Wednesday, 4 December 2013


I am not good at going to bed early. Sigh.

I suspect I would be a lot better at it if I weren't reading Catching Fire at the moment. It's really hard to stop when you've started reading it. I forgot how addictive the Hunger Games books were. 

Did some Xmas shopping today after my contact lens check up. They told me I had a very 'problematic prescription' and that my contact lens needs are 'challenging'. I'm guessing he was referring to my astigmatism, but I'm fairly sure he never actually said as much. 

Anyway, ordered my sisters onesie, brought baby William an adorable Christmas outfit, ordered Jack's tshirt (from America - please come on time!), dismissed Tim's cow onesie and searched unsuccessfully for a cardigan for my mum. I also witnessed a little old Chinese man fall down the escalator and cause havoc to the m&s shoppers wanting to go down to the ground floor. 

I just realised everything in my Christmas list is clothes related. 

Original, Heather. 

Tuesday, 3 December 2013


Very nearly forgot to post. But then I didn't. So yay me. 

You know what are ridiculously expensive for how popular they are? Onesies. And you know what's hard to find? A men's cow onesie in small. You know what's both expensive and hard to find? A woman's giraffe onesie in 12 long. 

So yeah, Christmas shopping has been going well so far. Although I have brought my Gran's present, so at least that's a start. 

Monday, 2 December 2013


Yeah, so resuming normal service last month didn't work out so well. Sorry. No excuse other than it simply didn't occur to me to post. 

December though, I fully anticipate blogging throughout. It's a good month, December. Lots of stuff to do in the run up to Christmas and new year, and even more to do with a working overlocker and almost all of the fabric for my last wedding brought and paid for.

I wrote up a Christmas list earlier and worked out how much each gift would cost. Damn my expensive taste. Although, you know, things like a cow onesie for the brother in law are more important than the amount they cost. I just wish that Christmas was cheaper ... Or, you know, that I had more money. 

I really need to start playing the lottery. It's pointless planning my winnings if I don't even have a ticket.

Wednesday, 13 November 2013


Yeah so I'm not great at getting back into the blogging every day habit. 

It's not even like I have an excuse not to. I've been home alone this week while my parents have been down south with my sister. You'd think I would want to talk to someone, even if it is just the faceless internet and I'm not even actually talking. 

Today, I haven't even seen another person in real life. I've had longer conversations with myself than other people. I even got into a fight with myself, got upset and ended up crying. 

You know, writing this makes me realise that I'm going a bit funny. 

Lucky I'll be at school all day tomorrow. 

Wednesday, 6 November 2013


It's a little tough getting back into the habit of blogging. Turn off my light and roll over to go to sleep, and then I remember. 

I came up to bed at quarter past 11. I have no idea where the last hour and a half have gone. 

No more nano progress. I think it's definitely not going to happen this year. Which is a huge shame but I'm just not feeling it. Which is a shame because I really want to tell this story. I started it for my second nanowrimo, so 2011, but put it on the back burners while I finished my first nano story. It's all there ready to go, it's just trying to get the will power to sit down and devote the time. Maybe next year. 

I have a wedding dress and 3 bridemaids dresses to make anyway.

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Oh hey.

It's, uh, been a while. 

I know this because for some reason, blogger opened on The Cake Brigade. Also because I haven't posted for weeks. 

I have excuses. For multiple reasons, I wasn't feeling October. I was down, it was getting cold and wet and dark, and then I got a cold, and then the cold turned into a cough which has only just gone, so I was pretty much not feeling up to writing daily on how crap I felt.

I did however plan to resume all services for November. Starting with my Nan's 90th birthday. But I didn't get to experience that, let alone blog about it, because half way through Halloween night, a wild virus appeared. It used tummy bug. It was super effective. 

So Friday was spent writhing in agony. Think the cinema incident, but with slightly less vomit. Saturday was spent feeling delicate from the previous day. Sunday was spent suffering from something else. And then there was today. 

I'm feeling better now, hence the post. Well, health wise at any rate. I fear Nano is a NoGo for me this year. 

I tried, got as far as 800 words of the 2000 I was aiming for and lost all interest. Maybe it's because I finished my story and this new one just isn't stuck in my head. Maybe it's because I'm already so behind and I know it can only get harder to catch up. Maybe it's because I know I can't afford myself the luxury of doing something purely for the pleasure of it. Maybe it's because I'm just too lazy.

Probably the latter. We will see, but I don't have high hopes.

Tuesday, 22 October 2013


30 000 views on this blog.

That is a lot.

Especially when I only post crap ... when I post at all.

I'm not going to promise coming back just yet. I'm kind of snowed under and NaNo is on the not so distant horizon.

I don't have anything to say anyway.

Wednesday, 16 October 2013


It's not even half 11 and I'm in bed already.

Yes, this did deserve a whole post. 

You're welcome, Internet. 

Monday, 14 October 2013


I haven't posted in a while.

I probably won't post for the next few days. 

Because I'm poorly sick and everything sucks. 

Alrhough Shinee did realease a new music video, so that's something to do while I'm gone. It's either called Everybody or Wake Up, I forget. 

Wednesday, 9 October 2013


Get up slower. 

That was the suggestion for treatment that I got from the doctor, when I told her I frequently get dizzy to the point where I loose vision.

She also told me to make sure I'm drinking enough and to cut down on my caffeine intake. Something about my blood vessels not working properly and keeping myself fully hydrated. So that's going to be fun. I've already brought decaf tea, but not having coke when I go out will be hard. Sigh.

I'm to go back if it doesn't get better. I don't think I'll bother. I only really went to shut up the people that kept on at me about it, but to be honest, maybe I'm just getting used to it. Sure it sucks, but maybe it's just how things are.

I thought she'd at least suggest a blood test to make sure it's not anything to do with anemia being a vegetarian and all. I guess I didn't seem  to be showing other symptoms. I like her, so I'm going to trust her instincts and see what happens. 

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Holding on

It's amazing how something that happened years ago can still affect you just as strongly as it did when it first happened. 

I read a notebook that I used to write in during my second year of uni. It was supposed to be for anything that I wanted to share, but it didn't really end up like that. It was basically a rant space so that I could have somewhere to vent. Kind of like this blog, but much more private. 

Time doesn't change things. I still cried, still felt pissed off, still got angry. All of these things should be irrelevant in my life now, but they still bother me almost as much as they did when they first happened. 

Maybe I have issues with letting things go. Probably. 

Monday, 7 October 2013


Some times you put off doing something at night to do in the morning.

Sometimes, that decision has repercussions. 

Like tonight. I put off washing my hair in favour of doing it in the morning.

But my mum stole my pajamas thinking they were washing, which they were before I decided to be lazy.

So now I'm sleeping in a vest top. 

True story brah.

Sunday, 6 October 2013

Typing without moving

I'm actually quite looking forward to seeing the doctor on Tuesday. I'm getting really fed up of feeling dizzy at odd times. Like about half an hour ago. I was sitting down. I could almost understand it if I were standing, or just stood up, but no, I had been in the same position for awhile. Annoying.

It probably didn't help that I have had a headache for a few weeks.

I think I'm too tired brcudrvibmibijhvioy 

Ok this proves my point, I was going for 'to blog' buy seem to have kept my in tunbkbjbyy key board. 

I have now done it 5 times in a row, I vd by even ...

Nope, no idea. 

Saturday, 5 October 2013


Days just vanish.

Today has just disappeared and I have no idea where it went. 

I did some prep work on my ball gown, did some work on my bridal site, and was generally busy all day, and yet now the day is over, I seem to have accomplished nothing.

I may have mapped out the positioning of the design and looked into the materials I'll need, but I have nothing really to show for it. 

I may have short listed a load of photos for the custom section on my bridal website, but seeing as they refused to upload, I have nothing to show for it. I suspect the files were too big. 

Tomorrow won't be any more productive, so I'll have to make up for it on Sunday. Do some eBay listing, and make a proper start on the ball gown. You know, actual cutting rather than just thinking about it. 

Friday, 4 October 2013

Things I love

I brought a new foundation for my sisters wedding. Like a proper one, not a BBcream. It's amazing, and I know this might sound crazy, but I think I like it more than any of my BB creams.

It's the Bourjois Healthy mix serum foundation, and I have the liquid concealer as well. It smells really good and feels really light and natural on your skin, while still giving good coverage. It's like a gel, so it glides on really easily and blends out well, and in many ways reminds me a lot of BB cream but somehow it just feels lighter. Maybe more like the Garnier BB than the Skin 79, Missha or Étude House.

It's supposed to be full of vitamins from fruits or some such, and have anti fatigue and radiance boosting properties. I don't know about all that, sure it evened my complexion and felt nice on my skin, but I have felt the need to touch up once or twice to brighten my eye area a little.

