So when I got prescribed with a course of antibiotics yesterday, and then picked them up only to discover they are the size of fucking carrots, you can imagine my issue. I drank a whole litre of water trying to take the first one last night, as well as a yoghurt. The experience was so stressful I had to eat half a box of after eights to calm myself down (so much for the diet). Today wasn't so bad, but still pretty traumatic for something that should be so simple. I've also been prescribed with two months worth of naproxen, which can apparently cause your tummy to explode or something, so fingers crossed that doesn't happen. Those pills are pretty big too, but they're powder so I can just bite them in half.
I looked up as to why I have this issue, and apparently it's something you either get over or have a life long problem with from about the age of 10, or something old people develop as they get older. So I guess at 10 I was like nope to pills and mushed them up in jam while everyone else was learning how to not be a pussy.
Either that or I am in fact a young person stuck in an old persons body, disguised as a young person's body.