscles you don't normally work, but it just seemed odd how the pain I was getting was so sharp and limited only to when I was using the weighted hoop. Although I have also read that you need to do it both clockwise and anti clockwise to avoid lopsidedness .... I can only do it the one way :(

I don't really have anything to talk about today. Finally got the bride's skirt cut out and marked up ready for sewing, and even put together the most part of one of the bridesmaids. Dresses always come together quite quickly, and its exciting and fun, but then the finishing takes forever. I have to buy a rail as I can't keep folding them up when they are dresses rather than pieces of fabric.

There is a suspicious draft to the left of me. It's pretty constant, and even though it's relatively windy outside, our house is never normally drafty and I see no reason for it to exist next to me. I am suspicious. It may just be because I have spent all evening in my bed with the electric blanket on, and so am more sensitive to coolness, but still ... it is highly suspicious.

<3 x

Monday 16 April 2012


Before I updated last night's post, I totally had a plan for this one. Now, having spent time writing about Titanic, it being something that I have been constantly thinking about all day, what I was going to post about this evening has completely slipped my mind. So you get a super boring 'today I did this' post instead.

My family and I went out for a meal for my Aunt's birthday. Originally, my Gran was coming too, but at the last minute decided she couldn't handle it, which was disappointing for us just as much as it was for her. She so rarely goes out any more, and just the change of scenery would have been good for her, but she is just in so much pain all the time. Anyway, we had a nice time regardless;the waiter was mildly attractive (and South African), the food was well received by the meat eaters (although the vegetarian is a little bored of burgers being her only option), we all treated ourselves to dessert (I had creme brulee, not sure why as I am not keen on it),  and alcohol was being sloshed around quite freely (literally, I now have to get red wine out of my favourite dress). We took my aunt back to my Grans, my mother and I sorted out my pleating problem for real this time, and came home to snuggle up with Once Upon a Time and about 3 Titanic-related programmes.

Ah! That's right! I was going to talk about my hula hooping. I've developed a daily ... well, nightly ... routine of using my massage hoop for two songs, and then my weighted hoop for one song. However, over the last couple of nights, even though I have been managing better at keeping the weighted one going, I have been getting this sharp pain in the right side of my stomach as the hoop presses in to it. It doesn't hurt otherwise, if I poke it or not, just when I am hooping.

Naturally, I googled it. Nothing really came up, mostly stuff saying 'Hula hooping is great for reliving abdominal pain blah blah blah'. However, one article from 2007 popped up about a 26 year old South Korean who got a Perirenal Hematoma from excessive hula hooping. I haven't found any other side-effects or hula hoop related injuries, so I'm sure its nothing, but it is very uncomfortable.

I don't know whether to just do the massage one for a while, or drop the weighted to every other day? I just want this to make a difference to my shape, and that won't happen unless I consistently do it.

EDIT: You know whats weird? When you are googling 'sharp pain hula hoop' and your own blog post comes up ^^

<3 x

Sunday 15 April 2012


I wanted to write a proper post for you, but seeing as how I seem to be struggling to keep my eyes open right now, maybe I'll be able to write more later in edit.

If it's any consolation, I just fell asleep in the middle of a section of My Girlfriend is a Gumiho.

Right, so it is now about the time when I would normally be writing my next post, and I just remembered I had completely forgotten to elaborate on this one. I thought I would keep the above to document exactly what I was thinking in the early hours of the 15th April 2012, which was clearly 'Screw blogging, I want to go to sleep'.

However, if one does not fall asleep mid-post (see the latter part of August 2011 for some prime examples of sleep blogging) the reverse seems to happen instead. And so, until about 2am, I followed the last hours of Titanic on twitter via @TitanicRealTime.

It was an account set up by The History Press, and literally tweeted minute by minute what was happening on the boat at that time 100 years previously, from the perspectives of Captain, passengers, officers, engineers and even nearby vessels. Up until just before midnight on April 14th, the tweets were all very complimentary of the ship, interesting but not particularly intriguing ... but then things started to feel more and more ominous as you came to realise all the signs were there.

Following the sinking of the ship was morbidly fascinating, especially when you think about how quickly it all happened. Lifeboats were being rowed away from the ship before some officers at their posts even knew anything serious had happened. Engineers fought to save the ship (the cold water hitting the boilers meant a risk of explosion) for far longer than I had ever assumed, so its no wonder that none survived.

