Saturday 18 February 2012

In which waffle on about nothing until I remember that I had more exciting news.

I made a promise to my self at the beginning of the year that I would make more of an effort to see my nan, with the goal of going at least every two weeks. Today, I saw her for the second time this year. Good start.

As for the rest of the day, I pretty much just watched Playful Kiss and ate chip and dip. That's three days in a row that the most substantial part of my diet has been tortilla chips, salsa and sour cream and chive dip. I think its valid though; carbs from the chips, vegetables from the salsa, and diary from the sour cream ... that's pretty much everything you are supposed to have in a balanced diet, right?

Ooo, I got an email about another short in Oxford today. Apparently, they are going to compile the first two and this new one into a feature film, and everyone involved will get a profit share. I promised myself I wouldn't work for free again, and the week-long shoot dates are less than a month from the wedding. I know I can't do it, I'm not sure I really want to, but it is a little bit gutting to not be able to finish this thing. It feels a little like giving up half way through, and I hate that. It's been the same crew and cast (with a few additions) for the first two, and I hear through the grapevine that a lot is to be expected from the final instalment. At any other time, I probably would go for it just to see it through. Its just such as shame that it had to be so close that I have no idea right now if I can risk it. The wedding will always come first. For now, I think I'm going to have to make it clear to them that I have a prior commitment, and ask to see a script to determine how much work will be involved. Basically not saying yes or no until I know more about the shoot and my progress with the wedding.

When I read the email, I firmly said to myself 'no' right away, but while in the process of writing this post, I spoke to my mother and she seems to think I should mull it over and 'not make any rash decisions'. So I guess I'll do that.

<3 x

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