Saturday 16 March 2013

Rainy and Windy

You know what's strange? I have perfect Internet, but pretty much no signal. How is it that Internet waves can reach where phone waves can't? Or whatever technology travels in.

So I'm staying with my sister. I cut the lining of her wedding dress, and decided to fit it to be sure it's all good before I cut the actual main fabrics. I'm feeling pretty confident, so that's good. And it only took me a day, so it's exciting to think that it will only take another day until she has a very unfinished but dress shaped none the less wedding dress.

That's the thing with dress making. The beginning takes ages, the middle is ridiculously fast, and then it takes ages again to finish. It's good though, as soon as things get dress shaped, everything seems like it's nearly done, and all the stress goes.

For a few days at least.

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