Sunday 26 February 2012

Prostitutes and Weddings

I really want to be curled up in a warm bed right now, but I am on call to pick up my mum from work tonight, so it may be a few hours yet until I can do so.

That makes it sound like my mum is a prostitute or something. No, she's just doing stock take which means she started work late and will finish early in the morning. We decided it makes sense for me to pick her up as I will be awake any way, but as Sod's Law would have it, the one night where I am actually tired and want to go to bed before midnight is the one night where I have to stay up.

Bridesmaid Duties today went reasonably well. I basically just sat in a really warm room watching Bride #1 have her hair and make up done. You could see that the make up artist was a little put out my her general lack of decisiveness, as well as in shock that the bride had no idea what she wanted to look like on the one day where everyone will be focusing on what she looks like. I guess she is just used to having girly-girls in her chair, telling her exactly what to do. We, as bridesmaids, are under strict instruction to make her grow her hair out and to start using moisturiser, neither of which I fear we will be able to achieve. Well, maybe the hair thing, but making someone implement a whole new skin care regime when I strongly suspect they have never even contemplated 'cleanse, tone, moisturise' before is going to be impossible.

I'm glad that she decided that her bridesmaids should get their hair and make up done too. There was a lot of discussion about having it done for even the Bride, but I'm so glad she did as she looked so much more grown up and special, and I don't think she would have known where to start if she was going to do it herself. Lets be fair, I would have ended up doing hair and make up for everyone, and there is no way that I want that responsibility. It's something that you can always tell whether its been done professionally or not, and knowing that someone has made you look perfect makes you feel a bit better about yourself at the same time.

<3 x

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