It was quite affordable too, although that may only be due to the constant offers they have on. I think I got the concealer for half price or something, or I probably would've have got them. I am glad I did though.

Monday, 30 September 2013

Can't be bothered to think of a title

I have a good reason as to why I didn't post last night. 

It was one of those times when you fall asleep before you plan to, and wake up at 5am with your electric blanket, glasses and make up still on. By the time you've convinced your body it isn't on fire and removed your make up while trying not to wake up too much, it's too much effort to post, and you didn't have anything to post about anyway.

Another session with my student at home tomorrow, followed by a trip to get the robes I made embroidered. Then I think I might go to sainsburies to get a cheap duvet and some detergent and wash the wedding dresses ready for altering. I can't afford to get them all dry cleaned, it would cost a fortune, and I found some tips on line so I figure why not. 

I'm putting the ball gown on hold until I know that it will definitely be needed. I'm thinking probably not, which is a shame. At least it gives me time to focus on the wedding dresses. I'm not forgetting that I have 11 months left to make this happen.  

Saturday, 28 September 2013


I've been trying to force myself into more traditional sleeping patterns. You know, go to bed earlier, wake up earlier. But then, sometimes you just find yourself wide awake when you should have been asleep an hour and a half ago. 

Ah well, I guess it's Friday night. 

I watched Agents of SHIELD, it was ok. It didn't blow me away. I'll try and watch the rest but I'm not going to throw a hissy if I miss an episode. Everyone else in the world seemed to have watched it days ago, when it was released in America I guess, and maybe the excitement built it up too much. Don't get me wrong, it kept me entertained, there just wasn't the addictiveness there that Lost or Firefly had. Also, I was a little annoyed that I missed the IT Crowd after it. 4OD I think. 

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Up and Down

Today was a bit weird, you know, like emotionally. 

First, I was happy to go meet a 5 day old baby. Then I was a little sad that everyone is growning up and leaving me behind. Then I got slightly conflicted but mostly annoyed that a friend got a job on a production in Ibiza that I was turned down for, which they went after just because I was approached about it. Then I was happy again because SuJu are coming to London, before almost instantaneously feeling sad again because no one would come with me to see them even if I could get tickets, which I probably won't be able to do anyway. 

Now, I don't really know how I feel. Other than a bit in pain because my tummy hurts. 

Wednesday, 25 September 2013


It's amazing how doing something for just a couple if hours in the afternoon can take up your entire day. 

Today I went for a walk. I was out if the house for about 3 hours, and yet doing anything before was pointless and it was too late to do anything afterwards. 

I suppose I should make better use of my mornings. Especially if I need to have the bridal stuff well underway by mid October for a friend to advertise me in her charity ball programme. 

I got aproached for three jobs today. One I turned down, one I think I won't get because I'm not in a London, and the other I'm rather eagerly waiting for more details of. Things are picking up and I haven't even started looking properly yet. 

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Spinny Circle of Doom

This is becoming the bane of my life.

I think it started happening before I updated to iOS 7, but I can't remember properly so I'm probably wrong. Regardless, I'm going to blame iOS 7 anyway. 

My battery now dies before I even get to low battery. Sometimes at 30-odd%. It's super annoying. 

There is a lot I don't like about iOS 7. The weird movey around background thing is weird, and very pointless, so that got disabled. The auto update thing also got disabled for being a suspect in the battery murder case. I don't like how folders can now have multiple pages, and each page doesn't fit as many apps in. I don't like the new folder icon. I despise the new safari. I don't recognise the new default message tone, alarm tone and incoming call tone, and so I miss calls, texts or you know, waking up. I just don't like it. And the battery thing is a huge problem. 

The notification centre is useful though, and the new password screen looks cool. In terms of pros, that pretty much covers it.

In other news, my sister got married at the weekend. I would post about it, but I'm not going to forget it any time soon so I don't really see the point. Straight back into it though, with work this morning, updating everything this afternoon and moving on to the charity ball project as soon as I have ironed out the specifics with the event organiser. My mum has a week off, and my dad doesn't work, so they're kind of just taking it easy. Wish I could have a day off to recover. 

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

T is for Typing

As you all know and have been waiting for, it's fun fact Tuesday. 

Time for a fun fact, and this weeks letter is T.

Did you know that when I type on a keyboard, I only use my left index finger and right index and middle fingers?

Well you do now. I didn't know this until about 30 seconds ago either. Yay for joint learning. 

Tuesday, 17 September 2013


I just had a really good shower. 

I don't know what made it good, probably just because it was warm, and that was the only time today I have felt warm, but it was really good. 

Now I'm in bed with the electric blanket on full blast. I like being warm. 

My session went well this morning. It's not that weird having a student in my own house. It's more annoying the space their costume is going to take up. I think I might try and talk her into doing bridal stuff with me. That way it's no extra space and she actually helps me. 

This evening, I got a text from the coordinator at school saying a student wants to work with me, which is awesome. I've worked with her before, so it'll be easy enough.

I should probably stop viewing my students in £ signs. 

Monday, 16 September 2013


I've got that whole spinning whole lying down thing again. It's so weird, it's not fast spinning, but all I can think about is its like I'm on a roundabout. Yeah, so the visualising it isn't really helping. 

I wasn't going to tell you, I was just going to go to sleep, but then I got a notification on LinkedIn so seeing as that woke me up already. I was doing the whole having a nap before actually falling asleep thing again. 

I know. I'm so weird. 

Saturday, 14 September 2013


Since when did it become nearly 2am?

Over the past few days I have been so shattered, and now I seem to have caught up on sleep and back into normal habits. 

I watched United 93 tonight. I think I'll let it end my little 9/11 obsession. It's a really good film, shot in a style that I don't normally like but it worked really well in this case. You know it's true, but every time I have watched if, it's only in the last few moments that it hits home that this really happened, that people really went through this. What's more is that some m of the characters are played by their real life counterparts. Sure, you can tell in retrospect that they were a bit awkward, but to have to relive those events must have been so hard, even if they were in an office hundreds of miles away. 

Its a good movie. You should watch it if you haven't. 

Friday, 13 September 2013


5 minutes ago I had an idea of what to post about this evening. 

I'll be damned if that thought didn't leg it.

Again, too tired to post. Correcting sleep posts takes up too much energy. 

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Another post about bed

There's nothing better than being back in your own bed after a few days away.

Brb, snuggling. 

Monday, 9 September 2013

Jam Jars

I think it's officially autumn. The temperature has dropped and my dressing gown is pretending to be a blanket over my duvet. I might even risk it and put the fan away. Although, now I think about it, I'm not sure where it came from in the first place. 

I think I've finished the wedding dress. I just have to bead the headpiece and make the halter neck for my own dress, and that's my sisters wedding officially ready to go. Well, my part. I'm still helping my mum with hers. She was put in charge of decoration, so I'm mostly spending every spare half hour or so wrapping twine or lace around jam jars. My sister also wants ribbons and fans and all sorts, but I don't know what's actually happening with everything else. I just stick with the jam jars. 

Less than 2 weeks, crazy. 

Sunday, 8 September 2013


You guys know I do the Blogilates Call Me Maybe Squat Challenge every night, right? 

Well, at the beginning of this week I started doing another Blogiltes challenge in the morning. They are only the length of a song, so it doesn't take up much extra time, and they are targeted at specific areas of your body. I mostly do the leg and bum ones. 

Ow. This morning, I stood up and couldn't straighten out my left leg properly. I think I need to do some stretches. Still did the Legs for Days Ballet challenge this morning though. I like it, although the toughest thing for me is not falling over. 

I don't see the point in doing the ab ones, I'm not carrying a lot of weight around my stomach right now, which could obviously change, in which case I will. To be fair, I would rather hoop if I was feeling that I need to work my waist. I should do some arm ones, because I want to improve my strength more than anything. Maybe I'll start doing my normal challenges holding bottles of water ... Seeing as everyone laughed at me when I said I wanted to get some dumbell weights. 

This post makes me sound like I do a lot of exercise. I don't. It amounts to less than 10 mins a day. But better than nothing, right? 

Saturday, 7 September 2013


Somehow, Teen Top releasing a new single completely skipped over my radar. Which is crazy because I normally get the MV coming up on my feed from two different channels on Youtube.

I like it. More the start and the chorus than the rest of the song. It's kind of catchy, and I want to learn the dance. I feel like the risk of falling on my face is too high though.

Friday, 6 September 2013

Head rush

Something weird just happened. You know when you stand up too fast and you go a bit dizzy and lightheaded? I've been having that a lot lately. Now, when I close my eyes, I go a bit funny and dizzy too. 

And this is as far as I got before I fell asleep last night. I've got to stop doing that. 

