Friday, 30 August 2013


I'm awake. Trying to make everyone happy is hard. 

I'm a little obsessed with the game Jelly Splash. I won't last long, and it's kinda like candy crush bit Roth Jelly. 

Too tire to talk 

Thursday, 29 August 2013


I knew lying down to watch the last half of an episode of Love Rain would be a bad idea. Just opened my eyes to the credits. 

I like those USB things, especially when they have faces. 

Actually, only when they have faces. Otherwise they're just USB things and I have no feelings for them whatsoever.

This is my cutest one. 

Wednesday, 28 August 2013


I'm so sick of having break downs about my state of life. 

Finance wise, I've screwed myself over.

Career wise, I've screwed myself over.

Family wise, I've screwed myself over.

I'm just generally screwed. 

So, I give myself a year. For film work to pick up, for my bridal and teaching stuff to be making me legitimate money, and for my friends and family who are likely to settle down to settle down. If things don't work out (obviously the me things, friends and family will settle regardless), that's it. 

I'll take that as a sign to put those dreams behind me, and time to focus on a new dream. 

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Of Spiders and Cats

Remember the spider that crawled down my curtain the other night and then disappeared? He showed up in my ver this evening. He has now been relocated to a pot plant on the landing, and my door has been thoroughly resprayed with anti spider spray. 

We had Rachey's baby shower today. It was really lovely, and now my ovaries are exploding a little bit. Not too much, I still more want to play with baby stuff than actually have a baby, but my biological clock is definitely ticking. 

Looks like I should get down to the cats protection league sooner rather than later then.

Monday, 26 August 2013


I forgot to post last night. I remember thinking about it but then I guess I just fell asleep instead. 

I didn't do my squat challenge either, even though I probably need it after yesterday more than any other time. There was a lot of cake and icing being et. 

I know et isn't a grammatically correct word and yet I'm still worried about it being spelt right. 

In other news, they should do more than four colours of tomee tipee sippy cups. What if you have quintuplets, two of them would have to have the same cup and then how are you supposed to tell them apart? 

Also applies to mid-twenty year olds. 

Sunday, 25 August 2013


I don't know what to post about today. 

I could tell you about how I brought a box, but I don't think a wider audience outside of my close friends would find it interesting. Hell, even they wouldn't.

A lot of app icons are blue. 

I brought four new pillows a few months ago. I swear the ones on the other side are comfier. Is that even a word? 

Saturday, 24 August 2013


In other news, I like the new YouTube app. Makes me feel like I'm in Minority Report.

Friday, 23 August 2013


There was a spider on my curtains. Suddenly he has vanished and I am convinced he'll enc up on my face this evening. 

Not much to tell of today. Did a bit of work, went to see my gran. Fun right? 

I also tried to watch more of Love Rain. I started to fall asleep ... 

Right now I'm more concerned with my increasing state of sleepiness with a spider on the loose. 

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Jelly Legs

I just started doing the Blogilates Squat Challenge again. I have a feeling I'm not going to be able to walk in the morning.

Its exactly a month until the wedding, and even though I don't want to loose any weight, I do want to tone up a bit. I wish my thighs and bum weren't so cellulite-y, so hence the squatting. Last time I did it every night for an extended amount of time (read; longer than a couple of days), I felt a difference, so fingers crossed.

I might start lifting some cans of soup or something while I'm at it. Two people laughed at me when I said I was considering doing weights, so I kind of want to elbow them in the face with my toned arms as a 'told you so', but without having to buy weights. Because, you know, they cost money, and I have a baby shower gift to buy that is already going to wipe my bank account.

Sigh, I wish school would start back already. And that every student wanted 4 hours a week with me. You know, just while I'm wishing for things.

Tuesday, 20 August 2013


I'm in bed before midnight. 

My tummy hurts. 

And that just about sums up today. 

The Hen Do

To the rock on the motorway that decided to smash into my windscreen ... FUCK YOU. 

In other news, the hen do was amazing. 

So I got to my sisters at about 3, and we pissed around for a bit before starting to make fajitas for when hen #3 and token gay #4 arrived. We all had a lovely dinner, and they started on the red. 3 bottles later, hen #5 turned up. 2 bottles after that, which by that point had worked its way from red to white, we all staggered to bed, not looking forward to waking up nice and early with a hangover. 

But wake up we did, and after breakfast, copious amounts of caffeine, and a sandwich production line, we headed to the zorbing place and met up with hens #6-18.

Oh my god. So amazing. Everyone needs to do it. It is so much fun. It wasnt even scary in the lead up, it was just exciting. I did a hydro ride, which is where you are loose in the ball with a load of warm water getting rolled down the hill. You get soaked. For the first half, it's like being on a slide, but then we started to turn so that we were going backwards, which unstabled us so that we went head over heels and water went everywhere. Handy hint, bring spare EVERYTHING. Best part, we had a camera as part of the hen do deal, so we have a video :). Maybe I'll put it up on YouTube. 

