Thursday, 24 March 2011


WHY WOULD SHE CHOOSE TSUKASA OVER RUI??? Rui is so much hotter, and nicer, and more intelligent, and hotter. He is the one that keeps saving her, being hot, being super nice to her and being hot, and all Tsukasa does is be a bit of a douche. GAH.


Having said that, even if Tsukasa is a bit of a douche, and downright stupid ( I mean I bet I could speak Japanese better than him, and its his first language), the problem with men in Japanese media is that they are hard not to love. Its a testament to the country that they can make any man seem perfect, even in their imperfections.

By the way, I'm talking about Hana Yori Dango, currently nearing the end of season 2. Its about a normal, working class girl called Makino who goes to a rich kid school which is ruled over by 4 super rich boys who call themselves F4. She gets into trouble with them, and basically the leader Tsukasa, falls in love with her. But she is in love with Rui because he isn't a moronic douche. Eventually, though, she falls for Tsukasa, but then he goes away to study and then dumps her out of the blue. Makino and Rui get closer and he falls for her, even though she is still hung up on Tsukasa, but he is super lovely to her and just perfect. Then Tsukasa comes back and eventually decides he cant live without Makino anymore, and after much umming and ahhhing, she chooses Tsukasa and THE LAST EPISODE (7) ENDED WITH RUI CRYING AND ME NOT BEING THERE TO MAKE IT BETTER.

I know how it ends. I read up all about it on wikipedia before I even finished the first episode. I'm cheering for Makino and Tsukasa, I just feel sooooo sad for Rui 'cos he is hot.

I love these dramas, I really do. We rarely get this sort of thing over here, a series than can simultaneously make you laugh and cry, and stay with you for days after you have finished watching it. Take Zettai Kareshi for example, all I have to do is think about a certain screencap and my heart breaks all over again, yet it was one of the funniest shows I have ever seen for its pure stupidity.

I'm re-reading Vampire Knight as well. I think I watched the anime too much and sort of acclimatized myself to it too much as I'm not feeling the same things as I did when I first read it, although I still love it. I guess before I hadn't read anything that sucked me in as much as VK did. I understand it more now though, such as the Japanese culture references and honorifics etc. Maybe I'll write a post on how to read manga ...  to encourage some people to get past the first chapter *hint hint*.

Anyway, rant over.

<3 x

Sunday, 20 March 2011

I'm a duffer ....

I think most people of my generation know what Hogwarts house they think they would be in. We have, after all, grown up with Harry Potter and know Hogwarts better than we would have ever known our own schools. After all, even though we spend 5 years in a secondary school here in the muggle world, we have lived in Hogwarts for what equates to 15 years now, from when the first book was published to when the last film premieres.

Obviously, to begin with, I was sure I would have been a Griffindor. In the first few books there were only really two houses that we knew about, and unless you were evil, you were a Griffindor. Then slowly we learnt more about the other houses, and I decided I would be a Ravenclaw, and that is the opinion I have been for the majority of my Harry Potter experience.

However, I have recently been listening to the Ministry of Magic's 'House Song' a lot lately, and this has caused me to reevaluate my opinions.

I know I'm not a Slytherin, of that much I am certain. I don't value myself enough for that, nor do I have enough ambition. I'm so far from being rich and full of my self that its not even funny, and I'm pretty sure even a marshmallow would be more cunning.

I wonder whether I lack the pride to be in Griffindor. I can't really consider myself as a brave person, and while I may appreciate the Griffindor themes chivalry and courage, you need a certain degree of confidence, which I don't have. I'm also not good enough at sports.

In terms of Ravenclaw, as much as I love reading and learning, I fear I am far less clever than I used to be. I suspect I would be sleeping in the corridor a fair amount as I wouldn't be able to work out the password riddles to get in to Ravenclaw Tower. I do believe myself to be rather witty though, I'm just not stuck up enough about it to be of Ravenclaw levels.

Which leads me to Hufflepuff. Hufflepuffs are loyal, valuing their friendships more than themselves. I am loyal, and I value my friends and family more than anything. They are patient and hardworking. I can be patient and I can be extremely hardworking, as long as I have the motivation to get me started. A Hufflepuff is laid back, modest and doesn't make any enemies. This is true of me as well.

So .... I think I may be a Hufflepuff.

There are literally hundreds of sorting hats online. I'm going to do the first three I find on google and we'll see what I get.

1) THE ALMIGHTY GURU - Hufflepuff

2) PERSONALITY LAB - Hufflepuff

3) SORTING HAT - Ravenclaw

Looks like I'm a Hufflepuff then.

To be honest, I'll probably discount the last one, as it was obvious questions like 'Whats your favourite colour? Gold, Silver, Bronze or Black' so that you could answer for whatever house you wanted. The personality lab one was good, as it gave you a breakdown of how like each house you are, not just a straightforward 'this one' answer, which is useful, as after all, we all know that your choices also determine what house you are in, not just your traits and personality.

I know the people who read this never comment, but I'm curious, what house do you think you would be in and where do the above quizzes actually sort you?

<3 x

Monday, 14 March 2011

I have Graduated ...

...I know what you are thinking from the title. 'This is old news! You did that nearly 2 years ago (oh shit)!' I hear you cry (in my imagination. I seem to do a lot of imagining on this blog.)

However, I mean I have graduated from my manga/anime to JAPANESE DRAMA. Now I can sound cultured by watching Asian popular Television Shows, rather than feel slightly ashamed of how much I immerse myself in what is quintessentially Japanese comic books and cartoons. Not that this will stop me from reading said comic books and watching said cartoons, but rather that I have expanded by horizons some what.

I have watched 4 so far, Mei-chan no Shitsugi (which I watched right after finishing the manga), Zettai Kareshi (which I will read the manga for but MY GOD did I cry - I want to now just thinking about it), Nobuta wo Produce (people who know me, if I start coming out with weird things, namely to do with bicycles or hand gestures that go 'KON', it's probably from this) and Hana Kimi (which was enjoyable even though its a manga I have been avoiding). I just get super pissed off with the pop up adverts on the site I watch them from, especially when it is a French radio station that only starts 5 mins after it has opened and takes you unaware as you cant understand where the French is coming from in the middle of a load of Japanese.

I'm slowly picking up more and more Japanese though. Watching the news about Japan and I could pick up snippets of what the people were saying without the translator, which I think is exciting. I wonder if you can learn Japanese purely from watching anime and j-drama?


And its just occurred that I am posting a load of SHIT again.

Gomen nesai.

Its horrid about this whole thing with the Japanese quake and tsunami. You may have seen my twitter rant a few days ago. I read not too long ago that they have just found 1000 bodies, which is so sad. Its just good that Japan was relatively prepared for such an incident, although it doesn't make it any more heart breaking.

Anyway, I'm off now to make okonomiyaki for dinner.

<3 x