At least I think I fell asleep. I was feeling really weird last night, so hopefully I didn't pass out and then fall asleep. Maybe I need to see the doctor. 

Thursday, 5 September 2013


You know when you wake up just not happy? Not unhappy, just not happy? Yeah I had that today.

I don't know whether it has anything to do with the latest thing I have been looking up online. Every so often, I hear about something and then google the crap out of it. Like watching the White Queen series on BBC lead me go read up a lot on Edward IV and Elizabeth Woodville. 

Lately, there have been a few documentaries on about 9/11. I have developed a rather morbid fascination with it. Did you know that as recently as July they were still identifying new victims? Over 11 years after the attacks, and there are still over 1000 people that haven't yet been identified. 

I might have to try and find something to cheer myself up with before I go to sleep. I just read the last flight recordings and phone calls of all 4 planes prior to crash. I have school in the morning, so being depressed about something that happened nearly 12 years ago is probably best to be avoided. 

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

At the front desk

I have worked on many productions. Never have I ever really wanted to do a job other than costume. Imagine my surprise when I found myself writing a web series, based on the antics of the front desk at my local police station.

Over two hours we were sat there, after first being told that the DC we had an appointment with didn't exist. The stories of other people, and mostly the shocking customer service we all received, was enough to spark an interest in documenting our experiences. 

I actually started writing this last night. I just went to check whether I had posted it when I found the first few sentences and then a load of gibberish in draft. Sleep posting again. 

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

I hate cars

I fell asleep before I could post again last night. I did the whole lying down to watch Love Rain. That never means I finish an episode.

So I went on a speed awareness course yesterday. The course was fine. The lead up to it was a nightmare. 

On the letter, it said parking is available at the hotel, so I drove to the hotel. At the hotel, a sign says parking is £7, so I thought fuck that, and drove straight back out again. Luckily, I had left myself some time, so I went to a nearby multistory. I parked on the first level, before I remembered that it used to be a get a ticket at the entrance and pay at the exit type of car park, and I hadn't got a ticket. The Mr Bean sketch going through my head, I looked at other cars around me, all with disabled cards in the windows. There were no signs but the floor was blue, and fearing I was running out of time, I jumped back in my car and headed up a level, scraping the back of my car along a pillar as I did so. I parked, saw a pay and display sign and a ticket machine. Worked out how much it was, which was nearly all of my cash, and paid it. Headed back to my car when I noticed the ticket said 5.45, and I had miscalculated in my rush. I brought another ticket on my credit card, which took forever, and by the end of it, parking had cost me nearly £10. With minutes to spare, I legged it back to the hotel, arriving puffed out and in a bit of a state.

Then, at the end, they said we didn't need to pay the parking at the hotel. 

Monday, 2 September 2013

Somewhat about beds.

I love a clean bed.

I love remembering I haven't changed my bed right as I am about to get into it somewhat less.

Making beds is such a faff. You should be able to just push a button and the bed does it for you, like in the Fifth Element. 

A lot of what happens in the Fifth Element should happen in real life. Like full proper dinners in the microwave, but I suppose we're close enough to that. 

My day, wedding dress, jars, blah blah blah. Repetition. 

Sunday, 1 September 2013


Why is it that as soon as you try to sleep, everything starts running around in your head? Right now, I can't stop thinking about stuff that happened in 2011. 

I think I need to learn how to let stuff go. 

I didn't post yesterday. Oops. I have no idea why, I just didn't think about it. My day wasn't that interesting anyway. That's the problem with my life right now, every day seems to be pretty much the same. Get up, watch charmed, work, neighbours, work, dinner, TV/game of thrones. And the wedding. Everything revolves around the wedding. I envy my sister. She has a holiday to look forward to when it's all over. 

Roll on April, I need a holiday too. 

Friday, 30 August 2013


I'm awake. Trying to make everyone happy is hard. 

I'm a little obsessed with the game Jelly Splash. I won't last long, and it's kinda like candy crush bit Roth Jelly. 

Too tire to talk 

Thursday, 29 August 2013


I knew lying down to watch the last half of an episode of Love Rain would be a bad idea. Just opened my eyes to the credits. 

I like those USB things, especially when they have faces. 

Actually, only when they have faces. Otherwise they're just USB things and I have no feelings for them whatsoever.

This is my cutest one. 

Wednesday, 28 August 2013


I'm so sick of having break downs about my state of life. 

Finance wise, I've screwed myself over.

Career wise, I've screwed myself over.

Family wise, I've screwed myself over.

I'm just generally screwed. 

So, I give myself a year. For film work to pick up, for my bridal and teaching stuff to be making me legitimate money, and for my friends and family who are likely to settle down to settle down. If things don't work out (obviously the me things, friends and family will settle regardless), that's it. 

I'll take that as a sign to put those dreams behind me, and time to focus on a new dream. 

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Of Spiders and Cats

Remember the spider that crawled down my curtain the other night and then disappeared? He showed up in my ver this evening. He has now been relocated to a pot plant on the landing, and my door has been thoroughly resprayed with anti spider spray. 

We had Rachey's baby shower today. It was really lovely, and now my ovaries are exploding a little bit. Not too much, I still more want to play with baby stuff than actually have a baby, but my biological clock is definitely ticking. 

Looks like I should get down to the cats protection league sooner rather than later then.

Monday, 26 August 2013


I forgot to post last night. I remember thinking about it but then I guess I just fell asleep instead. 

I didn't do my squat challenge either, even though I probably need it after yesterday more than any other time. There was a lot of cake and icing being et. 

I know et isn't a grammatically correct word and yet I'm still worried about it being spelt right. 

In other news, they should do more than four colours of tomee tipee sippy cups. What if you have quintuplets, two of them would have to have the same cup and then how are you supposed to tell them apart? 

Also applies to mid-twenty year olds. 

Sunday, 25 August 2013


I don't know what to post about today. 

I could tell you about how I brought a box, but I don't think a wider audience outside of my close friends would find it interesting. Hell, even they wouldn't.

A lot of app icons are blue. 

I brought four new pillows a few months ago. I swear the ones on the other side are comfier. Is that even a word? 

Saturday, 24 August 2013


In other news, I like the new YouTube app. Makes me feel like I'm in Minority Report.

Friday, 23 August 2013


There was a spider on my curtains. Suddenly he has vanished and I am convinced he'll enc up on my face this evening. 

Not much to tell of today. Did a bit of work, went to see my gran. Fun right? 

I also tried to watch more of Love Rain. I started to fall asleep ... 

Right now I'm more concerned with my increasing state of sleepiness with a spider on the loose. 

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Jelly Legs

I just started doing the Blogilates Squat Challenge again. I have a feeling I'm not going to be able to walk in the morning.

Its exactly a month until the wedding, and even though I don't want to loose any weight, I do want to tone up a bit. I wish my thighs and bum weren't so cellulite-y, so hence the squatting. Last time I did it every night for an extended amount of time (read; longer than a couple of days), I felt a difference, so fingers crossed.

I might start lifting some cans of soup or something while I'm at it. Two people laughed at me when I said I was considering doing weights, so I kind of want to elbow them in the face with my toned arms as a 'told you so', but without having to buy weights. Because, you know, they cost money, and I have a baby shower gift to buy that is already going to wipe my bank account.

Sigh, I wish school would start back already. And that every student wanted 4 hours a week with me. You know, just while I'm wishing for things.

Tuesday, 20 August 2013


I'm in bed before midnight. 

My tummy hurts. 

And that just about sums up today. 

The Hen Do

To the rock on the motorway that decided to smash into my windscreen ... FUCK YOU. 

In other news, the hen do was amazing. 

So I got to my sisters at about 3, and we pissed around for a bit before starting to make fajitas for when hen #3 and token gay #4 arrived. We all had a lovely dinner, and they started on the red. 3 bottles later, hen #5 turned up. 2 bottles after that, which by that point had worked its way from red to white, we all staggered to bed, not looking forward to waking up nice and early with a hangover. 

But wake up we did, and after breakfast, copious amounts of caffeine, and a sandwich production line, we headed to the zorbing place and met up with hens #6-18.

Oh my god. So amazing. Everyone needs to do it. It is so much fun. It wasnt even scary in the lead up, it was just exciting. I did a hydro ride, which is where you are loose in the ball with a load of warm water getting rolled down the hill. You get soaked. For the first half, it's like being on a slide, but then we started to turn so that we were going backwards, which unstabled us so that we went head over heels and water went everywhere. Handy hint, bring spare EVERYTHING. Best part, we had a camera as part of the hen do deal, so we have a video :). Maybe I'll put it up on YouTube. 

