Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Secret Game

This week is not going very productively.

Yesterday, I spent the whole day trying to sort out the pleats on the skirt. I have given up for the time being until my mum can have a look. I tried to ask my Gran but she was so convinced that the satin was going over it (how pointless would that be) that I gave up repeating myself. I am also pretty sure she thinks that I'm making a wedding dress out of calico (more commonly used as curtain lining), despite showing her the satin and chiffon numerous times over the past couple of months. Sigh. The facepalm moments just get more frequent.

Today, I tried to fine pleat the chiffon for the bodice. After numerous time consuming and yet largely unsuccessful tries, I have come to the conclusion that I will have to have a couple of metres sent off to be professionally pleated. Its just so frustrating. You have no idea how difficult making 5mm pleats in chiffon is, especially when you are pressing in one and the others are falling out under the nearby heat of the iron.

Notice how all my problems stem from one thing. I hate chiffon.

However, on the plus side, I found that cutting chiffon on carpet stops it slipping so much, so that's just peachy.

In other news (I like saying that ... so much so that I say it in conversation and people laugh at me) I'm really liking My Girlfriend is a Gumiho. Something about the music. Nothing to do with this guy.

<3 x

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