Monday, 30 September 2013

Can't be bothered to think of a title

I have a good reason as to why I didn't post last night. 

It was one of those times when you fall asleep before you plan to, and wake up at 5am with your electric blanket, glasses and make up still on. By the time you've convinced your body it isn't on fire and removed your make up while trying not to wake up too much, it's too much effort to post, and you didn't have anything to post about anyway.

Another session with my student at home tomorrow, followed by a trip to get the robes I made embroidered. Then I think I might go to sainsburies to get a cheap duvet and some detergent and wash the wedding dresses ready for altering. I can't afford to get them all dry cleaned, it would cost a fortune, and I found some tips on line so I figure why not. 

I'm putting the ball gown on hold until I know that it will definitely be needed. I'm thinking probably not, which is a shame. At least it gives me time to focus on the wedding dresses. I'm not forgetting that I have 11 months left to make this happen.  

Saturday, 28 September 2013


I've been trying to force myself into more traditional sleeping patterns. You know, go to bed earlier, wake up earlier. But then, sometimes you just find yourself wide awake when you should have been asleep an hour and a half ago. 

Ah well, I guess it's Friday night. 

I watched Agents of SHIELD, it was ok. It didn't blow me away. I'll try and watch the rest but I'm not going to throw a hissy if I miss an episode. Everyone else in the world seemed to have watched it days ago, when it was released in America I guess, and maybe the excitement built it up too much. Don't get me wrong, it kept me entertained, there just wasn't the addictiveness there that Lost or Firefly had. Also, I was a little annoyed that I missed the IT Crowd after it. 4OD I think. 

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Up and Down

Today was a bit weird, you know, like emotionally. 

First, I was happy to go meet a 5 day old baby. Then I was a little sad that everyone is growning up and leaving me behind. Then I got slightly conflicted but mostly annoyed that a friend got a job on a production in Ibiza that I was turned down for, which they went after just because I was approached about it. Then I was happy again because SuJu are coming to London, before almost instantaneously feeling sad again because no one would come with me to see them even if I could get tickets, which I probably won't be able to do anyway. 

Now, I don't really know how I feel. Other than a bit in pain because my tummy hurts. 

Wednesday, 25 September 2013


It's amazing how doing something for just a couple if hours in the afternoon can take up your entire day. 

Today I went for a walk. I was out if the house for about 3 hours, and yet doing anything before was pointless and it was too late to do anything afterwards. 

I suppose I should make better use of my mornings. Especially if I need to have the bridal stuff well underway by mid October for a friend to advertise me in her charity ball programme. 

I got aproached for three jobs today. One I turned down, one I think I won't get because I'm not in a London, and the other I'm rather eagerly waiting for more details of. Things are picking up and I haven't even started looking properly yet. 

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Spinny Circle of Doom

This is becoming the bane of my life.

I think it started happening before I updated to iOS 7, but I can't remember properly so I'm probably wrong. Regardless, I'm going to blame iOS 7 anyway. 

My battery now dies before I even get to low battery. Sometimes at 30-odd%. It's super annoying. 

There is a lot I don't like about iOS 7. The weird movey around background thing is weird, and very pointless, so that got disabled. The auto update thing also got disabled for being a suspect in the battery murder case. I don't like how folders can now have multiple pages, and each page doesn't fit as many apps in. I don't like the new folder icon. I despise the new safari. I don't recognise the new default message tone, alarm tone and incoming call tone, and so I miss calls, texts or you know, waking up. I just don't like it. And the battery thing is a huge problem. 

The notification centre is useful though, and the new password screen looks cool. In terms of pros, that pretty much covers it.

In other news, my sister got married at the weekend. I would post about it, but I'm not going to forget it any time soon so I don't really see the point. Straight back into it though, with work this morning, updating everything this afternoon and moving on to the charity ball project as soon as I have ironed out the specifics with the event organiser. My mum has a week off, and my dad doesn't work, so they're kind of just taking it easy. Wish I could have a day off to recover. 

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

T is for Typing

As you all know and have been waiting for, it's fun fact Tuesday. 

Time for a fun fact, and this weeks letter is T.

Did you know that when I type on a keyboard, I only use my left index finger and right index and middle fingers?

