Tuesday 17 July 2018

Kitten Riddle

Its getting dark. You give the kitten some biscuits and lock the cat flap so that she’s in for the night. She meows a little when she realises, and scratches around a bit, but she soon settles and goes to find something else to do. You watch the end of your film. 

The film finishes and you head up to bed. The kitten isn’t downstairs so you expect to find her in your room somewhere. However, when you go into your bedroom, the kitten isn’t on the bed, which isn’t that unusual as she rarely sleeps on the bed unless you’re there. You look under the bed, but all you see are bottle tops she’s being playing with and abandoned. You look under the wardrobes. Nothing. You look in the drawers. Nada. You wonder whether you were being totally unobservant and missed her being in her bed in the living room, so you go back downstairs. She isn’t in her bed, her hidey hole, behind the sofas or anywhere in the hall or kitchen. You double check the cat flap - definitely locked. You rattle her biscuits but you are greeted by only silence. 

Baffled, you return upstairs. You look towards the window, and notice the gap is a little wider than normal. 


No, she couldn’t ... could she?

You fling open the window and look out into the dark night. There is a distinct lack of kitten with four broken legs directly below, which is good. You make a noise, and hear a meow. Followed by a scrambling noise, and then the kitten appears over the fence. 

So yeah, Agi jumps out of buildings from the second story now. She’s also learnt to climb fences without the aid of bins, sheds and plants apparently, but I feel like the key point here is that she jumped out of a window

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