The first thing everyone says when you look for advice on how to prevent adult breakouts is that you should cut out dairy. I asked my doctor about it and she seemed to think it was all poppycock, but I know of other doctors who subscribe to this theory. The internet is littered with stories of people who cured their acne by going dairy free - in fact it’s actually really difficult to find any stories of people that gave up dairy and found it did nothing for them.
I’ve long thought we shouldn’t eat dairy. Think about it, when you have a dodgy tummy, you avoid dairy. Why? Because it makes you feel worse. When I had a tummy bug a couple of years ago, I thought I’d eat a yogurt when I had started to feel able to risk something that wasn’t dry crackers. I thought the friendly bacteria might help. Do you know what happened? I got cramps so painful I cried out and had to make a mad dash for the toilet. I did not make it. It was traumatic.
I gave up dairy for a week once before. After I started eating it again, I had horrible stomach pains and thought to myself that clearly dairy does not agree with me, but yet, for some reason, I continued and got myself used to it again.
There are other reasons to go dairy free, but I’m just curious as to the effect of no dairy on my skin ... and my waistline.
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