Well you do now. I didn't know this until about 30 seconds ago either. Yay for joint learning. 

Tuesday, 17 September 2013


I just had a really good shower. 

I don't know what made it good, probably just because it was warm, and that was the only time today I have felt warm, but it was really good. 

Now I'm in bed with the electric blanket on full blast. I like being warm. 

My session went well this morning. It's not that weird having a student in my own house. It's more annoying the space their costume is going to take up. I think I might try and talk her into doing bridal stuff with me. That way it's no extra space and she actually helps me. 

This evening, I got a text from the coordinator at school saying a student wants to work with me, which is awesome. I've worked with her before, so it'll be easy enough.

I should probably stop viewing my students in £ signs. 

Monday, 16 September 2013


I've got that whole spinning whole lying down thing again. It's so weird, it's not fast spinning, but all I can think about is its like I'm on a roundabout. Yeah, so the visualising it isn't really helping. 

I wasn't going to tell you, I was just going to go to sleep, but then I got a notification on LinkedIn so seeing as that woke me up already. I was doing the whole having a nap before actually falling asleep thing again. 

I know. I'm so weird. 

Saturday, 14 September 2013


Since when did it become nearly 2am?

Over the past few days I have been so shattered, and now I seem to have caught up on sleep and back into normal habits. 

I watched United 93 tonight. I think I'll let it end my little 9/11 obsession. It's a really good film, shot in a style that I don't normally like but it worked really well in this case. You know it's true, but every time I have watched if, it's only in the last few moments that it hits home that this really happened, that people really went through this. What's more is that some m of the characters are played by their real life counterparts. Sure, you can tell in retrospect that they were a bit awkward, but to have to relive those events must have been so hard, even if they were in an office hundreds of miles away. 

Its a good movie. You should watch it if you haven't. 

Friday, 13 September 2013


5 minutes ago I had an idea of what to post about this evening. 

I'll be damned if that thought didn't leg it.

Again, too tired to post. Correcting sleep posts takes up too much energy. 

Thursday, 12 September 2013

Another post about bed

There's nothing better than being back in your own bed after a few days away.

Brb, snuggling. 

Monday, 9 September 2013

Jam Jars

I think it's officially autumn. The temperature has dropped and my dressing gown is pretending to be a blanket over my duvet. I might even risk it and put the fan away. Although, now I think about it, I'm not sure where it came from in the first place. 

I think I've finished the wedding dress. I just have to bead the headpiece and make the halter neck for my own dress, and that's my sisters wedding officially ready to go. Well, my part. I'm still helping my mum with hers. She was put in charge of decoration, so I'm mostly spending every spare half hour or so wrapping twine or lace around jam jars. My sister also wants ribbons and fans and all sorts, but I don't know what's actually happening with everything else. I just stick with the jam jars. 

Less than 2 weeks, crazy. 

Sunday, 8 September 2013


You guys know I do the Blogilates Call Me Maybe Squat Challenge every night, right? 

Well, at the beginning of this week I started doing another Blogiltes challenge in the morning. They are only the length of a song, so it doesn't take up much extra time, and they are targeted at specific areas of your body. I mostly do the leg and bum ones. 

Ow. This morning, I stood up and couldn't straighten out my left leg properly. I think I need to do some stretches. Still did the Legs for Days Ballet challenge this morning though. I like it, although the toughest thing for me is not falling over. 

I don't see the point in doing the ab ones, I'm not carrying a lot of weight around my stomach right now, which could obviously change, in which case I will. To be fair, I would rather hoop if I was feeling that I need to work my waist. I should do some arm ones, because I want to improve my strength more than anything. Maybe I'll start doing my normal challenges holding bottles of water ... Seeing as everyone laughed at me when I said I wanted to get some dumbell weights. 

This post makes me sound like I do a lot of exercise. I don't. It amounts to less than 10 mins a day. But better than nothing, right? 

Saturday, 7 September 2013


Somehow, Teen Top releasing a new single completely skipped over my radar. Which is crazy because I normally get the MV coming up on my feed from two different channels on Youtube.

I like it. More the start and the chorus than the rest of the song. It's kind of catchy, and I want to learn the dance. I feel like the risk of falling on my face is too high though.

