Monday, 15 April 2013

Of work and travel ... aka boring.

Why is it that you can be absolutely shattered all day, and yet as soon as you climb in to bed ... boom, wide awake. It's not fair.

Today was mostly spent driving home and not doing anything productive. I was meant to finish all my designs this weekend, and I tried to finish the sketching phase in the car, but it was too jiggly. I'll have to do it tomorrow instead, after school when I'm finding it hard to pluck up the willpower to go into my work room. Not that it really needs to be done so soon, we're not shooting until July and its the end of June before I need to have a fitting, but the production seem keen to get things sorted really early.

I have just been looking at trains and coaches for my shoot this weekend. Since petrol is so expensive and my car seems to be guzzling it down lately, I figure its much cheaper to public transport it. The other week, I got a return for £15. This time, for some reason I don't understand, all the £6 and £8 options are non existant, and I'm looking at nearer to £28. I'm looking at the same days as well, and open to the cheapest time possible, so I don't understand how the price can double like that. I could megabus it for £12, but to be perfectly honest, it doesn't appeal much. I like trains.

So, at some point this week, hopefully Tuesday or Wednesday if I get the details in time, I need to hit the charity shops and/or Primark and put together a homeless man's costume. And then age the shit out of it. I have a budget (and a wage (woo) although not union standard) and the short will be entered to the Virgin Media Shorts competition, so I want to really show off here. Plus the story is probably the most adorable thing I have read in a while.

Plus, making a homeless man is exciting.

Better than suits and normal stuff any day.

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