Monday, 2 April 2012

Drawing things

Sometimes, its really fun to spend ages drawing something in drawsomething before you actually draw what it is you are supposed to be drawing. Especially when the guesser actually watches what you are drawing and tries to guess from that rather than just being good at word puzzles and also guessing independently of what is being drawn (... *glares*).

Like today, I spent a lot of time drawing irrelevant backgrounds, and then adding in the actual word at the very end. Such as a detailed house at night, and then a tiny orange blob in the corner with a massive purple arrow pointing to it to indicate 'pumpkin'. Or drawing a whole forest only to crudely draw an axe over the top of it.

However, it taking your time doesn't always work out. I spent ages drawing Ironman, and thought it a pretty good likeness by the time I had finished. However, the guesser took ages to get it. Maybe they had fallen asleep in the early stages where it was just a load of red and yellow splodges.

<3 x

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