Friday, 6 September 2013

Head rush

Something weird just happened. You know when you stand up too fast and you go a bit dizzy and lightheaded? I've been having that a lot lately. Now, when I close my eyes, I go a bit funny and dizzy too. 

And this is as far as I got before I fell asleep last night. I've got to stop doing that. 

At least I think I fell asleep. I was feeling really weird last night, so hopefully I didn't pass out and then fall asleep. Maybe I need to see the doctor. 

Thursday, 5 September 2013


You know when you wake up just not happy? Not unhappy, just not happy? Yeah I had that today.

I don't know whether it has anything to do with the latest thing I have been looking up online. Every so often, I hear about something and then google the crap out of it. Like watching the White Queen series on BBC lead me go read up a lot on Edward IV and Elizabeth Woodville. 

Lately, there have been a few documentaries on about 9/11. I have developed a rather morbid fascination with it. Did you know that as recently as July they were still identifying new victims? Over 11 years after the attacks, and there are still over 1000 people that haven't yet been identified. 

I might have to try and find something to cheer myself up with before I go to sleep. I just read the last flight recordings and phone calls of all 4 planes prior to crash. I have school in the morning, so being depressed about something that happened nearly 12 years ago is probably best to be avoided. 

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

At the front desk

I have worked on many productions. Never have I ever really wanted to do a job other than costume. Imagine my surprise when I found myself writing a web series, based on the antics of the front desk at my local police station.

Over two hours we were sat there, after first being told that the DC we had an appointment with didn't exist. The stories of other people, and mostly the shocking customer service we all received, was enough to spark an interest in documenting our experiences. 

I actually started writing this last night. I just went to check whether I had posted it when I found the first few sentences and then a load of gibberish in draft. Sleep posting again. 

Tuesday, 3 September 2013

I hate cars

I fell asleep before I could post again last night. I did the whole lying down to watch Love Rain. That never means I finish an episode.

So I went on a speed awareness course yesterday. The course was fine. The lead up to it was a nightmare. 

On the letter, it said parking is available at the hotel, so I drove to the hotel. At the hotel, a sign says parking is £7, so I thought fuck that, and drove straight back out again. Luckily, I had left myself some time, so I went to a nearby multistory. I parked on the first level, before I remembered that it used to be a get a ticket at the entrance and pay at the exit type of car park, and I hadn't got a ticket. The Mr Bean sketch going through my head, I looked at other cars around me, all with disabled cards in the windows. There were no signs but the floor was blue, and fearing I was running out of time, I jumped back in my car and headed up a level, scraping the back of my car along a pillar as I did so. I parked, saw a pay and display sign and a ticket machine. Worked out how much it was, which was nearly all of my cash, and paid it. Headed back to my car when I noticed the ticket said 5.45, and I had miscalculated in my rush. I brought another ticket on my credit card, which took forever, and by the end of it, parking had cost me nearly £10. With minutes to spare, I legged it back to the hotel, arriving puffed out and in a bit of a state.

Then, at the end, they said we didn't need to pay the parking at the hotel. 

Monday, 2 September 2013

Somewhat about beds.

I love a clean bed.

I love remembering I haven't changed my bed right as I am about to get into it somewhat less.

Making beds is such a faff. You should be able to just push a button and the bed does it for you, like in the Fifth Element. 

A lot of what happens in the Fifth Element should happen in real life. Like full proper dinners in the microwave, but I suppose we're close enough to that. 

My day, wedding dress, jars, blah blah blah. Repetition. 

Sunday, 1 September 2013


Why is it that as soon as you try to sleep, everything starts running around in your head? Right now, I can't stop thinking about stuff that happened in 2011. 

I think I need to learn how to let stuff go. 

I didn't post yesterday. Oops. I have no idea why, I just didn't think about it. My day wasn't that interesting anyway. That's the problem with my life right now, every day seems to be pretty much the same. Get up, watch charmed, work, neighbours, work, dinner, TV/game of thrones. And the wedding. Everything revolves around the wedding. I envy my sister. She has a holiday to look forward to when it's all over. 

Roll on April, I need a holiday too.