Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Daily posts are hard to title.

I don't think I remember the last time I blogged on my laptop. That tends to be for thought out posts that require planning and research.

Normally, I post in the dark right before I fall asleep, and literally just write whatever pops into my head. Which is why most of my posts are kinda nonsensical ... And sometimes complete gibberish. That's normally when I've fallen asleep. 

Today was spent doing the dress. I finished the alterations from the fitting, the lacing and the sleeves today, which means I just have a few small but intensely important jobs left to do. Which is crazy. I still have a massive job ahead of me with the bridesmaid dresses, but I'm feeling a little less impending doom about the bride now. Which is good. 

So tomorrow, I'm going to head into town to do my returns and exchanges, as well as pick up a few extra items that came up at the rehearsal. If only you could buy modesty patches, it would be so much easier than having to make them. I also need to buy the fabric for the robes now I think about it. Sigh, more expenses. Having a budget in my account before I have to spend it would be so much easier on my bank account. I also need to do some annotated designs. Sigh again. I have a lot to do. 

Then, I think I'll head to sainsburies for my toiletry haul. And milk. Apparently we need milk. 

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