Wednesday, 20 January 2010


Okay, so I go to the cinema a fair amount. Part of the reason for this is that I like seeing films. No, scratch that, I LOVE seeing films. The other part of the reason is that my local cinema is a Cineworld, and I have a Cineworld Unlimited card, which seriously saves me so much money.

So last night I went to see Daybreakers. The trailer looked amazing, the plot looked intriguing, the music sounded awesome, and it generally just sold itself. The film however, was alright. Just alright, it wasn't anything amazing. Maybe I had built it up in my head so that if it wasn't absolutely spectacular, I would be disappointed, which is probably true.

Don't get me wrong, it was still good, and far from the worst film I have ever seen. some of the effects were good, and the plot was an interesting twist to the 'vampires here, vampires there, vampires every-effing-where' fashion that seems to be circulating at the moment. There was gore, there were jumps (which I do not enjoy, I hide when I know one is coming, and still jump anyway, but if I was watching the screen I know full well I would probably scream) there was action, there was a small hinted-at romantic sub plot, and there were men in uniform.

But Vampires having golden eyes? Isn't that a bit twilight-y? And don't even get me started on the positioning of the bite marks. IT MAKES NO SENSE.

To be honest, the whole thing came out far more amusing that was probably intended as my friend, Linzi, was sitting beside me practically wetting herself with laughter for the majority of it. But that isn't so much a reflection on the film as on Linzi.

None the less, I'm glad I saw it, and I will probably get it on DVD, but I wont hurry back to see it at the cinema.

Hmm, mini review there. Interesting. Maybe more to come ... who knows ...

<3 x

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