Thursday, 19 July 2018

Plastic Surgery Monster

Usually, when I order things, I have them sent to my parents house, as I’m rarely in when parcels get delivered and there is a pretty good chance of someone always being around at my parents house, what with them both being retired and all. This means that when I come to stay, I usually have at least one parcel waiting for me. 

This time I had two... and they were both from Yesstyle and filled with Asian beauty products. 

I was very excited, especially about how I now have a full skincare and make up regeime using exclusively korean products, and my dad made a throw away comment about whether I was going to have plastic surgery now too. 

I laughed it off at the time but over the course of the day, it’s got me thinking, if money was no object, what would I change about myself?

I would definitely have some form of vision correcting procedure. My eye sight is awful. To wake up and be able to see clearly straight away is something I cannot even comprehend. I’ve spent my entire life in glasses and contact lenses. I can’t even walk the familiar path from my bed to the toilet without putting my glasses on, not to mention the saga of the sunglasses. From the limited research that I’ve done, as I understand it my eye sight is too poor to have laser eye surgery, which leaves me with a lens transplant. Having someone slice open my eyes sounds terrifying, but I would definitely do it to be able to see. 

On a slightly related note, I would also have some excess skin on my eyelids taken out. I have quite hooded eyes, and to make them just a little less so might be nice.

I’ve looked into this a few times, but something along the lines of invisible braces would be good, like invisaline. I have overcrowded teeth at the front on my lower and upper jaw, and while they aren’t awful and certainly don’t stand out, they have always been a feature I have felt insecure about. It’s the reason why I try to avoid smiling with my mouth open in photos. 

I suppose while I was at it, I would also have my teeth whitened. I have used whitening toothpaste all of my adult life and I don’t think it’s done anything to improve the colour of my teeth. I don’t even  consume all of the typical offenders, like coffee or tobacco, so I guess I’m just naturally susceptible.

The final thing I’d do is liposuction. It’d just be nice to be slim without having to do all the work first. 

So nothing too drastic then I don’t think, and nothing too painful! It’s not like I’d want my whole face reshaped, although I do think that loosing some weight will improve my face shape a lot. I’d love to have defined muscles - not in a really hench sort of way but just a strong way - although I recognise that building muscles takes a lot of time and effort and isn’t something that plastic surgery or a quick fix can achieve. So I’ll just have to keep slowing working on that, I guess.   

Cats and Korea

Today has been weird.

The plan was to head down to my parents today, but then I woke up to a load of cat sick on the floor, liquid cat poo in the litter tray and a very sorry for herself  kitten. She didn’t eat her breakfast and seemed to just want to sleep so I held fire on bundling her up into her carry case for a two and a half hour drive until she perked up a bit.

This meant that from about 10.30 onwards, I wasn’t really sure if I’d be heading down south today or not.

I complain about wasting my weekends a lot on this blog - the days when you don’t do anything productive. Normally on those days I do at least something though, be it putting some washing on, or running the vacuum around. I did all of that stuff yesterday. I did absolutely nothing today.

Unless you count me filling a teabag dish with water every hour or so and putting it next to my cats face so that she’d stay hydrated.  This was when she wasn’t moving from her make shift bed of the lid of my open suitcase, which is where she spent most of the day.

She seems ok now, and has had a few biscuits. She’s moving around again now, so that’s good, as it wasn’t like her to spend so long in one place, especially when I wasn’t in the same room.

You know what’s just occurred to me? This blog is either about my cats, or Korea.

Sounds pretty representative of my life, then.

Tuesday, 17 July 2018

Kitten Riddle

Its getting dark. You give the kitten some biscuits and lock the cat flap so that she’s in for the night. She meows a little when she realises, and scratches around a bit, but she soon settles and goes to find something else to do. You watch the end of your film. 

The film finishes and you head up to bed. The kitten isn’t downstairs so you expect to find her in your room somewhere. However, when you go into your bedroom, the kitten isn’t on the bed, which isn’t that unusual as she rarely sleeps on the bed unless you’re there. You look under the bed, but all you see are bottle tops she’s being playing with and abandoned. You look under the wardrobes. Nothing. You look in the drawers. Nada. You wonder whether you were being totally unobservant and missed her being in her bed in the living room, so you go back downstairs. She isn’t in her bed, her hidey hole, behind the sofas or anywhere in the hall or kitchen. You double check the cat flap - definitely locked. You rattle her biscuits but you are greeted by only silence. 

Baffled, you return upstairs. You look towards the window, and notice the gap is a little wider than normal. 


No, she couldn’t ... could she?

