Wednesday, 22 September 2010

A Career Change

Now, we all know that my chosen career path is that of a costumier.

What few realise is that this wouldn't be my first choice, as before I decided to go with costume, I wanted to be a writer. However, I put this out of the question fairly early on because I decided that I could never make it as a successful author, it being too hard to get into and me being too sensitive to handle all the rejection.

What even fewer realise is that before costume, and before writing, I wanted to to be an actor. But again with the difficulty and rejection, I just decided to go with a more plausible option for my talent and circumstances.

When I say all of this, I don't mean that I have stopped wanting to be these things; far from it, I have just decided to focus my attention on to other, smaller, more realisable goals in order to obtain success rather than my idealistic dreams. So good job there, Heather, with that hugely successful career you have got right now.

Right, so over the past few weeks, as you may have realised in the 'footnote' to my posts, I have been re-reading some of my favourite manga. In my mind, I have been more and more tempted to re-read or re-watch Vampire Knight, this being my second-all-time-favourite. The night before last, I found the anime and watched the first episode in Japanese, before I discovered that it had finally been dubbed into English.

I whooped.

I tweeted.

I then found out that Zero was being voiced by Vic Mignogna, who voiced Fai in Tsubasa (my first-all-time-favourite), and the awesome metre in my head bounced off the charts.

So I sat down to watch it, with high expectations.

Vic's Zero was great, Kaname was passable, Yuki annoyed me.

It just seemed that the girl who was playing Yuki was just reading the script; there wasn't much feeling or sense of character in her words at all. I hate being critical of others work, but she really paled in comparison to the rest of the cast for me, which is so disappointing as she is the main character.

I understand that its probably a much harder job than it looks, but still, I could so do that. The whole reason I wanted to be an actor, even a writer, in the first place was as a form of escapism, to become someone else for a bit, live in another world to my own, but was put off somewhat by the whole being recognised thing. I wouldn't get that with voice acting, no one would ever know who I was unless they worked with me or what-have-you.

I'm just generally a bit of a drama queen. I like being someone else.

So, anyone know how to become a voice actor?

<3 x

Manga: 32 (Kaichou wa Maid-sama ch 26, re-reading Love Celeb ch 15, re-watching VK ep 5)
Last Google Search: Vampire Knight dub Vic Mignogna (I was checking the spelling)

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