Friday 13 August 2010


So lets just pretend that me not blogging for pretty much a whole week whilst trying to partake in BEDA never happened, okay?

To be fair, though, I was away. Without reliable Internet connection. And quite frankly, the urge to blog, as who I expect to be my only reader was with me.

We had an awesome time. We went to Scarborough to collect my work from uni, and have a mini break whilst doing so.

Uni was shit, they lost half of one of my costumes, and the rest were separated and everywhere but where they were meant to be. I feel so sorry for the girl who I graduated with that has taken over being the tec there; she has such a huge job ahead of her trying to sort out that excuse for a college.

For the rest of the time, we primarily ate sugar, played in sand (namely digging holes) and wasted money in the arcades.

It. Was. Awesome.

It was good to spend time with the girls. I know that sounds stupid, because I spend a lot of time with them anyway, but I don't know, just being together doing stupid stuff like digging a massive hole, and late night talks about random crap, was just really good. I love those girls so much, it was just nice to reconnect a bit. Especially in a place where the vast majority of my happy memories feature their few visits rather than the rest of those three years.

I fear it severely lacked tea, as I only had maybe three or four cups during the whole three days away, but the lack of caffeine was more than made up for my the amount of sugar. I don't think I have come down off the sugar high yet, and its been like two whole days.

Other things have been going on too, but I don't know how personal I want this blog to be yet, so I'll hold off on all that jazz for a bit.

<3 x

Manga: 29
Last Google search: Churchill car insurance

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