Wednesday 13 June 2012

The Boys

I don't understand boys.

A few weeks ago, I got a friend request on Facebook. I didn't recognise the guy, even though he was friends with a few people I have worked with, so I ignored it. A few days later, I got a message, and as it just said 'Hi, how are you?, I ignored him once again. Then I got a message telling me he had been trying to get in contact with me, so, thinking it may be work related, I replied with a simple explanation of how I don't use Facebook very often. He replied with his number. A few days later, another 'Hi how are you?' message, and a few days after that, another. I ignored them all, having decided this was clearly not about work.

However, I have just got a message saying he had tried to call me but couldn't get through. Where did he get my phone number from? I knew he had my email address (I don't know how he got that either but it is easier to find online, I guess). Is he trying to ask for my number in a round-a-bout way? Or is it actually work related and I have been ignoring him unjustly? I see no reason why he would need to get into contact with me about work seeing as I am not involved in anything to do with that company at the moment, but I am confused and at a loss of what to do. Does asking 'Is this business or pleasure?' seem to blunt ... or prostitute-y?

Why I am I picking up all the persistent people lately? Its so strange, it is almost like a memo got sent out telling people to hassle me.Why can't people either calm the crap down or take an effing hint?

And people say that girls are clingy ...


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