Thursday, 18 August 2011

In which I decide I like titling my posts beginning with 'in which ...'

I totally didn't realise what time it was. I was just working away, trying to sew this goshdarn elastic into my fake sleeves so they definitely don't fall down, when I decided I couldn't do it so quit for the night. I'm noticing a trend developing.

Can't do something? Bed time.

At least I sorted my skirt problem out. It's now in two sections, rather than all as one, and just plain crappy leather stuff rather than pleats and whatnot.

I didnt get to go to see where I'll be working on the BBC shoot today because they were too busy, but I'm popping in ever so briefly tomorrow morning. For half an hour it barely seems worth it, especially when you take in the 1&1/2 hour travelling time, but I think it's important for me to show my face before shooting starts. Also, it'll take the stress off if I already know where I'm heading.

I'm still terrified, but I haven't had too much time to freak out because I've been too buy freaking out over my current shoot.

Speaking of freak outs, my friends are awesome. Yesterday, I get a visit from Rachey with a congratulations on the job card, which was lovely. Then I got a visit from Inki today after I had spent like 24 hours complaining in various forms, from text to this very blog, and even though I only hinted at cherry coke cheering me up, she brought me a 2 litre bottle, two toffee apples and a pack of cookies. You're far too good to me. I don't deserve it. But I do love you with all my heart. Platonically.

Right that's it from me.

<3 x

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