Tuesday, 12 June 2018

Kitten Update

Agi has been living with me now for 5 months, so I thought I’d give you a little update on how she is getting on.

First off, she is nearly 8 months old, but she is definitely no longer a kitten. Technically, she is, but she just looks like a real cat now, and all her kittenyness is pretty much gone. Which makes me both really sad and kind of glad all rolled up into one.

She’s been spayed, and her fur is nearly totally grown back, so now she is free to wander the neighbourhood. So far she isn’t going any great distance, just into my garden or my neighbours. There was an incident the first time she went over the fence where she wasn’t quite big enough to climb back, so I had to go over to rescue her. This was after I climbed on top of the wheelie bin, leaned over the fence and tried to get her to jump into my arms. She even goes to the toilet outside, which is great because she’s raking up all my moss for me, but bad because my garden is full of moss covered cat poo.

She doesn’t rub herself all over my face so much anymore. Neither does she seem as interested in her toys as she was before she started going outside. She will however still come to lick my face if it’s near the floor and will come running when I call. She has developed a rather unpleasant habit of attacking people’s feet, however. I think I preferred the smothering.

She has full range of the house at night time now, but seems to sleep downstairs for the most part, coming up to lick my face at about 5 am, before settling down to sleep next to me until I get up. So far she has only chewed through one cable when she was little, and seems to leave them alone for the most part now, although I’ve also kept them tucked away as much as possible.

She used to get into every little thing I was eating, but now she selects which food she will incessantly bother me over. Ice cream, mostly, being a kitten after my own heart.

Her favourite things to do seem to be spying on the birds, meowing for no apparent reason and clawing at my carpets and furniture despite having a massive scratching post.

She sleeps in her carry case, her bed or my gym clothes drawer, which she accesses by crawling underneath the wardrobe and climbing into the drawer from the back. Sometimes she will come on my lap but not as much as she used to. I think it’s too warm for her now.

She is still very much my little shadow, and tends to follow wherever I am. When she goes outside she will check back in with me sporadically, to make sure I’m still here.

She likes to prove me wrong, evidenced by how she’s currently lying on my feet.

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