Tuesday, 4 December 2012


The boy came to stay this weekend, and one morning, while I was in the shower, he found the link to this blog on my laptop and decided to read it .... gulp.

He says he only read one post, Out of Sight, Out of Mind, which wasn't the best one for him to see. So I made him read his Bo section on NaBoWoDraK-Po to make it seem less negative. Did you guys get that, by the way? Na was for nanowrimo, Bo was for boy, Wo was work, Dra was drama and K-Po was obviously k pop.

Friday was a good day. I finished NaNoWriMo! I wrote like 5000 words before half 4, giving me more than enough time to tidy the house and myself before he arrived at quarter to 10. We had a quiet night in, and then on Saturday, we went to the German market, where he brought us matching German market mugs*. Then we went home, and he fell asleep from about 6 pm til the next morning ... granted I fell asleep first, but I woke up after an hour or so, he just kept sleeping. I got so bored after checking all my social networks and playing games that I eventually went downstairs and watched half of Star Trek with my parents. I went back up feeling super guilty for having left him and he didn't even know I had been gone, so I put Fast Five on because he never lets me watch it ... but I fell asleep at the end. On Sunday, we were going to go to the cinema or a walk to do the Tolkien Trail, but ended up watching films in bed all day instead because it was warmer.

Now I think about it, it doesn't seem like we did much.

I don't care. I had a really lovely weekend. 

*What does that mean?! He doesn't want a relationship but he gets us matching souvenirs? I'm starting to think its not so much that he doesn't want a relationship, but than he just doesn't want one with me.

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