Thursday, 12 January 2012

Gherkin is a Weird Word

I was just about to shut down my laptop and go to bed when I remembered that I hadn't posted yet today. Fair enough, you may think, but I have literally been thinking all day about what I was going to write about.

Don't get your hopes up, mind. Its still not very exciting.

Why is it, when you are trying to be good, you crave all sorts of things you wouldn't normally even dream of eating. Like today, I found myself really wanting a McDonald's. I haven't been to McDonald's for probably 10 years, and have certainly never desired their food in that time, yet today, because I was being super good, all I could think about was a cheeseburger. I don't even eat meat. The only thing I can remember about cheeseburgers are the gherkins. So how can I crave it?

How does that even make sense?

Is it just because I want what I know I can't have? Or am I seriously that easily influenced that I can be so sucked in by advertising? I want to say just the first, but I know it's probably both.

This post was a lot longer in my head, but I'm sleepy and want to go to bed so this can be enough. Also, I remember only too well what happened last time I talked about what I wanted to eat while being healthy, an that resulted in the invention of chocolate heart attack, so all the more reason to shut up.

<3 x

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