Wednesday 9 September 2015


It's all very well and good to have these great intentions when it comes to your health and fitness. 

I'm going to get fit. I'm going to eat healthily. I'm going to walk more. I'm going to do squats every day. I'll join a gym and take classes. 

That means fuck all unless you actually get off your arse and do it.

You're not going to get fit if you keep sitting in front of the telly eating Ben and Jerry's. You had pizza for lunch today. You haven't walked more than 10 mins at a time for months. You haven't done squats for even longer. Joining a gym and doing classes is stupid unless you actually get of your bum and go. 

Yeah, this is directed at myself. But you should listen too. Get up and do something. If you have a dream, make that first step to making it happen. Don't put it off until tomorrow or Monday or next month. Now. You are the only person with the power to make your dreams a reality. 

My dream is to loose 10kg before Christmas. And I'm going to do it. 

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