Saturday 26 September 2015

C9 - Day 8

Today is my first day of feeling utterly and absolutely demotivated. I don't see the point in carrying on anymore. 

It's 11am, and I'm still in bed. So much for all that energy you're supposed to get on the clean9. 

I just weighed myself and realised that there is absolutely no chance I am going to loose the last two kilos I wanted as my minimum loss in the next 48 hour.

Looking at myself, I am no thinner, no less bloated, and nor do I feel any happier about my body. 

Today is one of my friends birthday, and she's having a party for her 2 year old this afternoon. I can't help but think what is the point in trying to carry on with this facade when there is no chance of a feeling of accomplishment at the end of it. 

I warned myself in previous posts that I don't have the mental strength for this. 

I thought that I had nothing to lose. That the chance of loosing a little weight was worth the £100 price tag. But now I feel like I've failed even though I've been so careful to keep well within the plans perametres. 

I've taken all the tablets. I've drunk all the gel. I've had the shakes with almond milk rather than milk to cut out the fat and up the protein. I've kept within my 600 cal limit for meals, even including free foods. I've stayed up late in the night doing all of the blogilates 30 day challenges for my half an hour exercise, even on top of classes and walks. 

And still I'm sat here crying my eyes out because it's all been for nothing. 

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