I went to sleep knowing that when I woke up, the Carpathia would have showed up to rescue the 700 odd people in lifeboats, leaving 1500 dead in the water. Less than 350 of those bodies were retrieved.

It was weird thinking about events that had happened 100 years before as if they were happening right then, and it was strangely easy to get sucked in by it. A brilliant idea though, and hugely informative for someone, who like most of the world, know little more than what James Cameron taught them 15 years ago.

<3 x

Saturday 14 April 2012

Friday 13 April 2012

HEY! Don't Bring me Down

What did we do before the Internet? Not only is it my primary form of entertainment, but also my first port of call when I have a problem, even if that problem is the Internet itself.

Like today, I was quite contentedly in the midst of watching My Girlfriend is a Gumiho when the player stopped playing. I didn't think much of it, as it happens quite a lot with the homehub cutting out and repairing itself so regularly, so I just refreshed the page. But nothing happened, all that came up was 'CANNOT FIND PAGE' or whatever, and a warning under my wireless saying 'Limited or no connectivity'.

I checked Homehub. Fine.

I checked that I could use the Internet on both PC and iPhone. Fine and fine.

So, with the conclusion that there must be an issue with Laptop rather than the router, I googled for help. As I browsed through the many results, many from people asking for help the same as I was, it occurred to me how strange it was. All these people are asking for help gaining access to something they clearly already have access to, and, like me, their first response is to look for guidance online. How the hell did we manage before??

Thinking about it, before the Internet, people wouldn't have had trouble getting online. Problem solved.

Anyway, its all working fine now. Something about my IP being wrong all of a sudden. I don't know. I just typed things into the black box thing and pretended to be a computer hacker, while secretly freaking out that it was going to be messed up forever and my lifetime of IT support was about to be in another country.

Again, if even for a brief moment, the idea of buying a new laptop seemed very tempting. Zombie laptop, you aren't doing yourself any favours ... although I accept that you were probably under the influence of Homehub's bad behaviour.

<3 x

Thursday 12 April 2012


A fair few weeks ago now, I got my Avon hula hoop, and have been using it pretty much every day since. At first, it was a bit of a pointless impulse buy, but then I started using it for more than a few seconds and realised I was much better at it than I remember being when I was little. It's not very heavy (if weighted at all), and I more class it as a 'massage' hoop than anything else. None the less, I got into the habit of doing it continuously for about 10 minutes every day.

Today, I got a new hoop.

This ones a level 2 foam covered 1.5kg weighted hoop. Its bigger than my first, although not as pretty. I decided to go for the foam rather than the massage ball one as it looked far less scary, and I figured foam covered must be easier and softer on the hips. The reviews on it were really good, and a lot of people were saying they could notice a difference in just weeks.

For the first two weeks, you aren't supposed to do it for more than 3 minutes a day. I can understand why. I can barely handle it for one minute at a time, let alone three. Its not that its difficult, in fact, its probably easier to keep going, but ... I don't know, I guess you have to experience it to understand.

Let's just say that you can feel this one working so much more than my first one.

I think I'm going to have to alternate between the two until I get more used to the new one.

I have just been reading such amazing stories about the benefits of hula-hooping, and I really, REALLY, hope they work for me too. Even if I can't sing along with my music with the new one.

<3 x

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Secret Game

This week is not going very productively.

Yesterday, I spent the whole day trying to sort out the pleats on the skirt. I have given up for the time being until my mum can have a look. I tried to ask my Gran but she was so convinced that the satin was going over it (how pointless would that be) that I gave up repeating myself. I am also pretty sure she thinks that I'm making a wedding dress out of calico (more commonly used as curtain lining), despite showing her the satin and chiffon numerous times over the past couple of months. Sigh. The facepalm moments just get more frequent.

Today, I tried to fine pleat the chiffon for the bodice. After numerous time consuming and yet largely unsuccessful tries, I have come to the conclusion that I will have to have a couple of metres sent off to be professionally pleated. Its just so frustrating. You have no idea how difficult making 5mm pleats in chiffon is, especially when you are pressing in one and the others are falling out under the nearby heat of the iron.

Notice how all my problems stem from one thing. I hate chiffon.

However, on the plus side, I found that cutting chiffon on carpet stops it slipping so much, so that's just peachy.

