Tuesday 3 August 2010

Guess what?

Guess what?

Its quarter to midnight again and I have just remembered I haven't blogged yet. Awesome. I can see this whole BEDA thing turning out to be me rushing to blog on time, and as a result posting random crap that has no merit whatsoever. Yay.

I though I feel remembering at quarter to midnight two nights in a row is rather impressive.

Lets think, anything exciting happen today? Well, no. I went to work, I got out my sketchbook, I put it away again after looking at it for a while. I went home for lunch and didn't have slimfast but spaghetti and cheese, which is rather notsome for the diet thing. And I had a pint of Pepsi Max again instead of 2 litres of water. I really do suck.

On the plus side though, I am keeping up with my calorie counter on my iPhone, not that its inspiring me much, and a boy just called me awesome :)

In other news, I have been feeling rather chipper lately. You know you are feeling happy when you use a word like chipper. No reason why, I just have. Well I guess a boy calling me awesome maybe has something to do with it.

Although when I act happy in front of my parents, they get all freaked out and want to know whats wrong with me. So that's always good.

<3 x

Manga: 26
Last Google Search: How to make a cloning machine (What? It might come in handy)

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