Thursday 8 January 2015

Keep In Touch

2015 marks an end of an era type deal for me. 
Or maybe it's better to phrase it as a start of a new one. 

For nearly 6 years, I've worked really hard and really struggled at making my film career a viable option. I've had doubts but I've never really faultered on this ultimately being what I want to do. But now, I've reached the decision that it will never be a realistic long term and financially profitable career path, and have decided to move on. That's not to say that I won't still dabble if things come my way and I can do them, but more that film work is no longer my primary focus. A hobby, if you like, to fit around my normal life rather than vice versa. 

I was in the shower just now, and Super Junior's "keep in touch" came up in shuffle. It got me thinking. I consider myself to have made some good friends during my film career, but how many of those will stay in touch when I leave the industry and therefore am surplus to their professional requirements? How many people will still talk to me and seem to genuinely care about me when I no longer work for or with them? Relationships in film are intense things, people know everything about you in very intimate detail within a very short amount if time. Sure most of those relationships disappear into the ether as soon as the wrap party is over, but some are a little more lasting. But how many friendships would survive me being out of that world altogether? I doubt any to be honest, and that makes me really sad. 

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