Sunday, 27 May 2012


There was something I was going to post about today, but I cannot for the life of me remember what it was.

I watched the end of the Eurovison earlier, the part where they give out the scores and the UK can never make it out of single figures. I didn't see any of the performances though, so I have no idea as to what countries actually deserved their points. I was going to say that the UK would get more points if we were less of an island and more politically favourable in Europe, but then I remembered that our representative this was was Engleburt Humpledink or whatever his name is. We probably don't get points because we quite clearly don't give a crap.

Right after the Eurovision, there was a news report about the Syrian massacre, in which a load of children were victim. They showed some pretty graphic images, and even though I think it's important to not sugar coat these sorts of things in the media, it was really shocking and upsetting. Sure it was late, nearly midnight, but I bet a lot of younger people had stayed up to watch the contest. I'll bet the BBC will be getting a lot of complaints about that.

So, you watch various countries praise each other with massive smiles and fake laughter, only to be brought back to the real world with death and destruction.

<3 x

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