For some reason, even though it's late and I should be going to sleep, I feel really wired. In an uneasy sort of way. I can't quite explain it, but I just feel on edge. It's strange. It's like I've just drunk a load of full fat coke, or I'm at the front of the queue for a really big roller coaster. Or both together, because you need to throw in the anxiety of throwing up too. I don't know why. I stay away from caffeine, and all I have done is get ready for bed. I should be pretty chilled out and ready to sleep. But no. I could literally run right now.
I would have watched another episode of 'I'm not a Robot' to see if that would calm me down, but I'm caught up and I don't want to pay to get access to episodes earlier, although I'm increasingly tempted. Adverts are annoying, plus some series are only available to premium users, but its money I don't need to spend. Luckily, often dramas air two episodes a week, and I'm not far off the finale. I'll wait to see how long I can hold out.
I was thinking about what my aim for February could be. I'm torn between doing 15 mins of exercise a day, or an hour of language study. Ideally I would like to do both, but I need to be realistic and set achievable goals. Maybe I could do both but on alternate days. I finally moved my book cases down to my dining room yesterday, so as soon as I have tidied up the table, it's all set up as a space for making, planning, learning and finally getting myself on the rowing machine - which may be another reason for paying for premium access on Viki ... can't skip ads when I'm rowing.
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