Wednesday, 22 September 2010

A Career Change

Now, we all know that my chosen career path is that of a costumier.

What few realise is that this wouldn't be my first choice, as before I decided to go with costume, I wanted to be a writer. However, I put this out of the question fairly early on because I decided that I could never make it as a successful author, it being too hard to get into and me being too sensitive to handle all the rejection.

What even fewer realise is that before costume, and before writing, I wanted to to be an actor. But again with the difficulty and rejection, I just decided to go with a more plausible option for my talent and circumstances.

When I say all of this, I don't mean that I have stopped wanting to be these things; far from it, I have just decided to focus my attention on to other, smaller, more realisable goals in order to obtain success rather than my idealistic dreams. So good job there, Heather, with that hugely successful career you have got right now.

Right, so over the past few weeks, as you may have realised in the 'footnote' to my posts, I have been re-reading some of my favourite manga. In my mind, I have been more and more tempted to re-read or re-watch Vampire Knight, this being my second-all-time-favourite. The night before last, I found the anime and watched the first episode in Japanese, before I discovered that it had finally been dubbed into English.

I whooped.

I tweeted.

I then found out that Zero was being voiced by Vic Mignogna, who voiced Fai in Tsubasa (my first-all-time-favourite), and the awesome metre in my head bounced off the charts.

So I sat down to watch it, with high expectations.

Vic's Zero was great, Kaname was passable, Yuki annoyed me.

It just seemed that the girl who was playing Yuki was just reading the script; there wasn't much feeling or sense of character in her words at all. I hate being critical of others work, but she really paled in comparison to the rest of the cast for me, which is so disappointing as she is the main character.

I understand that its probably a much harder job than it looks, but still, I could so do that. The whole reason I wanted to be an actor, even a writer, in the first place was as a form of escapism, to become someone else for a bit, live in another world to my own, but was put off somewhat by the whole being recognised thing. I wouldn't get that with voice acting, no one would ever know who I was unless they worked with me or what-have-you.

I'm just generally a bit of a drama queen. I like being someone else.

So, anyone know how to become a voice actor?

<3 x

Manga: 32 (Kaichou wa Maid-sama ch 26, re-reading Love Celeb ch 15, re-watching VK ep 5)
Last Google Search: Vampire Knight dub Vic Mignogna (I was checking the spelling)

Thursday, 16 September 2010

A wee rant about the NHS and needles...

Today, I had to go have a blood test.

'OK, what of it?' you may be thinking. Well, I don't handle needles well. Plain and simple. I mean, I am better than I used to be, but I still struggle a lot and don't like them in the slightest.

So, I rocked up to my medical centre, having barely slept and dreamt during that little time about having needles thrust into the inside of my elbow, and after a short wait, went into the room and told the nurse I was feeling nervous. She tried to distract me by keeping me talking, but then every time my mind was diverted from the needle being thrust into my arm, she would bring my attention right back by telling me how well I was doing. I know she was just trying to be reassuring and supportive, but it did seem a bit pointless.

Lets say, hypothetically, after the nurse couldn't get any blood out of one arm, she decided to go for the other, but then the patient started to feel woozy and hot and everything went black and she had to lie down. Fine, nothing to say about that. But then, when the patient had started to feel better and the nurse had eventually managed to get the blood she needed, she sent the patient right home, without making her sit for a few minutes to make sure the wooziness and blackness didn't come back. Just seems a bit mean, really. Hypothetically, of course.

So anyway, now I have two pin-pricks on each arm, and the insides of my knees feel as weird as the insides of my elbows, which I am well aware is all in my head, but odd none the less.

'Happy Birthday' goes out to my two favourite (read: two only) readers, Elle and Inki. Hope you both had fantastic days!

<3 x

Manga: 32 (Kaichou Wa Maid-sama ch 18)
Last Google Search: Cygnett iPhone cover (on account of Rachey dropping and breaking mine when bringing me soup XD)

Monday, 6 September 2010

Remember Smosh?

As of late, Smosh videos have failed to amuse me as much as they used to. Not that they have 'lost it' or whatever, I mean, they still entertain me; I still avidly watch their videos, follow all three twitter accounts, wear their hoodie and regularly browse their website, but its been a while since I did more than smile to myself whilst watching Ian and Anthony's antics.

However, their last video had me laughing out loud. The sudden, out of nowhere but then cant stop type of laughing. Maybe I'm just immature (more than likely) but the end of that video felt like 'old smosh', and made me remember why I fell in love with that lovable duo in the first place about three years ago.

So from there, I started watching some of their old videos, namely the food battles. I found recent videos I had completely forgotten about, as I had watched them once and then never went back to watch them again. I googled quotes that I remember had amused me but couldn't remember where they were from.

This was all on Friday. Then, on Friday night/Saturday morning, I had a dream about Smosh.

This sounds a little freaky, but I should explain that I dream a lot, and more often than not its about something that has happened lately. So therefore watching smosh = dreaming smosh isn't that un-understandable. (Is un-understandable a word? Hmm maybe not. It is now.)

In my dream, I had won a competition to go to LA and hang out with the Smosh boys. Now dream-me and dream-smosh are well acquainted already, so it wasn't weird or awkward or anything, but this time I wasn't best friends with Ian's girlfriend. Anyway, Ian and Anthony lead me into a huge elevator with a load of other people in their apartment building (as their house in their videos is just a set or something) and when the doors closed, the whole thing started moving around. Think like the zero gravity bit in Inception, but a lot faster. Even dream-me thought it was a bit odd, but not unenjoyable. Other things happened, like I'm sure we all flew up the stairs to go in the zero-gravity-lift again, but it was a while ago now and you know what dreams are like, they slip out of your head faster than a fat kid eats cake.

Umm so moral of this post is, I still think smosh is epic.


Manga: 30 (kissxsis ch 33 & Futari ch 13)
Last Google Search: what do you think inks made out of? BEEF!

PS - I always had the impression that Anthony was the main Smosh guy, but Ian seems more to the fore-front now. Interesting ... OK, well probably not to anyone but me ...

Thursday, 2 September 2010

The end of BEDA or whatever.

So that's that. August is over, and it is now well and truly September.

I don't think I did too badly on the BEDA thing. OK, I may have failed at BEDA, but BOA went quite well. I quite enjoyed blogging more frequently than once or twice a month, and may try to keep up with it in the future, primarily for selfish reasons. Its almost therapeutic to document your life, and while I may not be very good at it, or have a huge readership (I do believe I am currently on a grand total of 2), I will endeavor to proceed.

Maybe this way, I will feel more comfortable with sharing myself with others. My mother says Uni made me 'hard' and now I don't let anyone in anymore. I think to a certain extent she is right; I had to toughen up a lot while at university, as having no-one to rely on but yourself will do that to a person. But I wouldn't have said that those three years affected me that much until recently. I guess I'm a typical Gemini with the whole dual personality thing; I put up barriers to hide behind, and especially when someone new enters my life, I find it hard to let them past that facade. I'm struggling a lot with that now.

I feel like I have revealed too much now, so I'll leave this post there.

<3 x

Manga: 30 (Finally finished KP, although I think it was messed up and a load missed out because the end made no sense. Don't know what to start on now though)
Last Google Search: Dengeki Daisy ch 25