Its close now. So close. Its like tomorrow. I go tomorrow. Everything has got to be ready and sorted for tomorrow.
Technically, it is tomorrow now. Everything is not ready and sorted.
I have a handful of things left to do, and none of it life threatening. Just details that will make it better for the people that know they are there, but no one else will notice. And a few things that are bothering me *cough*hero's corset*cough*. But I had to call it a night this evening even though I wanted to get everything done, because I could feel the panic setting in.
So right now, I'm in bed with my electric blanket on full blast. I don't care that its August, sometimes you just need a warm bed.
I think it must seem stupid to get so stressed over something so inconsequential. I mean, its not a big shoot, just 2 days, I've met nearly everyone before however briefly and its not like its on a professional level yet, so it should be nothing to get worked up over. But its been 2 years coming, and I have poured my heart and soul in to this project for the past few months. I'm just terrified that everything will fall apart, or ill forget something vital. Or even worse, that I won't get on well with everyone.
Went to see the trucks that I'll be working on from next week on the BBC thing today. It was really awesome to have a quick look around before I start, and having a truck is so exciting. My only problem is that I still cant imagine myself working there yet. It just feels too big and professional for someone like me.
<3 x
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