Then, we headed to the beach for our picnic. We sat down to almost clear skies. As soon as everything was laid out, the rain started and did not stop. Typical. Luckily we found a tree in a bear by park and managed up finish under that. Then an outdoors sealife centre in the rain. You can imagine how we hydro zorbers never really got dry. 

We headed back to my sisters, and after showers and more wine, this time accompanied with chocolate, we got ready and headed out the meal. It was a small, local Italian place, and after 3 courses and I think about 7 bottles of wine (6 of them consumed by one half of the table) we had written on the tables and had a lock in to dance with the waiters. I'm not going to lie, everything is a little rushed in my memory, but there were hen party songs, my bag is filled with mint imperials, and I'm fairly certain we had sex chats when we got in. 

Sunday consisted off everyone being hungover and watching loads of don't tell the bride while the hens slowly headed home. That was when I noticed the fuck off huge crack in my windscreen. Just as I was about to head home.

A sucky end to an amazing weekend. 

Friday, 16 August 2013

Multiple Personality Disorder

Blah blah blah blah blah blah.

You know what sucks? Spending the whole day trying not to fall asleep where you stand because you had about 3 hours sleep, only to wake up as soon as its gets to a reasonable time to go to bed. Gah. Life.

Today turned out really lovely, after a bit of a Grumpy Heather start. Yeah, Grumpy Heather posts about being on a toilet. Normal Heather posts about everything but being on a toilet, because she is a decent human being who understands that noone needs to know that. 

Sometimes typing your name a lot makes your name look weird. 

Anyway, I know I have barely posted this week, but I'm off to my sisters hen do this weekend so I'm not going to promise posting over the next few days either. I so hope it all goes to plan. I didn't have time to figure out a bad weather option ...   

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Good morning ... Or not

Waking up at 5 am in severe discomfort sucks.

Cystitis sucks. 

I wish there was a fast cure for this, like a pop one pill and it's gone sort of thing. But no. Instead you have to cope with it until it decides it's ready to leave, rather than buggering off when you want it to. Bloody infections. Rude. 

I was going to post about how weird it is that I probably won't be going back to London for a while, but no, here is a psy about me being stuck on the loo instead. 

Sunday, 11 August 2013


Something happened today. 

I was working on my sisters wedding dress in my work room. My dad comes in to ask if I wanted a cup of tea, and then starts looking at the dress. He asks a few questions, tells me I have done well, and then hurries out of the door because by his own admission, he is getting quite emotional. 

I called him back and when I saw his red eyes, I hugged him. I told him it was the probably the lovliest thing he has ever done. That sort of reaction from my father is unheard of. Normally, he has an unfortunate knack of killing a buzz, not creating it. I don't think I've ever felt that he was proud of me, that I have ever done anything that pleased him. 

I cried. I've been crying a lot lately anyway. It's just nice to be doing it for a god reason. 

Saturday, 10 August 2013


Apparently, my home is everywhere I go. I hope all my friends and family don't mind.

Friday, 9 August 2013


A few days ago, I weighed myself and the result shocked me a little. Worried about putting on too much weight before the wedding, I decided not to do anything about it and see how it goes. 

Today I ate a ridiculous amount, so I don't think I have to worry about that anymore. 

Thursday, 8 August 2013


You know what sucks? 

Wanting to download an album or two and not having a laptop to do it with.

UPS finally came to pick up my laptop and take it to Acer to be fixed. I guess I did do it wrong the first time. Stupid automated system, it was really confusing. Apparently simple on line forms are the way forward. 

In other news:


Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Grrr bad man

Not having a laptop sucks. 

I have two songs I want to show you, but I can't embed YouTube videos on iPhone posts. 

The first one is 'Growl' by EXO. So addictive, and the video was pretty impressive. 

The second one only came out today, and it's BAP's 'Badman'. I'm not sure on this song, but the video is exactly how BAP should be. Powerful, gritty, full of attitude. 

The A in BAP should stand for Attitude. 

Badass Attitude Powerful. 

Blond Asian People only really works when they're all blond. 

Best Absolute Perfect. Meh. 

So yeah, two videos I really want to share with you. If you're only going to check out one, make it EXO and 'Growl'. 

Tuesday, 6 August 2013


After 5 consecutive days of procrastinating, today I finally made it into town to do my returns! Woo! 

Two items were exchange only, and seeing as it was New Look, I decided that was ok because I could buy myself something in return. I got a dress. It's really pretty. More neutral warm colours than my usual blacks, greys and blues, which is new for me, but it's good. Well, it's black with brown spot pattern, so I guess it's transitional.

I also cut and stitched the detachable train for my sisters wedding dress, so I just have to pleat that, add some lace decoration and some hooks and that's done. 

Rang acer, and they're hopefully going to fix my laptop for me. UPS is coming to pick it up in the morning. Well, I hope they are, the whole ringing them to arrange a pick up process was a bit confusing to be honest. I can't help but think I've arranged for them to show up at the repair place rather than here. Would it be so hard to have a real person  rather than a machine?

So rather a productive day I think. Even went out for dinner and to see Red 2. Sigh, I can't help but melt a little when Korean actors show up in films. They're always just so cool. 

Monday, 5 August 2013

Wedding brain

I just had a shower, and was really looking forward to getting in my nice clean bed and going to sleep. Then I realised I hadn't made my bed yet. Darn.

What can I tell you today? Finished one bridesmaid dress alteration. Now I can take it down with me to the hen do and get her to try it on to do the hem and halter neck. I've got to take my own in too, but I think I'll leave that until I've finished everything else. After returns tomorrow (I have been doing an excellent job at procrastinating), I think I'll try and start on the train. Must remember to order crystals. The two aren't linked, I'm not encrusting the train with crystals. That could cost a fortune, and be ridiculously heavy and noisy. And I'm not doing a beaded panel like I did last time, it's just a little highlighting. I have no idea how many to get though, and Swarovski isn't cheap. 

I got told I had wedding brain today. Because I forgot my Gran's birthday and booking my MOT. Probably about right. 

Sunday, 4 August 2013


I'm slipping down that slippery slope again. I try really hard to make myself go to bed earlier so that I wake up earlier, but gradually it just gets later and later again, until it's 2.30 am and you're wide awake.

Laptop is dead again. I'm going to see if acer will send me a new one, or at least fix this one, but apparently their technology only has issues Monday to Friday, 9 - 5, so I'll have to wait until after the weekend. Annoying. 

Went to see my Gran today, and there was a fox having a nap in the sun in her garden. It was lovely. Didn't go down well with her though. She asked who it belonged to and if she'd have to feed it, thinking too much like normal. 

Made a start on the bridesmaid alterations too, so productive at least. 

Saturday, 3 August 2013


I've said it before. I'll say it now. I'll say it again. Technology sucks. 

My laptop decides that it needs to make some updates and restart. Ok, fair enough, I think, and let it do it's thing. Nearly an hour later and it's still 'configuring'. Finally it does something ...  only to get stuck on the acer screen for ages. 

Sigh. Why can't things just work?! 

BAP released a teaser for a new song. It looks really good, proper BAP attitude rather than the other stuff they're trying to spin.

Spin just autoed to spub. That's not even a word.

Friday, 2 August 2013

Introducing the Solford Road

So I had a blog planned out for last night. Then I fell asleep. So here it is now. 

I'm going to build a road from one particular town to another. It's going to be straight, and it will never be closed, and there will be no exits other than at each end, so only people wanting to go to one town from the other will use it. Because it will be relatively clear all the time, with national speed limit and a direct route, it'll be like half an hour's journey. 

Planned construction to start on the 12th of Never. 

Thursday, 1 August 2013

A load of stuff but most importantly BED

Point number 1 - I bloody hate technology some times. 

Point number 2 - what a week. 

Now to elaborate. Starting with point 2.

So on Tuesday evening last week, I left my house. Today, Wednesday, I came home. I have missed my bed. 

A quick breakdown of the past week. I stayed at a friends house on Tuesday night, which was my worst night's sleep of the week (boys should clean their sheets when guests are coming), and then, we were filming on Wednesday. It went really well, a long day but we wrapped early so I shot off to my sister's. Slept in on Thursday, then did a little cleaning and watched TV, and then my sister got home from work and the make up artist showed up to do her bridal trial. So exciting, she's going to look stunning. The veil turned out really well too, although we decided the headband should be a clip so that's a shame. Did some design work on Friday, and then made my sister and her fiancé dinner. Saturday was just chilling out and then heading back to London, where I did some more work with a head torch on because the boy had just come off nights. Sunday was going to be spent in Richmond Park (I was told I couldn't chase the deer), but ended up shopping in Hammersmith and Westfield and watching Jurassic Park 2. We also attempted Star Trek but the sound stopped 10 mins in and we got fed up of making our own dialogue up. Monday picked up producer and make up and drove to Tonbridge for the final two days of the shoot, where we would all be staying in the same house. It was really good, cast and crew were amazing, and things were pretty much straightforward costume wise, so no problems. I'm shattered though. Shooting tends to be tiring enough as it is, but take away the down time of being alone for a few hours to sleep, and it's exhausting. Wrapped at about 10.30 and made it back to London and a bed at about 1. Then to Pinewood to take back some rental kit this morning on my way back north, and finally, I was home. 

