Monday, 4 April 2011

Still Going Strong

I think I must be better at the whole blogging thing now than I was when I have attempted BEDA before. When I first did it in August, the first three days were rushed posts written with mere minutes to spare before midnight, and then my fourth and fifth posts was me writing about how I have nothing to say, followed by a week off. In October, when I did BEDO, I only blogged 8 times in the whole month, and some of those posts were done on the same days. However, this time, I'm not really finding myself at a loss of what to say or lacking the motivation to blog, which is nice.

Yes, I realise its only day 4 and I have plenty of time to lose motivation or exhaust my topics of discussion ... with myself.

Today I wrote a to do list. I do this every Monday, as Mondays are my most productive days, as well as my healthiest. I did all my tasks on my list. I think being able to tick things that you needed to do off a list after having done them is really satisfying. I look down at my note book and there are lines through everything that I had to do, which means for the rest of the time I can play how I like. Namely by watching Gokusen (which I am really enjoying, more so than I thought I would, and the girl is so pretty in the opening), reading Toraware no Minoue (drawn by the same person who drew VK, but the art is almost unrecognisable) and being a total loser by learning part 1 of SJM's Perfection. I'm going to try to learn one part a day (hopefully).  I just don't want to know what I look like doing it, as I think its going well, but I bet I just look like a flailing baboon.

Ooooooh! I just realised I can add that as exercise on My Fitness Pal. 236 cals for 45 mins?! Score!

I have been trying to include a picture with each post to brighten them up a bit, but I don't know what picture to include for this post; it hasn't really been about anything.

So I fangirled instead by google imaging Super Junior M.  Whoever decided to put them all in furry hats and poncy clothes for the Perfection album cover .... why on earth ... I cant ... I mean, BOWS ... just WHY??

Not that they don't pull it off quite well all things considered. My mum says they all look like girls. I still think they are hot, although I will admit they are VERY pretty for boys.

Kyuhyun (in the middle) looks like a doll.

<3 x

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