Friday 12 October 2012

A catch up

So ... um ... it's been a while. 6 weeks away in the big city and just over a week back home, and only now I decide to face the shame of my poor, neglected blog. I did not do well at documenting this last shoot.

It's a shame really, because it's not like I didn't have stuff to share. One thing is for sure, I wouldn't have struggled to come up with something to write about every day. But, alas, sleep and food took priority upon arriving back at my digs of a night, so let me sum it all up here.

Phew. 37 long and hard shooting days, each filled with sleep deprivation, stress and discontent, and yet I wouldn't have wanted to be any where else. The cast and crew were simply awesome. My bank account suffered, but it was worth every penny ... Or it will be as soon as I get every penny back. I made firm friends, met a boy, brought a dress, and even got the promise of years of paid work to come.

I did, however, live on a diet that consisted almost exclusively of salad and humous wraps on set, and pizza off set. Not that I'm complaining ... I have had cravings for wraps and eaten pizza at least 3 times in the past week.

What else to tell?

The boy is a boy, but I like him. As in, I haven't even started talking myself out of it yet, which is new. We're still just taking it as it comes. I'm a little scared that if we label it, I'll freak and run, and I don't want that. Hmm we'll see ... I'll keep you posted.

I did my huge room sort out as soon as I got back, and now half of my wardrobe is destined for eBay - well, what my sister didn't poach anyway. I keep it lovely, putting the cushions on my bed and lighting my candle, and it's lovely. As soon as we have completely emptied my sisters old room, I can set up my work room in the extension, and get started on setting up my business!

So things are starting to come together ... Now I just need fate to stop fucking over my family's personal lives.

Lessthanthree kiss

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