On to the other thing. My laptop says it can't find a bootable device. Guess who'll be getting a call in the morning if it hasn't sorted itself out. 

Ok sleep now. Nice bed. Clean bed. Lovely bed. 

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

A world without Internet

I made a veil today. It was surprisingly easy. 

I'd done some research online, which made the whole thing considerably easier. Such as figuring out how much to gather to the comb, and how to cord the edge, so that I didn't have to mess around with trying, and could just do it. 

Made me think, how did people do this sort of stuff before the Internet? It must have taken someone ages to figure out how to do something they hadn't done before. True, something like a veil is pretty straight forward, but I could have messed around with just the cord widths for weeks before I found something that was the right size. Trail and error on the gathering, wasting metres of thread and tulle. Instead, I did the whole thing in just a couple of hours. Aces.

This sort of thing is why I set up the new blog. So I could do tips and tutorials. Even diaries of costumes made for shoots. I need to get around to starting that up, try and boost my online professional presence. I even contemplated online sewing courses. Along with the bridal stuff, obviously.

This is all stuff that needs to go on the back burners for a while. At least until I can afford a day off. 

Monday, 22 July 2013


Today I did something that my mother told me she didn't want to see her daughter doing. It was research. For work. I'm not going to give you any more specifics than that. But if you've talked to me in the past couple of weeks, you'll know what it was about. 

I told you I moved all my furniture in my work room. The new layout frees up so much space ... Or at least it would do if I didn't still have so much eBay stuff. All of my stuff is now in one box. But my mother has added hers, which is in a bin bag, along with a big box of books and a box of boiler suits, which I have decided to wash and sell in the name of personal creativity and not getting sued. So basically, my work room is functioning very well as a work space, if it wasn't for all the junk being stored in it. 

My father even said I could run a business in there. I had to gently remind him that I was. 

I can't get over how it's nearly the end of July. It will be winter again in no time. Worse than that, in just over a month it will be a year since we started filming Chronicles. This past year has gone so quick. This past half a decade has gone so quick. 

I feel old.

Sunday, 21 July 2013


You know, I climb into bed wide awake. It's as if as soon as i decide to watch something to kill the time, boom, asleep. 

Finally finished the robes. Woop. I was then fronted with the choice of underwear alterations or my sisters veil and head piece. 4 hours later, and I've tidied my work room and reorganised all the furniture. I am good at procrastinating when so something is new. 

Sleep now. 

Saturday, 20 July 2013


I have been scared for my life twice while driving.

One was about 4 years ago in Bristol, when I was happily driving along down a gentle hill when I went around a corner only to be confronted with a queue of traffic stopped at lights just metres away. I slammed on my breaks and all was well, but there had been no warning signs of traffic lights on a country down sloping road, right after a bend. I bet more than a few crashes have happened, and I'm so thankful that I wasn't one of them.

The second was today. Driving down a country road (country roads are apparently lethal) when I turn a bend ( bends too, clearly) and suddenly there is a junction in front of me that wasn't on my sat nav, with cars rolling along at at least 50. Once again, I slam on my breaks and thank all the deities that I didn't plow into the traffic. Only then, right at the junction when it's too late or just ironic, are the give way and T junction signs visible.

My point? Dangerous things should be better sign posted. 

Friday, 19 July 2013

Of dreams, cars and moths

I heard a saying today, that when you can't sleep, it's because you are in someone else's dream. Someone is having a nightmare. 

I've nearly finished the robes now. Hopefully, they'll be done by tomorrow. Then, I have the weekend to concentrate on underwear alterations and make sure that everything is ready for the shoot. After that's all done, I'll have Monday and most of Tuesday to make my sisters veil and head piece for her trial on Thursday. 

I'll be travelling around a lot over the next week or so. 

You know, cars are expensive. To me, late July, early August is a very expensive couple of weeks. I have tax, MOT and insurance all due at once. Sigh. At least I have a credit card. 

Earlier, I was lying in bed, watching a moth struggling with the breeze created by the fan. If I was a moth, ..... And I have just realised what point my tired brain has reached, so time to shut up before I sound like a crazy person.

The moth just flew into my arm. Either that or something light and furry just stroked me. 

Thursday, 18 July 2013


Random new splurdge of Tokyo Dogs comments. And I thought it had all calmed down. 

They're all spam sbout weight loss and exercise. I'm starting to wonder if the universe is trying to tell me something, 

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Super Important Topic

Earlier today, something came into my head and I thought "I know, I'll post about that later!". It is now later and I have no idea what that thing was.

I did a bridal alteration for one of the teachers at my school today. I had a fitting first thing, and then came home and pretty much did the job there and then. It was a lot less complicated and fiddly than I thought it would be, so that's nice. Now just to wait until some cups for another dress show up, and then I can go back to concentrating on the short prep and my sister's bridal accessories.

Ah so much to do and so little time to do it in.

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Lost ... in more ways than one

Just finished watching Lost. Ah god, my heart. I think I cried through most of the finale, and a lot through the last few episodes.

I wish someone I knew would watch Lost. It sucks having to go through the whole thing twice now with no-one to talk about it to.

In deciding to watch Lost, I kind of put Love Rain on the back burners for a while. Today, I found out that the site I have watched all my dramas on has closed down. That means I have lost what episode I was up to on Love Rain, and my list of what to watch next. When I found out, I pretty much just gaped at my screen for 10 mins. It's very sad.

In other news, I'm pretty much ready to shoot myself over making this bleeding robes. It's so boring. I think a production line is much more effective when you are completing a stage and passing it to someone new. It's not so much fun to pass off a completed task to yourself. 

Monday, 15 July 2013

Google of Lost

So I was looking at my arm the other day, as you do, when I noticed lots of tiny lumps, almost like permanent goosebumps.

My first reaction: heat rash or the like. 

Google's first reaction: skin cancer. 

Sometimes I think google just likes to mess with people's heads.

Finished Game of Thrones season 1 today. Many of the things I think I would have enjoyed being really surprised by I already knew about, which was a little disappointing. Dangers of watching a series late, I guess. Swings and roundabouts though, at least I don't have to wait for new episodes. 

I also watched a lot of LOST today. Like half of the last series. Normally, I just listen to music as I work, but today I brought down my laptop and powered through. 

The robes are taking forever. If I never see a French seam again, let alone have to do one, that will be fine. 

Saturday, 13 July 2013


Here is a spot.

I'm sleepy.

Edit: I was going for "Here is a post." Apparently I anagram when I'm sleep posting now. 

Friday, 12 July 2013

Unintentionally about Money.

Today I taught my last session of the academic year. I am now officially on summer holiday.

I'm going to miss going to school. Mostly because I don't get paid if I don't work, so the summer is going to need to be even cheaper for me from now on. Especially because I have my car tax to pay at the end of this month, and MOT and insurance at the beginning of the next. Sigh. 

If it could rain £20 notes in my garden, that would be great. 

I was checking out Money Saving Expert earlier, and I think I am going to have to look into the site in more detail. I doubt I could save much money, but there might be some useful tips on how to make it. 

There's an old bridal shop up for let in my town. Three floors, so I could have a shop, a decent work room and an office. But shops cost money to set up and I don't have that. Double sigh. 

Thursday, 11 July 2013


I did my mass toiletry shop. Is it bad that I want to do a haul post? I think maybe I watch too many beauty videos on YouTube. 

Today was ... Interesting. I headed into the city to do my returns, exhanges and pick up a few extra bits, including the fabric to make the robes. 

After an hour, my arms felt like they were going to fall off. Turns out clothes, shoes and metres of fabric are pretty heavy. 

I gave up with M&S left to do, figuring I could go home, drop of my bags and then drive into town  to do the last little bit. Which would have worked perfectly if the store had the things I needed to buy, which it did not. 

So I got Miffy instead. And we went to sainsburies to buy fajita stuff while we were hungry. Which never ends well. Especially with mass toiletry purchases. So much for not spending money this month. 

For some reason, everything was orange.

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Daily posts are hard to title.

I don't think I remember the last time I blogged on my laptop. That tends to be for thought out posts that require planning and research.

Normally, I post in the dark right before I fall asleep, and literally just write whatever pops into my head. Which is why most of my posts are kinda nonsensical ... And sometimes complete gibberish. That's normally when I've fallen asleep. 

