Tuesday 9 March 2010

Heather here, with an update!

Now let me see, where did I leave you, blog?

Ah yes, I was aiming to be more productive. Well, my progress on the productivity front has been interesting to say the least.

This has been a bit hit and miss, as I have been making a conscious effort, but sometimes, when we go on midnight road trips to tesco, I like, you know, get hungry.
So other than that, I have done okay ... but March is a hard month for me. Lots of birthdays, mothers day etc etc.
So we will just leave that at that.

Hahahahahahahahaha. That was never going to happen.

This one I have made progress on!! I am signed up to two different online survey sites, and probably get offered one every few days. I went for Panelbase.net, and ciao-surveys.co.uk in the end, and get more emails from ciao, even if they do pay less. Still, its slowly building up! I might sign up for some more, then hopefully when I get a pay out, it will be more.
The eBay thing isn't going so well. I'm having issues selling my first item, which I put up as a test run, so want to do that all the way through before I put anything else up. Its been re listed, and the price lowered, so look here if you so wish.

See 2)

On the plus side, I have just this minute finished 20 designs for the web series, which is awesome, so going to send them off now, and have spent the day listening to the genius that is ALL CAPS, The Oceanic Six and The Ministry Of Magic. I LOVE NERDY MUSIC XD

Ooooo and I made a bag! Like a proper clutch one with a frame. It was for a present, and I didnt take a picture, but I was pretty happy with it! For a first attempt anyway, and it was good enough to give away, so that cant be bad! I need to make my sister one for her birthday on sat, so Ill try to get photographic proof of that one to put up. The site I got the stuff from, and all the hints and tips was fantastic, so if you should ever feel inclined to make a bag, I would definatley recommend u-handbag. *and they send you sweets with your order :)*

<3 x

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