Monday 31 December 2018

2018 Rewind or Whatever

It’s New Year’s Eve and everyone is reflecting back on the past 12 months. My social media is full of picture collages and soppy reminisces.

Fair enough, I guess I’ll join in. It’s not like I’ve got anything better to do.

1) Agi
In January, I got a kitten. Her name is Agi and I love her. She makes me happy and she is SUCH a cat. She does a lot of cat things and is generally just perfect.

2) Family
My baby niece grew into ... a slightly bigger baby, and her big sister turned into a little girl. These two girls are absolute angels, and their mother has done a far better job raising them than she gives herself credit for.

3) Bridesmaid again
I was asked by a dear friend to be her bridesmaid, which was somewhat of a surprise. It really moved me, in ways that I simply cannot put into words. It is a honour that I do not deserve, because she is a far better friend to me than I am to her, but it means so much to me that I will always strive to be as good to her as she is to me.

4) Korea
This year, in celebration of my 30th birthday, I had originally planned to man up  and travel solo to Korea. However, I procrastinated for too long, and the tickets for the tour I had settled on had sold out. I was pissed off with myself for being such a coward, but also was finally able to recognise that I will just keep prevaricating unless I found someone to come with me. So I did. Yes, I have to wait until 2020, but Elle has promised me that she will come and I am holding her to it. Or I will kill her.

5) 30
Oh yeah, I had a sort of big birthday.. Somehow, I have managed not to die over the past 30 years. I’ve also managed to stay single, childless and poor, so you know, I’m not sure how much of a good thing making it to 30 really is.

6) Croatia
I went on holiday. It was nice, and I didn’t get burnt. Yay! It cost me a lot of money and I didn’t even get to go to the place that was the inspiration for going there. Boo!

7) Clear Skin
In the middle of 2017, I went off the pill and my skin exploded with the hormonal mess that is my body. This is something that I really struggled with for the past 18 months, physically but also mentally and emotionally. It messed me up. Big time. It still does. But I think that I have finally got it under control. Skin care and diet have made all the difference.

8) Infertility
In October, I found out that I cannot naturally have children. I had suspected it for a long time, but to have a doctor who specialises in your condition say those words to you is a whole other thing.

9) Media
I got Apple Music and started listening to a lot more kpop in my every day life. I also signed up to Viki Pass, so I’ve been watching a lot more Korean dramas, especially since I got an amazon fire stick and could watch them on my TV. Both of these have been amazing, although likely to have played a massive part in me not wanting to socialise much.

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