I'm so tired, but I'm not sleepy. It's a strange combination. I feel very aware that it is 2 am and I should be thinking about getting to sleep, especially seeing as I can get on with the bride now rather than faffing around with turning the staps inside out to make loops, and yet I quite want to watch the next episode of Full House instead.
I picked my Gran up from the hairdresser today, and he had dyed his hair bright blue, and I mean BRIGHT blue. For someone on the wrong side of middle aged, who's clientele are primarily old women after their biweekly shampoo and set, that was a brave move ... half of them probably had heart attacks. Anyway, as we were driving home, I realised she hadn't plugged in her seat belt, she was just holding it to look like she had. I did an emergency stop and refused to carry on until she had done it properly. My mum reckons she must be feeling better if she's reverted to rebellion. I think she's just crafty.
In other news, don't eat a load of junk and drink a load of coke, and then hula hoop to work some of it off. Wait a bit first, or it will just make you feel sick. Still, 5 mins is better than nothing.
Also, thank you for ... well, you guys know.
<3 x
EDIT: Aish! Well, it was 2 am, before the homehub crapped up. On the one night where my laptop isn't playing up :(
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