Then, we headed to the beach for our picnic. We sat down to almost clear skies. As soon as everything was laid out, the rain started and did not stop. Typical. Luckily we found a tree in a bear by park and managed up finish under that. Then an outdoors sealife centre in the rain. You can imagine how we hydro zorbers never really got dry. 

We headed back to my sisters, and after showers and more wine, this time accompanied with chocolate, we got ready and headed out the meal. It was a small, local Italian place, and after 3 courses and I think about 7 bottles of wine (6 of them consumed by one half of the table) we had written on the tables and had a lock in to dance with the waiters. I'm not going to lie, everything is a little rushed in my memory, but there were hen party songs, my bag is filled with mint imperials, and I'm fairly certain we had sex chats when we got in. 

Sunday consisted off everyone being hungover and watching loads of don't tell the bride while the hens slowly headed home. That was when I noticed the fuck off huge crack in my windscreen. Just as I was about to head home.

A sucky end to an amazing weekend. 

Friday, 16 August 2013

Multiple Personality Disorder

Blah blah blah blah blah blah.

You know what sucks? Spending the whole day trying not to fall asleep where you stand because you had about 3 hours sleep, only to wake up as soon as its gets to a reasonable time to go to bed. Gah. Life.

Today turned out really lovely, after a bit of a Grumpy Heather start. Yeah, Grumpy Heather posts about being on a toilet. Normal Heather posts about everything but being on a toilet, because she is a decent human being who understands that noone needs to know that. 

Sometimes typing your name a lot makes your name look weird. 

Anyway, I know I have barely posted this week, but I'm off to my sisters hen do this weekend so I'm not going to promise posting over the next few days either. I so hope it all goes to plan. I didn't have time to figure out a bad weather option ...   

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Good morning ... Or not

Waking up at 5 am in severe discomfort sucks.

Cystitis sucks. 

I wish there was a fast cure for this, like a pop one pill and it's gone sort of thing. But no. Instead you have to cope with it until it decides it's ready to leave, rather than buggering off when you want it to. Bloody infections. Rude. 

I was going to post about how weird it is that I probably won't be going back to London for a while, but no, here is a psy about me being stuck on the loo instead. 

Sunday, 11 August 2013


Something happened today. 

I was working on my sisters wedding dress in my work room. My dad comes in to ask if I wanted a cup of tea, and then starts looking at the dress. He asks a few questions, tells me I have done well, and then hurries out of the door because by his own admission, he is getting quite emotional. 

I called him back and when I saw his red eyes, I hugged him. I told him it was the probably the lovliest thing he has ever done. That sort of reaction from my father is unheard of. Normally, he has an unfortunate knack of killing a buzz, not creating it. I don't think I've ever felt that he was proud of me, that I have ever done anything that pleased him. 

I cried. I've been crying a lot lately anyway. It's just nice to be doing it for a god reason. 

Saturday, 10 August 2013


Apparently, my home is everywhere I go. I hope all my friends and family don't mind.

Friday, 9 August 2013


A few days ago, I weighed myself and the result shocked me a little. Worried about putting on too much weight before the wedding, I decided not to do anything about it and see how it goes. 

Today I ate a ridiculous amount, so I don't think I have to worry about that anymore. 

Thursday, 8 August 2013


You know what sucks? 

Wanting to download an album or two and not having a laptop to do it with.

UPS finally came to pick up my laptop and take it to Acer to be fixed. I guess I did do it wrong the first time. Stupid automated system, it was really confusing. Apparently simple on line forms are the way forward. 

In other news:


Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Grrr bad man

Not having a laptop sucks. 

I have two songs I want to show you, but I can't embed YouTube videos on iPhone posts. 

The first one is 'Growl' by EXO. So addictive, and the video was pretty impressive. 

The second one only came out today, and it's BAP's 'Badman'. I'm not sure on this song, but the video is exactly how BAP should be. Powerful, gritty, full of attitude. 

The A in BAP should stand for Attitude. 

Badass Attitude Powerful. 

Blond Asian People only really works when they're all blond. 

Best Absolute Perfect. Meh. 

So yeah, two videos I really want to share with you. If you're only going to check out one, make it EXO and 'Growl'. 

Tuesday, 6 August 2013


After 5 consecutive days of procrastinating, today I finally made it into town to do my returns! Woo! 

Two items were exchange only, and seeing as it was New Look, I decided that was ok because I could buy myself something in return. I got a dress. It's really pretty. More neutral warm colours than my usual blacks, greys and blues, which is new for me, but it's good. Well, it's black with brown spot pattern, so I guess it's transitional.

I also cut and stitched the detachable train for my sisters wedding dress, so I just have to pleat that, add some lace decoration and some hooks and that's done. 

