Friday, 8 February 2013

Impossible Little Old Woman

Hmm. Today feels so long ago already.

Went to school this morning, got paid (yay) and then headed home for a quick lunch before heading over to my Gran's to take her for an appointment.

Old people are impossible. She'd properly screwed up her tablets by messing around with her pill box and yet refused to admit that she'd done anything. She clearly had, a load were missing. What she'd done with them is anyones guess, and I'm not sure what would be worse, her having overdosed or neglected to take any. Anyway, I sorted her out for the next few days again, warned her against fiddling again, and then asked what she was having for tea. She said soup and that she could work the tin opener now, which I doubted as last time I asked she started using a pair of garden shears. Anyway, we managed to open the tin, and then she pulled out a sandwich and a few tomatoes wrapped in clingfilm that the carer had clearly made for her lunch. So she hadn't had anything to eat all day. And she says she doesn't need carers, that she is perfectly capable of doing everything herself. She's no more independent than a disabled Labrador.

My mum thinks that she might be doing it a little bit on purpose because she wants the attention and for Carolyn to move in to look after her. If that's true, she doesn't seem to realise that wont happen, and she'll just have more carers more often. Of course, she may be that confused that we're doing more harm than good trying to humour her with the independence that she has.

Sigh. I really don't want to get old.

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