Wednesday, 3 January 2018

Tiny baby

I met a tiny baby today. Just 4 days old. So tiny, I could have held him in one hand. I didn't, in case I dropped him. Which I'm glad to say I did not.

Tiny baby has a big brother. He's 4 years old and was very much the first baby I really came across. The thought of holding him used to terrify me, and at the slightest squeak or movement, I would quickly pass him back to his parents. In fact, I can very clearly remember refusing to hold him unless I was sat down - holding such a precious being while standing up was unthinkable.

Now, many babies have come into my life since that big brother, including two nieces, and somehow, babies aren't so scary anymore. I guess practice really does make perfect. I have to admit though, I was glad for my friends having babies before my sister, purely for the fact that it made me so much more confident in holding my nieces for the first time.

Maybe by the time I have one, if that ever happens, I'll have so much experience with other people's babies that I can hold my own with just one hand.

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