Tuesday, 6 March 2018


I missed my 700th post. 700, that’s crazy.

Sure, a good portion of them are from 2012 and 2013 when I was attempting to blog every day, and I imagine the majority of the posts in previous years are some form of BEDA - remember when that was a thing?

It’s also been 8 years. So much has changed in that time. My strongest desire back then was to make it in the film industry, and to go on a 10 day tour of Egypt. Korea had yet to pique my attention, and I was only just starting to rediscover my childhood cartoons that would lead me to Japanese media. My music tastes were based on Harry Potter and Lost, I wrote a book every November and I was trying to make a quick buck by doing online surveys. I was still making and breaking the same old New Years resolutions though, so not everything is different. I love reading through old posts.

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