In other news (I like saying that ... so much so that I say it in conversation and people laugh at me) I'm really liking My Girlfriend is a Gumiho. Something about the music. Nothing to do with this guy.

<3 x

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Stand Up!

You know, its odd.

My legs ache so much, I feel like I must have walked about 20 miles yesterday.

I did not. I doubt I even walked 100 yards in one go. My yesterday consisted of sitting on my bed watching My Girlfriend is a Gumiho while eating an Easter Egg and the accompanying malteasers, interrupted by a brief visit to my grandmother. I didn't even do my hula-ing.

Maybe I have a long lost twin out there somewhere who just ran a marathon. Or maybe I ran a marathon in my sleep, thoughtfully showering and putting myself back to bed afterwards.

Back to being good from now on. I was going to try to cut down on my carbs again, but then my father cooked rice and baked potato for tea, so that plan went belly up. Although, thinking about it, I didn't really eat it so its OK. I was going to drink more water as well, but that kind of slipped my mind when I hit a brick wall on the dresses.

The visible grain line on the chiffon sure looks nice, but its biting me in the ass now. I hate chiffon. Why I was so happy when my bride said she wanted it I don't know. Tell a lie, its because it's pretty. A bitch to work with, but pretty.

In other news, someone threw a bra on stage during Super Junior's Paris concert. The look on their faces in the fancams are hilarious. Bless their innocence, even if they do hip thrust a lot.

<3 x

Sunday 8 April 2012


What seems like years ago now, SM Entertainment, home to my favourite bands Super Junior and SHINee, revealed they were debuting a new band, consisting of two units who would release the same song in Korean and Chinese. They labelled it as something never done before, even though pretty much every major kpop band has re-released songs in either Japanese, Chinese, both, or some other language. For example, I have Perfection in three languages, and countless others in two. However, I don't think a song has been equally promoted in two languages at the same time, so I guess that's what they are getting at.

I eagerly anticipated their debut, especially after the first teaser was released, featuring the extraordinary dancing talent of Kai. More teasers followed, 20 in total, some featuring new members of the 12 strong group, although most of them focused on Kai. After what must have been nearly three months, two 'prolouge' singles were released, and yesterday, finally, their official debut Music Video, Mama, was released.

Korean Ver. from SMTown's Youtube

Chinese Ver. from SMTown's Youtube

The intro is interesting enough once, and I swear narrated by a man who could make a fortune as Michael Gambon's voice double if it isn't actually him, but you can skip to around the 1.23 mark for the start of the actual song.

First impressions? DOT DOT DOT. I didn't know what to think. It was so ... gothic churchy, different from everything I had come to expect from the teasers and singles. What is Love was chilled, and History was catchy, both fun to listen to but stereotypical kpop. To be honest, this scared me a little, especially the chanting at the start and face paint in the shout-y rap-y part, even if it did remind me of Super Junior's Knock Out (Twins) debut song over 6 years earlier.

But kpop has this habit of seeping into your subconscious, and songs you weren't overly impressed with on the first listen start playing in your head just as much as you watch and re-watch the music videos. So yeah, now I'm pretty addicted, and will happily admit to melting a little* at 3.18 of the Korean version, and coming over strangely maternal between 5.02 and 5.12.

The actual music videos were pretty awesome, and I really liked the whole back story explained (somewhat nonsensically) in the intro and how the members manifested their powers. The effects were impressive in both the introduction and the main part, but I have to admit to finding the sound effects somewhat distracting to the song. I kind of get why they did it,to add to the atmosphere and all that, like the swooshing for the tutting part of Lucifer, but I just found it unnecessarily loud and obvious.

The use of English isn't quite right. SM, who brought us the genius of 'Oh my gosh [...] do it do it, an original, hey baby love crash' in Super Junior's A-CHA strikes again, this time delighting us with 'Careless, careless, shoot anonymous, anonymous, heartless, mindless, no one who care about me.' which while it sounds very impressive, doesn't actually make much sense. Its just a shame because it is the English parts that stick out most to English speakers, and while I fully appreciate that we aren't their target audience, Korean music is international now. Also, I can't very easily go around singing it or people might think I'm a poorly educated suicide bomber, and we all know how upsetting seeming uneducated would be.

Anyway, I have to go watch both the videos again, and then eatyourkimchi will do a Music Monday on them tomorrow.

