Friday, 16 January 2015

Of gag reflexes.

I hate taking pills. I've never been comfortable with taking pills, and to be honest, would rather live with most issues rather than popping medication. I don't take paracetamol unless I have a fever, I don't take any painkillers for any pain, I just stay away from medication and either man up or go down the more natural and holistic approach. Pills just aren't a part of my life, and so I am not familiar enough with the idea of just swallowing something big enough to choke on. 

So when I got prescribed with a course of antibiotics yesterday, and then picked them up only to discover they are the size of fucking carrots, you can imagine my issue. I drank a whole litre of water trying to take the first one last night, as well as a yoghurt. The experience was so stressful I had to eat half a box of after eights to calm myself down (so much for the diet). Today wasn't so bad, but still pretty traumatic for something that should be so simple. I've also been prescribed with two months worth of naproxen, which can apparently cause your tummy to explode or something, so fingers crossed that doesn't happen. Those pills are pretty big too, but they're powder so I can just bite them in half. 

I looked up as to why I have this issue, and apparently it's something you either get over or have a life long problem with from about the age of 10, or something old people develop as they get older. So I guess at 10 I was like nope to pills and mushed them up in jam while everyone else was learning how to not be a pussy.

Either that or I am in fact a young person stuck in an old persons body, disguised as a young person's body. 

Monday, 12 January 2015

New Year Do-over

I'm going to start again.

I started really well. I fasted on New Year's Day and had really high hopes. But then feeling really shitty in a sort of 'eat everything especially all the bad stuff and don't do anything productive at all' way kinda messed things up. 

Tomorrow is a Monday. I've finished all my Christmas junk. I'm significantly enough over my cold. I am full of determination. 

Eating right. Exercising consistently. Being proactive and productive. Let's do this.

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Keep In Touch

2015 marks an end of an era type deal for me. 
Or maybe it's better to phrase it as a start of a new one. 

For nearly 6 years, I've worked really hard and really struggled at making my film career a viable option. I've had doubts but I've never really faultered on this ultimately being what I want to do. But now, I've reached the decision that it will never be a realistic long term and financially profitable career path, and have decided to move on. That's not to say that I won't still dabble if things come my way and I can do them, but more that film work is no longer my primary focus. A hobby, if you like, to fit around my normal life rather than vice versa. 

I was in the shower just now, and Super Junior's "keep in touch" came up in shuffle. It got me thinking. I consider myself to have made some good friends during my film career, but how many of those will stay in touch when I leave the industry and therefore am surplus to their professional requirements? How many people will still talk to me and seem to genuinely care about me when I no longer work for or with them? Relationships in film are intense things, people know everything about you in very intimate detail within a very short amount if time. Sure most of those relationships disappear into the ether as soon as the wrap party is over, but some are a little more lasting. But how many friendships would survive me being out of that world altogether? I doubt any to be honest, and that makes me really sad. 

Saturday, 3 January 2015


So I've had this stinking cold since the start of December. 

It started with just a normal cold. It started getting better then I got another one, just days before Christmas, which has yet to fully go. I thought it was just a little snot and a cough that was lingering, but last night and today I feel like I've been punched in the face. Fingers crossed it's just congestion from the last one rather than a new one. That would suck.

I'm in London at the moment. The boy is working, so I've spent the day in bed watching films feeling sorry for my face. But I think we're heading out in a bit to get an extra Xbox controller and some Lego games so we can actually play together for once. We did think about doing a couples games play because it'd be really amusing watching me and someone who actually knows what they're doing play together. I'll keep you posted. 

I don't quite know how to end these any more. I need to think of some sort of witty catchphrase. Like 'see you later, Roger' or 'peace out bitches'. Suggestions welcome, regular readers that probably gave up on checking this blog about a year ago. 

Friday, 2 January 2015

Another New Year

Yep, it's another new year, another post about my New Years resolutions for 2015. In fact, I can't remember if I did one last year. I kind of had a year off blogging, but I missed it, and I missed reading my posts back, so here's to another year of (almost) daily blogging.

Right, number one. Get fit, and heathy, and loose that weight that won't go. I'm currently over 7kg heavier than I want to be, and I can feel it in the splodge of my tummy. I wouldn't mind being heavier if it was muscle, but it's very definitely fat, and I need to wear magic pants to feel comfortable in most of my clothes. So I'm fasting two days a week, and doing a combo of the slimfast and nutribullet diet for the rest of the time. I'm also aiming to exercise for 20 mins four times a week. So either 20 mins hula hooping or 3 Blogilates challenge videos. Being naughty is ok, just once a day and never on a fast day. Also drink more water and all that jazz. 

Number two is to be more money savvy. I  can't afford to go out for dinner every week and whatnot. So let's reign that in a little. I don't have the luxury of relying on my parents anymore, so I'm also looking for another job. You know, to bring my total up to three. 

I think that's enough for now. I'm late posting this, it was meant to be yesterday's post but things got deep and complicated last night so it didn't occur to me until now. Hopefully I'll remember to post tonight :s