Today was spent doing the dress. I finished the alterations from the fitting, the lacing and the sleeves today, which means I just have a few small but intensely important jobs left to do. Which is crazy. I still have a massive job ahead of me with the bridesmaid dresses, but I'm feeling a little less impending doom about the bride now. Which is good. 

So tomorrow, I'm going to head into town to do my returns and exchanges, as well as pick up a few extra items that came up at the rehearsal. If only you could buy modesty patches, it would be so much easier than having to make them. I also need to buy the fabric for the robes now I think about it. Sigh, more expenses. Having a budget in my account before I have to spend it would be so much easier on my bank account. I also need to do some annotated designs. Sigh again. I have a lot to do. 

Then, I think I'll head to sainsburies for my toiletry haul. And milk. Apparently we need milk. 

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Pre Haul

I'm trying really hard not to spend unnecessary money this month. It's hard enough when friends want to be sociable, but now I find myself rapidly running out of toiletries. 

Face wash, face wipes, body cream, shower gel, shampoo, conditioner, heat protectant, both types of monthly feminine hygiene products, razor blades, cotton buds ... All with only a couple of uses left. Pretty much the only I things I don't need to worry about are deodorant and toothpaste. 

Obviously these things are all pretty important. It just sucks that I have to sacrifice going out for dinner with friends so I can do a mass toiletry haul.

I'm lucky I don't need to top up on make up too. But I only really get through mascara, eye liner and BB creams quickly, and I have at least 3 open of each. 

Monday, 8 July 2013


I've decided I'm not going to bother about missing posts if I can't blog once or twice. If I want to do catch up posts, five, but if I don't, it doesn't really matter. 

This weekend was spent down south with my family, preparing for the wedding. It's getting really close now, it's kind of hard to believe. I still have a lot to do, especially with both bridesmaid dresses needing alterations thrown in. 

It will be hard when everyone is down there, I think. It will be like this weekend, but all the time, and I won't be there. Not that I want to change my mind and move with them; it'll be financial and independence suicide for me, not to mention damaging for my career. It's just we were always so scattered and now everyone is coming together in one area, apart from me. 


Friday, 5 July 2013


I don't drink enough.

I know this because I pee'ed twice today. Once when I got up, and again just now, right before I got into bed.

Too much information? Yes, probably.

So why am I telling you this?


In other news (I feel like I write this phrase a lot), my wisdom teeth still hurt. Not as bad as not being able to eat or drink yet, just bad enough to have to mash everything before I eat it. Which is fine for potato and ice cream, but less appetizing for salad.

In other other news (now I feel like I'm writing other news in regards to Lost's The Others, but I'm not), I love Simon and Martina and the EYK crew. They went on a team building retreat thing, and I just watched the videos from the first day, and laughed so much. And they have a puppy and a kitty. I want to work with them.

Thursday, 4 July 2013


I just finished season 5 of Lost.


Even now, on the second watch, it still feels fresh and new and exciting and amazing and totally UH.

Yeah. Uh. As in I have no words to describe how totally something it is.

I miss it. I miss that there isn't anything on anymore that can make me so ... involved. I can't really explain it. Sure, I like other shows, but I have never felt the same way about a series as I felt about Lost.

In other news ... YAY for wisdom teeth.

Wednesday, 3 July 2013


An hour and a half ago, I was watching the clock until I could post. Then somehow the Internet distracted me for an hour longer than I had planned. So much for an early night so I can wake up earlier.

My meeting went well today. In fact, I was really happy and excited for about 30 seconds, until I told my father and he put a major dampener on the whole thing. Basically, this new deal requires my student to come work with me in my work room, and he seemed really put out by it, as if it would be a huge imposition on him. Which I could understand if we would be doing our work in the house, between him and his laptop. But we're not. It'll be in my work room, my personal space which you don't even have to go through the house to get to. 

It's all sorted now, but I still looked into hiring out a space. A this stage, it would cost me more in rent than I earn. So I'm stuck here for now. 

On the plus side. I found a house. A Victorian town house with a gazillion bedrooms. It'll need a tonne of renovations, but Elle wants a project (too much Kirsty and Phil, I think), and we could let out at least 4 bedrooms with basically a whole floor for my work room.

I'm a little scared its haunted though, at that price.  

Tuesday, 2 July 2013


New month, new start, so lets just forget all the missed posts of last month and wipe the slate clean.

I genuinely just tried to spell clean 'kleen'. Oh dear, speak english no good.

I just had a bath. A proper one with hot water. I'm regretting it a little now. My legs feel all tight and my skin hurts a bit. I just couldn't bear the thought of another luke warm bath. They make you cold, which is not what you want from a bath.

All things considered, I had a fairly productive day. I did some work in the form of altering a pair of suit trousers, had a bath and changed my bed, which was pretty much everything I had planned to do today.

I also got a call from the autism team asking me to work with them for 12 months to help one of my students start a career in costume making, which is incredible. It's one thing to want to do it as a bit of extra curricular activity, it is a completely different thing to have influenced someone so much that they want to do it for years to come.

Sunday, 30 June 2013


June is not working out for me blog wise.

I guess it's because I have got out of the rhythm of posting, and it's kind of hard to restart that. Especially mid way through a month, you know what I'm like having to start new things at the start of something.

Tomorrow is a Monday and the first of the month, so I'm going to start all sorts of new habits tomorrow. 

Yesterday was nice. Took the mothers out, and then had girly junk night with a DVD. It felt nostalgic, effortless. Just the bones of a plan and everything else sorts itself out on the way. I've missed that. Getting the group together is so much effort these days.

Today I learnt the tornados are super common in Bangladesh. I thought they were mainly an American thing. 

Friday, 28 June 2013


Okay so my marathon didn't last very long.

Turns out review posts take ages to write and now I'm tired.

4 posts down isn't bad though. So 2 more review posts of my new mascaras, which means I actually have to try the Falsies, a catch up post on the shoot and my birthday, and a catch up post on the fitting and rehearsal, and that should be me up to date.

Don't worry, nothing interesting has happened that I could be talking about instead of these product posts. Today, my day consisted of making pancakes, going to see my nan on the way back from the NEC, watching Lost, looking at houses, and attempting to catch up on my blog.

Right now, I don't care what I said earlier, I have spent 2 hours blogging so it is time for another episode of Lost.

Etude House Precious Mineral BB Cream

Long story short, I have yet to try a western BB cream I do like, and an Asian BB cream I don't like. I tried both the Skin79 VIP Gold and the Missha Perfect cover and loved them both, and a brand endorsed by a lot of Korean celebrities, I had high hopes for the Etude House Precious Mineral BB cream.

So, firstly, a little about the product. I got the cotton fit, which I have only just found out is a relatively new addition to the Precious Mineral BB cream family. I think it is supposed to give a matte, powder finish as opposed to a dewy finish that I have heard associated with Etude House in the past. It has a pump applicator, which is always good and hygienic. I got No.2, light beige. It is SPF 30, and has anti whitening, anti wrinkle and anti darkening. The back of the packaging kindly informs me 'BRIGHTENING OK! DARKENING ZERO!' as the only English in a sea of Korean. There are no instructions telling me to apply in proper quantity to the area of my face.

First impressions, it has a hint of pink to it, and a powdery finish. It was a nice consistency, felt natural on my skin, and blended out well so that a little went a long way. It concealed my dark circles well without concealer, and the matte powder finish meant I didn't feel the need to set with powder afterwards. In general, it felt really comfortable and I was happy with the way it looked ... until I went too close to a mirror in unforgiving shop lighting.

On certain parts of my face, especially on my nose and around my eyebrows, there was a definite settling of product which made these areas look really powdery. I think I neglected to moisturize before I put the BB cream on, and so I suspect it was sticking to dry patches.

So, in response to this, I haven't used this cream again, and won't until I know my skin is in a more moisturised state. For what it's worth, I think it's a great idea, a liquid application to powder finish, but for me, I need to work on balancing my skin before I can use it without worry of a too powdery finish.

Missha Perfect Cover BB Cream

A few months ago, you may remember me posting about how I had run out of my Skin79 BB cream. I loved this stuff, but being an asian brand, it wasn't readily available in the UK. So, as a replacement, I settled for a western version, the Garnier Miracle BB cream. I was not impressed.

In response to this, my mother brought me the Missha Perfect Cover and the Etude House Precious Mineral BB creams for my birthday. They were due to arrive in July. They actually arrived on my birthday.

So the first one I tried was the Missha Perfect Cover.  I think it was the first BB cream I ever heard about, probably from Bubzbeauty, and has always been one of the main brands people talk about in BB terms, along with Skin79. I got No.21, which is light beige. It's SPF 42, which is pretty high for a make up product.