You fling open the window and look out into the dark night. There is a distinct lack of kitten with four broken legs directly below, which is good. You make a noise, and hear a meow. Followed by a scrambling noise, and then the kitten appears over the fence. 

So yeah, Agi jumps out of buildings from the second story now. She’s also learnt to climb fences without the aid of bins, sheds and plants apparently, but I feel like the key point here is that she jumped out of a window

Wednesday, 11 July 2018

It’s Gone Away

For weeks, my local area has been covered with England flags. The radio is almost constantly playing  football themes. Pubs are constantly playing matches, no matter how posh they are. People who don’t normally talk sport are suddenly obsssed with it. Football fever is everywhere. 

Today, we got kicked out of the World Cup. 

So now, hopefully everyone will shut the fuck up about it. 

Monday, 9 July 2018


I just logged into Viki with the seed of an idea to start rewatching Decendants of the Sun, but then I discovered that I was half way through an episode of Six Flying Dragons. I haven’t watched it for weeks and I have no idea what was going on. So now I feel a bit of a commitment to watch that rather than restarting on DotS.

I went to an abbey today. It was nothing like Redwall. In more than the obvious sense - clearly there were no talking mice monks and warrior badgers, but just the layout of it. I guess I always had such a clear image of how an abbey should look without having any real life reference.

I used to adore the redwall books. I’d read through the series and go straight back to the first one to start again as soon as I’d finished the last. I still have them all, proudly displayed in my bookcase. Part of me would really love to read them again, but another part of me doesn’t want to kill the childhood love of the series by reading it as an adult. Plus, I’m missing the final two or three books, which I have never got as they changed the design and that bothered me.

I titled this post before writing it, based on not finishing the Dragons episode, but now it seems more relevant than I had intended.

Sunday, 8 July 2018

Our Page

At the beginning of July, my plan was to blog every day again. Yeah I failed at that. Today, I figured out why.

I only blog on my iPad. I’ve not been using my iPad lately, as I haven’t been watching any drama. I haven’t been watching any drama because I’ve been reading. Also because Six Flying Dragons is bloody long. I mean, I’m on episode 20 and still struggle to watch it at night for more than 15 mins without falling asleep.

So, if I want to blog more, I need to either get back into the habit of watching drama again, or set myself some form of reminder. I’ll probably go with the drama option.

A fair few new ones have come out lately that I want to wat h, so they should have built up a good number of episodes now so I don’t have to wait. Plus I still really want to rewatch DotS.

One more week of school until we break up for the summer. I quite like the end of the school year - it’s always quite chill and we have a party day on the last day where we all just eat party food and play games and then say bye to the leavers. I think I’ll probably cry this year. For the rest of the week we have two trips planned so I doubt much will get done on the remaining two days, meaning the whole week is a bit of a write off really. Which is fine, but it’s not like I get to diss around as much as the kids do. Still, the end is in sight and that is always good.

I’m just going to leave this here.

Monday, 2 July 2018


I did not successfully blog during June.

It was a big month too, I don’t really know why I didn’t post. I think it’s hard to get into the rhythm of it when you’ve fallen out of it for a while. And, I’m not going to lie, it’s a bit daunting when you know you’ve got an audience. 

So - hello, audience. 

So I’m 30 now. Everyone made a massive and unnecessary fuss, work especially so, although I did get a lovely card and some treats from two of my students, which was very sweet. I also made a massive unnecessary fuss of myself, in the form of buying pizza for my whole school because I wanted it for lunch, and spending a ridiculous amount on skincare from Yesstyle. 

Last week I went on a trip into Birmingham with the afore mentioned two students, and we went to Pizza Hut, so that’s twice I’ve brought pizza for my students this month. I bet everyone is regretting not taking my subject now. 

It’s been very hot here over the past couple of weeks, and I’ve had to wear the same dresses twice in a half term. This is noteworthy but also ridiculous because normally I can go an entire half term without repeating an outfit. This shows me that a) most of my dresses are autumn/winter/spring appropriate, and b) I’m too fat to fit into half of my summer dresses. 

I’ve also got so fat lately that my chub rub is destroying my tights and I’ve had to start wearing cropped leggings under longer dresses, while considering making legging shorts for the shorter dresses, or else simply buying cycling shorts. 

Because of the above points, I’m now BEING GOOD. My aim is to lose half a stone each month for the next four months, and then keep it off until the wedding. I’m trying to eat well, exercise more, you know, the classics. Over the summer holidays I think I’ll try calorie counting, but right now, I’m just going for lots of fruit and veg and some daily hula hooping.

SHINee have been releasing a lot. I really like ‘I Want You’. ‘Our Page’ makes me cry. It still just doesn’t feel quite right.
