Wednesday 13 October 2010

Untitled ...

Maybe I shouldn't just spill my guts out online.

A few posts ago, you may remember that I was ummm-ing and ahhh-ing about how much of my own personal life I should put up here, how much I should display of myself when I don't really know who is reading this. The other day, in mid-meltdown, I ignored all my previous uncertainty and emotionally vomited all over this blog. For that, I apologise.

The reason I say this is that Elle called me yesterday, worried after having read my last post. I guess I just want to reiterate that I'm OK, I just needed to vent, and this blog is a good platform to do so. As far as I am aware, my only readers are two people who I trust completely and unconditionally, and so are more than likely to already know about anything I share on here prior to me posting it.

In other news, my shoot has just been extended by a week. I'm really not sure what to think about this, as having made up my mind to probably look into other career paths, the whole thing kind of feels a bit redundant. Not that I'm not trying my best and taking the experience for as much as I can, of course.

The main down side is nanowrimo. I want so much to be able to do it this year, but I just don't see how I'm going to manage it when I'll be so busy for the first two weeks of the month. I think what I'll have to do is spend the whole day thinking about what I'm going to write, planning it all out in detail, and then when I get home I can just blurt it all out in record time. I have decided I'm going to carry on my novel from last year, but where it was originally meant to be all one book, I'll leave last years where it is as part one completed, and make this years nano part two. That way I don't have to do much planning as I already know my characters, setting and general plot line. I know from last year that I can write 1000 words in an hour, so all I really need is a maximum of 2 hours writing time a day, which can be at bed time as I'm trying to wind down, and I should be able to make it. If I don't manage to keep up, at least I have the last two weeks to really pound it out to catch up, even if I have to sacrifice my social life during November and make caffeine and sleep deprivation my new best friends.

Winning last year was a huge buzz, and that was with only working part time for the last two weeks, so really I had so much writing time that I didn't fully appreciate then. I just think it will be so much more of an achievement to win this year, and I will be so proud of myself.

I hope this is inspiring you, Eleanor. If I can do it, so can you, and if we don't, then at least we have tried! Make sure you link me to your nano profile so I can keep track of you :-p. Mine is here.

OK, I think that's enough for today.

<3 x

Anime/Manga: 38 (Kaichou ep 18 / trying to find a new one)
Last Google Search: it's empty as my laptop was in 'professional' mode at the office, hand covering the smosh sticker at all times haha

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