My first impression was that it was a lot thicker than the Garnier cream, as well as more of a neutral tone, both of which were huge plus points for me. It blended well, and had good coverage as it neutralised my dark circles enough without concealer, and I didn't feel the need to set with powder although it wasn't a matte finish.. It didn't feel too heavy, and I wasn't aware of the 'lots of product on my skin' sensation you can get with other products. It has a pump applicator as well, which is nice. No amusing english translations though, so that's a shame.

I'm really unsure about whether to include the photo I took, because I look so bog eyed in it. My face is wonky too, but that's just my face. Note to self, look past the camera when doing close up selfies. Maybe I'll take another photo next time I put it on and there is good lighting, and add it in with an edit.

In general, I was really pleased with it. I was concerned that it wouldn't be a good colour match after testing on my hand, but it blends out really well and seems to match my face tone really well. Since trying this out for the first time nearly 2 weeks ago, and with the options of this, the Etude House and Garnier to choose from, this BB cream has been the one I have used most frequently. It's just a shame it takes weeks to arrive, even if it is about the same price with shipping from Hong Kong included as many western brands.



(That's Japanese. You don't say the 'i'. It basically means RIGHT!)

So, by my count, I'm 8 posts behind. Tonight, I am going to marathon through my catch up posts on the promise to myself that I can't watch another episode of lost until I have finished them all.

I have 5 posts planned out from last time, and this can be another one, so worst case scenario is only 2 posts of pictures of cats.


(That's Korean. You say it like 'fighting' with a Korean accent. It's a cheer of support.)

... and that's one down.

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Sunburn Sucks

I can't wait until I can have hot baths again.

I can't wait until I don't have to moisturize so often.

I can't wait until I can look down at my legs and not end up wondering why they are purple.

I shaved my legs for the first time since I got sunburned at the beach nearly 3 weeks ago. It was killing me not doing it for that long, but its taken that long for my skin not to hurt to the touch. I'm still wearing leggings under my jeans.

Sunburn sucks. For ages afterwards.

Tuesday, 25 June 2013


To make up for all the missed posts this month, I have 6 post to do in addition to my daily blogs. I can do a catch up post of the shoot down in London, including my birthday, and 4 posts on recent new products, but that still leaves me 1 extra.

I really need good new kpop songs to come out. Preferably Super Junior or SHINee.

Or to finish Love Rain for a review post, but Lost has taken over a little.

By a little I mean I am now on season 5.

I might try and catch up tomorrow, but it also seems to make sense to space out the product posts. I could write them and schedule them I guess, worked well last time. They're nothing major, just my two new korean BB creams and two new Maybelline mascaras, although I haven't tried one yet.

I just spent a while looking at houses. This area is expensive. I wish I could live in this house forever.

Monday, 24 June 2013

Vacuum is a fun word

Can't believe I posted about pillows last night. I was very nearly asleep and I guess they were kind of important to me then.

It's so weird to think I won't be going to school tomorrow. It's only been a few months, with holidays inbetween, but I had gotten so used to it. To think that last year I used to freak out about working there one day a week. Now it doesn't seem enough.

So, instead, I have decided to do housework. My aim is the bathrooms, hall way and vacuuming. I'm going to offer my father one of the tasks in the hope that he'll actually do something. All he did today was go for a bike ride and have a bath. Literally. Then more costume shopping, dinner and cinema. 

I hate how my life is so expensive. So much for not spending.

My own fault for not putting as much importance on money as I should. 

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Super soft

YouTube is coming up blank.

9gag won't open on my iPhone. 

At the risk of falling asleep, I have just one thing to share ... I got two new pillows. I might get two more.

Boom. You're welcome. 

Candy floss

Apparently I forgot to post last night. Oops. Summary of my day was costume shopping and drama. I was pretty physically and emotionally worn out by the end of the day. 

So today we went to Star City. There was talk about Alton Towers and at one point it seemed like it would all work out, but plans fell through. I wish I wasn't so easy to guilt. I wish I had the strength of character to stand up for what I want to do rather than just trying to keep everyone happy. But I'm not and I don't, so never mind. The highlight of the day was real candy floss, spun in front of me on a stick. Do you know how rare that is?? Noone seems to do real fresh spun candy floss anymore.

I might make up for the lack of a post with something random. To YouTube and 9gag. 

Friday, 21 June 2013

News, Other News, and Other Other News

Kind of obsessed with this song at the moment.

For those of you that can't see the video I have embedded for some reason, because I never can from my phone no matter what version I use, its 2PM's ADTOY. Check it out. It's so catchy.

In other news, I passed 25 000 views. With consistently more views from Russia and the US than my own county. I don't understand, but okay.

In other other news, I lost a student today and I tried out my new Missha BB cream.

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Tall nut

So procrastinating from writing catch up blogs is far too easy. I think in the future I'm going to force myself to write them regardless of whether I'm at home or not.

I think I've been playing plants vs zombies too much. I can see suns when I close my eyes. Earlier, I was playing and putting the huge walnuts down. You know, the ones that can't be vaulted over and look kind of scary? Well, they were getting eaten, and I noticed a tear when they were nearly gone. They were getting eaten, and crying about it. Gosh darn near broke my heart, and now I don't think I can sacrifice them again. It's just too cruel when they start to have emotions.

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Forever Alone

Once again ... Fail at catch up posts. 

I will do them ... Eventually.

It sounds really anti social, but I'm kind of enjoying my own company too much to be doing normal things yet. Being on set is really intense, a lot of people spending a lot of time together in a small space, so I think it takes a few days to recover. Especially when staying in someone else's home, so you dont even get night time to have some privacy. Couple that with how depressed I had been feeling, and I guess I'm still recovering. 

My legs started peeling today. I thought it would be nice new skin underneath, but it feels dryer and more damaged than the previous layer. Rubbish.

Tuesday, 18 June 2013


I have a lot of catch up posts to write. 

I did mean to do them today, but then I had a nap instead. So maybe that will tell you a little about how the past few days have been.

So I got home at 2am, and then had school this morning. I tried so hard not to fall asleep waiting for my students, but I might as well have as neither showed up. So I did a little sorting out to make up my time, came home, ate cake and fell asleep. Add in catching up on YouTube and you pretty much have my day. 

Tomorrow is mostly the monumental task of cleaning my room. And wedding dress stuff if I can pluck up the courage to cut lace again. 

Wednesday, 12 June 2013


Oops, I forgot to post last night.

So shopping was good, if not very painful. My feet were so swollen by the end of it and I'm pretty sure I spent the whole time walking like an idiot. But I managed to get everything I needed ... eventually. 

Aprons were super hard to find. All I needed was a plain, cream canvas style apron. I had done my research before I went out and loads of shops had exactly what I wanted online. But did the real stores? No. They were all butcher aprons or flowery crap. Luckily Hobbycraft pulled out some from the stock room for me, so that was amazing. 

I also ended up doing a lot of procrastination shopping, spending £52 in Dorothy Perkins on new tops and some black jeggings, and £6.50 on mini Yankee candles and a tea light holder. I'm actually pretty impressed with my candles. They were the sampler size, and less than £2 each, as opposed to the small jar which was about £9 and probably didn't burn much longer. I got three scents, 2 fruity ones and a cotton one, as well as a £1 tea light holder. 

A few months ago, Eatyourkimchi did a video on bubble tea. Ever since then I wanted to try it, mostly because it's Asian and I like Asian things, but also because the idea intrigued me. So when I found a bubble tea stall, I dragged Elle over. We had to ask for help because it involves a lot of choices, but I got mango with black tea and passion fruit bubbles and Elle got peach with green tea and passion fruit bubbles. It was basically juice with juice filled blobs in. Elle thought it was like frogspawn and freaked out a little. I thought it was amazing. 

Then we got pretzels. 

Then we got our free pizza, and ate cake while watching memoirs of a geisha. 

It was a good day ... but now I have 7 hours until I go to London and a lot to do. 

Tuesday, 11 June 2013


Want to see my sexy ankles?

Hot, right? Like an old woman.

So I managed school. My legs felt huge and sore, and I didn't want to move much, so I made my student do all the setting up and packing away. I wore leggings to try and disguise everything, and noone noticed so I think I got away with it. I did hide in my classroom all morning though, and pretty much legged it (or you know, hobbled it) as soon as my session had finished. I spent the rest of my day keeping my legs elevated to reduce the swelling and trying to ignore the pulse in my ankles. Fun times.

Tomorrow is my last chance to go costume shopping for the short film I'm shooting this week, so another morning of game face. I asked Miffy to come with, mostly so she can help me if my legs set on fire or splinter into a million pieces, but also because I hate shopping in the real world and if I fool myself into thinking its a  social activity, then hopefully it shouldn't be so soul destroying. 

