Thursday, 10 May 2012

On the Road

I really don't mind driving on my own ... in fact, I quite enjoy it. That's the main reason why I don't really let distance stop me from going anywhere. Like today, it took me just short of three hours to meet an old friend in 'middle ground' which took her half the time. In retrospect, it wasn't really fair, but I can't say it bothered me much. As long as I have my music and manageable traffic, I am quite content.

However, driving on the motorway in heavy rain is a little scary. It was so bad that I couldn't see the lights of the cars around me through the spray, let alone the cars themselves. It takes a lot of concentration trying to keep an eye on three lanes of traffic when it is pretty much invisible.

I drank a lot of tea today. The caffeine got me through the early morning, 3 hours sleep and nearly 6 hour round journey ... but had been totally spent by the time it came to The Avengers. A lot of people have been raving about this film, and I can see why. It has pretty much everything; action, humour, hot men, hot girls, general epicness ... but I have to admit that all I could focus on was their poses. They're based on comic book heroes, I get that, but something that looks epic in print looks a little silly on film. You have big, strong, muscly biceps, I noticed, you do not need to stand with your arms at right angles. Ironman on the floor, head hovering about 5 inches off the floor to be level with his spine? It just looked uncomfortable. Also, Banner gets angry and swells up, ripping all his clothes but whats covering the crotch area ... No wonder he is pissed.

It has been a long day. I got into bed and rather than collapse, I watched the other half of Dream High. I kind of feel like I should eat something, but doubt I have the energy to eat let alone prepare it. I'm awake, just energyless , if that's a word.

<3 x

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