 I just need their full album. Now.

<3 x

*18 year olds should not have that effect on people, Kai.


I kind of came into this drama expecting to see lovely Shin Woo and Go Mi Nam as a girl. Although I got to see a girly Mi Nam in Gyu Won, Shin Woo as Shin was not so lovely.

Gyu Won is a friendly and warm hearted classical music student with an overbearing grandfather. Shin is a cold and arrogant modern music student and lead guitar and vocal of the campus idol band, The Stupid. The whole drama revolves around the build up to the Centennial performance, as Gyu Won is thrust into the lime light and Shin moves on from his crush on the dance teacher and starts to develop feelings for Gyu Won. There is a little side plot of the adorable yet child-like drummer, Joon Hee, falling for Gyu Won's rival, Hee Jui, despite her manipulative and selfish personality.

Shin's head: 'I know, I'll kiss my new girlfriend, who is terrified of having her hair ripped out by my crazy fangirls,  for the first time in front of all of them!'

I have to admit, to begin with, I wasn't hooked by this drama, despite it's recognisable cast (CNblue and FT Island made up The Stupid). It all seemed very melodramatic with Shin fawning over the dance teacher, and Gyu Won starting to fawn over indifferent Shin, and the rest of it was far too High School Musical for me to be able to enjoy properly. Although the slave deal was somewhat amusing, when Gyu Won lost a bet and had to be Shin's slave for a month, even if it did mostly seem to involve getting him coffee, which was clearly him not taking advantage of an awesome opportunity. It picked up a bit when the rehearsals for the big performance started, as the characters developed and more things started to happen, although it ended somewhat abruptly.

It was predictable as anything, though. You knew from the start that Gyu Won and Shin would end up together (even though their kisses were lame, and  the wide-eyed-shock-statue response was over used), just as much as you knew that Joon Hee's innocence would rub off on Hee Jui and turn her into a better person. However, I did enjoy it, partly for the main characters and the plot, partly for an insight into traditional Korean music, but mostly for Joon Hee. That boy was just too damn adorable.

Next up is My Girlfriend is a Gumiho. A gumiho, from what I gather, is a liver eating fox demon in Korean folklore, so that should be fun.

<3 x

Saturday 7 April 2012

Baby Don't Cry

I was watching the EXO showcase earlier, (yes ... after a million and one teasers, and two 'prequel' singles, they are actually debuting... maybe... it could be a 'prequel' album) and while they were reviewing the teasers, I noticed one of the songs was called 'Baby Don't Cry'.

Big Bang have a song of the same name, as do U-Kiss.

Apparently, so does 2Pac, but I am less interested in him, even if he is dead now.

Maybe Exo think having a song with that title is some sort of success talisman. I think being a part of SMtown is enough of a good luck charm.

I'm not really sure where I was going with this. It's just something that I thought I would write about, but now having made my point, I am left with a rather pathetic looking post. It came out better in my head.

Interestingly enough, 2Pac's version is 'Baby Don't Cry (Keep Your Head Up)'. This post was very nearly 'Why? (Keep Your Head Down)'. Well, its interesting to me, because I know what game I'm playing.

In other news, I found videos today of Heechul being Heechul while serving his mandatory military service. He is a DJ at the district office in which he is stationed. He was dancing to SHINee's Sherlock and it made me happy.

<3 x

Friday 6 April 2012


I was going to write this post earlier, but now that I have had some time to pull myself together, I don't really know how to put this. Lets just say I had another mid-February incident.

At the weekend, I said I needed to shut myself off from other people, and so I did. That needing to be alone feeling has yet to go away, and I have been taking out all my frustration on my family.

I kind of wanted to get it all off my chest, but now it seems like it would serve no other purpose than opening up old wounds, and I don't want to have to deal with any more emotion today. Its rather exhausting. 

But so is trying to change, even if it is for the better. Especially when the changes are for the benefit of the people who know me best. I've been really trying hard to make a conscious effort to be nicer, but I can't help relaxing the mask in front of those I feel most comfortable around.

They say you can't change who you are. They also say practise makes perfect.

<3 x

Thursday 5 April 2012

Love Dust

Love. Love.

Love. Change.

Love. Hate.

Love. Dust.




When you write a word so many times, you start to doubt you have spelt it right. Although, interestingly enough, I have written 'love' more, and yet it is 'dust' that looks wrong.

