Friday 17 February 2012

Back to 15.

It's just occured to me that during my time at university, I had a subtle personality change. My mother has always said that uni hardened me and made me shut myself off more so than before, but I had always pushed out those ideas as silly. Now, I think she was on the right track. I don't remember ever having such a cruel sense of humour before I went to uni, in fact, I remember myself being much gentler. In school, I was so nice that I wouldn't even say a bad word about another person.

I wish I was that person again. Sure, I wasn't as happy then, I didnt have proper friends and people used to take advantage of how nice I was, but I would rather be someone who is known for being nice, or even better not known at all, than be someone who only their close friends can understand the meaning behind their words. People walking over me is a small price to pay to stop hurting people with every word that comes out my mouth.

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