Saturday 4 February 2012


I went shopping today with Rachey and Eleanor, along with Rachey's Mum and Nan. So that was an experience.

Firstly, Rachey had told me that she would let me know what the plan was on Thursday, but I woke up this morning without a clue what time we were going or how we were going to get there. Luckily I decided to get ready just in case, which is fortunate as Jon called to tell me that Rachey's Mum and Nan were on their way to come pick me up, so I dived into my car and bombed it over to Elle's to pick her up before they got here. I did not make it back on time. They didn't seem to mind though, and after picking up Rachey from school, we went on our way.

Going into town on a Saturday afternoon was never going to be easy, especially when we realised when we were nearly there that none of us knew where to park. We found a car park where we had to wait at traffic lights to get in to it for no apparent reason, and then got lost trying to find our way out. We even met others lost in the car park, and by the time we found our way out, there were about 3 groups of us. We bade farewell to our fellow explorers and went to the shop we were aiming for, coming away an hour or so later with £250 worth of fabric, ready to make a wedding dress and 4 bridesmaid dresses in less than 6 months.

The process did amuse me quite a lot, and made me realise how much I have picked up about not just the type but the quality of fabric. At one point, the assistant asked if the dressmaker was there and everyone pointed at me. I nearly went straight to what we ended up buying, even if I had to talk Rachey into the bridal chiffon, as she didn't like the texture until she saw it over the satin, and her Mother and Nan into the bridesmaids materials as they thought they were too dark. I know what they were all talking about, but I think because I know what I'm making I was looking at the bigger picture while they only really saw the material as it is. It was funny though, as Rachey, Elle and I were sold on the bridesmaids fabrics as soon as we saw them together, but we had to spend ages talking the other two into it. The satin is a cadbury purple, but the chiffon which will go over it is a much deeper shade, and I know that they were worried it would look too black in the photos. We had to take pictures of it in the end to prove it would be fine.

I'm really happy with what we came away with though. We've got some really gorgeous duchess satin, which I am afraid won't look so nice for the wedding because I will have been stoking it for 6 months. I fell in love at first sight with the bridal chiffon, and I'm so glad Rachey didn't make me go with the polyester crap she was looking at to begin with.

I love fabric shopping. It can be a pain in the arse, but when you find what you want, its awesome. Like when a biochemist does ... biochemisty things (I was trying to relate to my reader, but then I realised I don't know enough about science).

RIGHT, I'm off to watch more Secret Garden. I cried last night, it was that sad and moving. I really wanted to go straight to the next episode, but my laptop died. I was not impressed.


What, did you think this post was going to be about snow? God no, I don't want to encourage it.

<3 x

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