Friday 2 January 2015

Another New Year

Yep, it's another new year, another post about my New Years resolutions for 2015. In fact, I can't remember if I did one last year. I kind of had a year off blogging, but I missed it, and I missed reading my posts back, so here's to another year of (almost) daily blogging.

Right, number one. Get fit, and heathy, and loose that weight that won't go. I'm currently over 7kg heavier than I want to be, and I can feel it in the splodge of my tummy. I wouldn't mind being heavier if it was muscle, but it's very definitely fat, and I need to wear magic pants to feel comfortable in most of my clothes. So I'm fasting two days a week, and doing a combo of the slimfast and nutribullet diet for the rest of the time. I'm also aiming to exercise for 20 mins four times a week. So either 20 mins hula hooping or 3 Blogilates challenge videos. Being naughty is ok, just once a day and never on a fast day. Also drink more water and all that jazz. 

Number two is to be more money savvy. I  can't afford to go out for dinner every week and whatnot. So let's reign that in a little. I don't have the luxury of relying on my parents anymore, so I'm also looking for another job. You know, to bring my total up to three. 

I think that's enough for now. I'm late posting this, it was meant to be yesterday's post but things got deep and complicated last night so it didn't occur to me until now. Hopefully I'll remember to post tonight :s

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