Bored of hearing about my sunburn yet? Yeah well I'll shut up when it's not such a big deal. 

Monday, 10 June 2013


IIf you don't want to read a whiny post about my sunburn, then stop reading here. 

Yeah, so I felt pretty shitty yesterday. But I thought it would wear off a little overnight and I would just be left with normal sunburn; a little hot and uncomfortable, but manageable.

I woke up, and decided to have a oat bath to cool and calm my skin. I got out of bed, and it was like knives shooting down my shins. I screamed, I cried, I came clean to my mum. She helped me back on to my bed, because I was sort of routed to the spot in pure agony, and we covered my legs in e45.

And that's pretty much been my day. Constantly top ups of e45, or another after sun or moisturiser product, a cool oat bath and a cool shower, and hobbling around. I did take advantage of being bed ridden to do some paperwork though ... And watch 3 episodes of Lost.

My legs have swelled something chronic, especially my knees and ankles. I've put up some photos somewhere, god knows where on this blogger app. One is yesterday, straight after we got home, and the other is today.  I don't think the photo really shows it, but they're about 50% bigger than before. 

I'm just praying that I can make it to work tomorrow. I think it will be a case of putting my game face on and smiling through the pain, maybe making up a little white lie about a pulled muscle to explain why I'm walking funny. 

I'm also praying that I don't have to go to hospital. 

Sigh. Still kicking myself.

I'm so stupid. 

Sunday, 9 June 2013


Oh the pain.

So it turns out the sun is hot. Super hot. It turned my legs into spent matches and burned through my sun cream to cook my chest and arms. It even caught one side of my face, which had a healthy amount of supposed SPF 15 bb cream.

My legs feel like they are on fire, and I can even feel my heartbeat, but the rest of me is freezing. I can't move my legs without wincing. I'm like an invalid.

Right now, I'm feeling very sorry for myself. 

Saturday, 8 June 2013


What am I supposed to blog about when I'm in the spare room of my only known consistent reader? I'm being stared at by a load of potato heads, judging me because I should be asleep, butI'm pretty sure there is a lightsaber hiding behind the pretty light up twigs. 

None of those statements were in any way relate to each other. 

A lot has happened today. One issue was resolved that then caused another one. I did a lot of planning for the shoot next week, and sent a lot of emails, which alone took up easily 7 hours of my day. Then I hopped in my car and ended up here. 

Ok, in retrospect that doesn't seem like much. I guess it was just one of those days that a lot got ticked off a to do list and things don't seem quite as horrific any more. 

Friday, 7 June 2013


So I forgot to post last night. I think I fell asleep watching youtube.

Super Junior have a chinese sub unit, Super Junior M. In this unit, there are two members that aren't in the original  Super Junior. One of these members is Henry, and he is adorable.

He has a whole back story, being a chinese canadian in Korea, and a lot of stupid SuJu fans weren't very nice about him. But he is probably my favourite, and he has just released an album.

Other than looking like he is in Tony the Tiger cosplay, I like it, and I haven't really liked a kpop song for a while.

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Fiction Should Be Real

I started reading manga again.

I haven't read manga for ages, and even stopped keeping an eye out for updates about a year ago. But for some reason, this afternoon, I felt the desire to read manga again.

Not just manga in general, but a specific manga that I think I must have read like 5 or 6 times before. I've probably even talked about it in this blog before. It's one of those that have a really embarrassing title in English. But the story is really addictive, and all men should be like the male main character.

To be honest, I'm probably just wistful and lonely.

Wednesday, 5 June 2013


I had a dream last night.

The only way I can think to accurately describe it us 'Banana Apocolypse'.

It was a long time ago now, so most of the things that made this not feel like a dream have dissipated. But I remember that it was the end of the world, and I was mashing bananas, and the two were somehow linked.

I think I was Fai from Tsubasa, and Sakura and Syaoran were kids that I was sort of protecting, so I assume Kurogane must have been there too but I don't remember seeing him. 

I'd love to know what that all means.

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Emotions suck

I feel sad. Probably cos I feel guilty. I have nothing to feel guilty about. That makes me sad. 

It's a vicious circle.

Today, a student crushed my thumb under my seeing machine. I also went on a cheer up mission. 

Monday, 3 June 2013

Wax Lyrical

I started a new candle this evening. I love new candles. 

They're just so new! It's a new smell, and it looks good because its brand new, and it makes everything just feel fresher. It makes me want to clean my room, just so that everything looks perfect.

I am on my last one now. I got three for Christmas, so I'm going through one every two months, although to be honest, I think the Yankee lasted longer than that. Hopefully I'll get some more in a couple of weeks, but if not, I'll probably get money from my grandparents and can buy my own. It's just that I've been spoiled by posh ones I wouldn't have brought myself, but they are so much better than cheaper supermarket ones. We'll see. 

I can't quite believe this whole post has been about candles. 

Didn't get up early, didn't hoop, didn't drink, didn't help around the house and didn't become a better person. 

Also didn't spend any money, so at least one negative makes a positive.

Sunday, 2 June 2013


Today, I failed with pretty much every resolution I set myself yesterday. I missed my lunch time pint and didn't get up earlier even though I was awake. I didn't clean and I wasn't particularly nice to anyone. I did hoop though. 

I also need to stop spending money. Like, seriously this time. I have put 25 or so new items on eBay, with another 15 left to list another time. So hopefully that will bring some more pennies into my pocket. I'm fairly sure that a lack of meals out, with Zo being on holiday and all, will contribute significantly to my finances. 

But you know, I have MOT, tax and insurance coming up soon, and even though I'll probably put them on my credit card, the sooner I can pay them off the better. 

Living is expensive. 

Saturday, 1 June 2013

Half Year Resolutions

Holy crap. It's June.

How did that happen? Where did the year go? It's crazy.

You know how people always make New Year's Resolutions on the 1st of January? Well, I am going to make Half Year Resolutions on the 1st of June.

My New Year Resolutions for the first half of the year were to "drink more water, get up earlier, exercise more, help around the house, and be a better person ...".

Shockingly enough, my Half Year resolutions are to drink more water, get up earlier, exercise more, help around the house, and be a better person. But this time I have a plan ... and motives!

Drink more water - starting with downing a bottle of water that I keep by the side of my bed first thing every morning. Then, a pint with each meal, so brunch and dinner. And that's not even counting tea.

Get up earlier - I have been waking up earlier for a while. Now to get up rather than staying stubbornly in bed because I don't need to be up.

Exercise more - I'm pretty much into my routine of doing the blogilates squat challenge every night now. But I need to start hooping in the morning to slim my waist to fit into my bridesmaid dress in September, and maybe a couple of other work out videos a week won't hurt.

Help around the house - Pretty self explanatory

Be a better person - I just need to be nicer.

Friday, 31 May 2013


Exo released a new song. I'm not convinced.

I challenge you to watch it without laughing when they start howling.

They all look so young. I like the styling, but the song in itself is a little ... I don't know, I just don't feel it. It's definitely no History, and I don't even think it could be a grower like Mama. I'll download the album if there is one, but I don't hold high hopes if this is the song to go by.

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Garnier 'Miracle' BB Cream

So last week, I found myself with an empty bottle of BB cream and weeks before I could get a new one seeing as all the brands I wanted aren't available in this country. So, I looked into western brands of BB cream, and taking into account reviews and personal recommendations, I went for the Garnier Miracle Skin Perfector Daily All in One BB Cream.

First impressions, its so orange. My Skin 79 one had much more of a cool yellow undertone. Makes sense, I guess, as Garnier is probably marketed at western skin types rather than asian tones. It was also quite thin, and even though that meant a little goes a long way and it spreads and blends out well, I didn't feel that it could give me as much coverage as a slighty thicker formula. Because of this consistancy, I felt that I didn't need to put moisturiser on before putting on the BB cream, like I would do normally, as it made my skin feel unnecessarily heavy and a little too slick. It also had quite a strong, almost floral frangrance. I didn't dislike it, it just took me by surprise a little.

Okay, so I have no idea how to turn this photo around. When I do in my photo viewer thing, it squishes up my face, like the top photo but uglier, and my face looks wonky as it is. So on the left/top is the BB cream, and the right/bottom is make-up free. Not a huge difference.

For me, the coverage is just too light. I feel like I need to wear concealer underneath, and finish with powder, and these are two stages that I never felt like I had to do before just to get an even skin tone.  It does make a difference, it is just a more subtle one than I am used to. It didn't even show up on my lips. On the other hand, I guess this makes it good for summer, for a more natural look, and it certainly feels moisturising.

Would I buy it again? No. Am I going to continue to use this one? Yes ... but I'm praying for a new Asian brand for my birthday, as they have consistantly beaten the western versions out of the water.