Just to clarify, I do not love dust, any more than I love love, change and hate.

In fact, if anything, I dislike love, change, hate and dust.

<3 x

Wednesday 4 April 2012


I know I've said it before a thousand times, but real life would be so much better if it were like fiction. More exciting things would happen more frequently, everyone would get a happy ending, and you'd never have to do the mundane or disgusting things, like pay your bills and go to the loo. You wouldn't have to worry about the future, because its already planned out for you so you know its going to work out one way or another. Also, it would be amazing to look so perfect all the time. Even when you've had a rough day or been on some adventure, you would still somehow look flawless.

Maybe I am discontent with my own reality so that I can't help but fantasise about how nice living in make-believe would be. I mean sure, I am working with purpose now, but what do I do after the summer? I have to find a real job or else start my business, which I am not sure I am in the right place to do. Other than that, I don't really want to spend the rest of my life single, even though it is looking that way now.

Basically, a rich man needs to sweep me off my feet and look after me for the rest of my life, meaning I have financial freedom to do what I please, rather than what I should do. So basically, like Secret Garden. Or Boys Before Flowers/Hana Yori Dango. Or even City Hunter, just with less guns.

The fact that I want my life to be an Asian drama probably means I should watch less of them, but guess what I am going to do now instead?

<3 x

Tuesday 3 April 2012

Time's Up

An odd thing just occurred.

I look at the clock radio by the side of my bed. It says one time. I think it's earlier than I thought it was, and I wonder if I had never turned that clock forward.

I look at my iPhone clock. It says an hour later. I assume it is correct.

I then look at my laptop clock. It states the time as being an hour after my iPhone's time. I am confused.

I look at the clock on the other side of my bed. It says a totally different time altogether.

Therefore, I have no idea what time it is.

From when I got home at 9.30pm, I had a cup of tea, chatted to my family, changed my bed and had a bath. That either took me an hour, two hours, three hours, or seven hours. I think I'm going to have to place my faith in my beloved iPhone. Not only because it seems to most likely logically, but because I suspect Clock Radio to be jealous as it doesn't get used anymore in favour of iPhone, Laptop to be a zombie, and Clock just to be somewhat geriatric.

<3 x

Monday 2 April 2012

Drawing things

Sometimes, its really fun to spend ages drawing something in drawsomething before you actually draw what it is you are supposed to be drawing. Especially when the guesser actually watches what you are drawing and tries to guess from that rather than just being good at word puzzles and also guessing independently of what is being drawn (... *glares*).

Like today, I spent a lot of time drawing irrelevant backgrounds, and then adding in the actual word at the very end. Such as a detailed house at night, and then a tiny orange blob in the corner with a massive purple arrow pointing to it to indicate 'pumpkin'. Or drawing a whole forest only to crudely draw an axe over the top of it.

However, it taking your time doesn't always work out. I spent ages drawing Ironman, and thought it a pretty good likeness by the time I had finished. However, the guesser took ages to get it. Maybe they had fallen asleep in the early stages where it was just a load of red and yellow splodges.

<3 x

Sunday 1 April 2012


I just spent 20 mins hula hooping, about an hour dancing, and about an hour singing along to the loudest, most sing-along-able songs I have.

Now, I'm trying to calm myself with nice songs, like the Koizora and Zettai Kareshi soundtracks. Lose myself in tragic fantasy.

I feel a little more human now. Exhausted, but slightly more safe in the knowledge that I can leave my room and not attack the first person that I see.

I have been having one of those days. One of those days where you don't want to have to be around people. Where you just have to be on your own until you either snap out of it or go to sleep to wake up the next day normal again.

I knew I should keep to myself today as much as possible, but for some unfathomable reason, I decided to ignore this, and went with my mum to see my Gran. Within 10 mins, we were having a full on argument about the Atom bomb. I have no idea how it came up, or why I decided to suddenly be so political and display any interest in modern history, but I did, and got told off for shouting at my 91 year old grandmother again. Apparently her deafness wasn't an excuse. I then had to endure the rest of the day insisting I was fine and that nothing had happened to my mum who was convinced that something was wrong.

I should have just stayed locked in my room.

I'm going to leave you with 'Take me away' by U-kiss.

Credit to whoever made this video, and U-kiss, obviously.

<3 x