Rang acer, and they're hopefully going to fix my laptop for me. UPS is coming to pick it up in the morning. Well, I hope they are, the whole ringing them to arrange a pick up process was a bit confusing to be honest. I can't help but think I've arranged for them to show up at the repair place rather than here. Would it be so hard to have a real person  rather than a machine?

So rather a productive day I think. Even went out for dinner and to see Red 2. Sigh, I can't help but melt a little when Korean actors show up in films. They're always just so cool. 

Monday, 5 August 2013

Wedding brain

I just had a shower, and was really looking forward to getting in my nice clean bed and going to sleep. Then I realised I hadn't made my bed yet. Darn.

What can I tell you today? Finished one bridesmaid dress alteration. Now I can take it down with me to the hen do and get her to try it on to do the hem and halter neck. I've got to take my own in too, but I think I'll leave that until I've finished everything else. After returns tomorrow (I have been doing an excellent job at procrastinating), I think I'll try and start on the train. Must remember to order crystals. The two aren't linked, I'm not encrusting the train with crystals. That could cost a fortune, and be ridiculously heavy and noisy. And I'm not doing a beaded panel like I did last time, it's just a little highlighting. I have no idea how many to get though, and Swarovski isn't cheap. 

I got told I had wedding brain today. Because I forgot my Gran's birthday and booking my MOT. Probably about right. 

Sunday, 4 August 2013


I'm slipping down that slippery slope again. I try really hard to make myself go to bed earlier so that I wake up earlier, but gradually it just gets later and later again, until it's 2.30 am and you're wide awake.

Laptop is dead again. I'm going to see if acer will send me a new one, or at least fix this one, but apparently their technology only has issues Monday to Friday, 9 - 5, so I'll have to wait until after the weekend. Annoying. 

Went to see my Gran today, and there was a fox having a nap in the sun in her garden. It was lovely. Didn't go down well with her though. She asked who it belonged to and if she'd have to feed it, thinking too much like normal. 

Made a start on the bridesmaid alterations too, so productive at least. 

Saturday, 3 August 2013


I've said it before. I'll say it now. I'll say it again. Technology sucks. 

My laptop decides that it needs to make some updates and restart. Ok, fair enough, I think, and let it do it's thing. Nearly an hour later and it's still 'configuring'. Finally it does something ...  only to get stuck on the acer screen for ages. 

Sigh. Why can't things just work?! 

BAP released a teaser for a new song. It looks really good, proper BAP attitude rather than the other stuff they're trying to spin.

Spin just autoed to spub. That's not even a word.

Friday, 2 August 2013

Introducing the Solford Road

So I had a blog planned out for last night. Then I fell asleep. So here it is now. 

I'm going to build a road from one particular town to another. It's going to be straight, and it will never be closed, and there will be no exits other than at each end, so only people wanting to go to one town from the other will use it. Because it will be relatively clear all the time, with national speed limit and a direct route, it'll be like half an hour's journey. 

Planned construction to start on the 12th of Never. 

Thursday, 1 August 2013

A load of stuff but most importantly BED

Point number 1 - I bloody hate technology some times. 

Point number 2 - what a week. 

Now to elaborate. Starting with point 2.

So on Tuesday evening last week, I left my house. Today, Wednesday, I came home. I have missed my bed. 

A quick breakdown of the past week. I stayed at a friends house on Tuesday night, which was my worst night's sleep of the week (boys should clean their sheets when guests are coming), and then, we were filming on Wednesday. It went really well, a long day but we wrapped early so I shot off to my sister's. Slept in on Thursday, then did a little cleaning and watched TV, and then my sister got home from work and the make up artist showed up to do her bridal trial. So exciting, she's going to look stunning. The veil turned out really well too, although we decided the headband should be a clip so that's a shame. Did some design work on Friday, and then made my sister and her fiancé dinner. Saturday was just chilling out and then heading back to London, where I did some more work with a head torch on because the boy had just come off nights. Sunday was going to be spent in Richmond Park (I was told I couldn't chase the deer), but ended up shopping in Hammersmith and Westfield and watching Jurassic Park 2. We also attempted Star Trek but the sound stopped 10 mins in and we got fed up of making our own dialogue up. Monday picked up producer and make up and drove to Tonbridge for the final two days of the shoot, where we would all be staying in the same house. It was really good, cast and crew were amazing, and things were pretty much straightforward costume wise, so no problems. I'm shattered though. Shooting tends to be tiring enough as it is, but take away the down time of being alone for a few hours to sleep, and it's exhausting. Wrapped at about 10.30 and made it back to London and a bed at about 1. Then to Pinewood to take back some rental kit this morning on my way back north, and finally, I was home. 

On to the other thing. My laptop says it can't find a bootable device. Guess who'll be getting a call in the morning if it hasn't sorted itself out. 

Ok sleep now. Nice bed. Clean bed. Lovely bed.