Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Oh hey.

It's, uh, been a while. 

I know this because for some reason, blogger opened on The Cake Brigade. Also because I haven't posted for weeks. 

I have excuses. For multiple reasons, I wasn't feeling October. I was down, it was getting cold and wet and dark, and then I got a cold, and then the cold turned into a cough which has only just gone, so I was pretty much not feeling up to writing daily on how crap I felt.

I did however plan to resume all services for November. Starting with my Nan's 90th birthday. But I didn't get to experience that, let alone blog about it, because half way through Halloween night, a wild virus appeared. It used tummy bug. It was super effective. 

So Friday was spent writhing in agony. Think the cinema incident, but with slightly less vomit. Saturday was spent feeling delicate from the previous day. Sunday was spent suffering from something else. And then there was today. 

I'm feeling better now, hence the post. Well, health wise at any rate. I fear Nano is a NoGo for me this year. 

I tried, got as far as 800 words of the 2000 I was aiming for and lost all interest. Maybe it's because I finished my story and this new one just isn't stuck in my head. Maybe it's because I'm already so behind and I know it can only get harder to catch up. Maybe it's because I know I can't afford myself the luxury of doing something purely for the pleasure of it. Maybe it's because I'm just too lazy.

Probably the latter. We will see, but I don't have high hopes.

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